I was so excited for this game, looked so good from markiplier's lets plays. Turns out I just like markiplier a bit too much. The game was about as fun as trying to thread a piece of yarn through a needle.

I had to pick between the fps of Tetris with the graphics of cyberpunk or the graphics of a 144p YouTube video with 120fps. I chose neither.

Unique, creative and fun survival sandbox. That sentence is so hard to come by for games these days. But 0/10 no multiplayer!!!!

This game was brilliant, aside from the fact the open world felt unstructured and pointless. The story was incredible and was paced well, the combat worked fluently and used strategy rather than mindless button mashing (cough cough Spiderman cough), but ultimately the only thing it did better than Arkham City was its graphics. Which shouldn't be hard considering it's just under 4 years older than city.

This game is mind numbing to play, and I played it too long to get a refund. That's my complaint.

No. Just no. The move to an rpg style was ridiculous, embarrassing and unnecessary. I played the full game and it wasn't even a good rpg to top it off. The world was interesting simply because Ancient Greece is awesome, but the combat was gruelling and dragged out, the story made absolutely no sense, and to top it all off, the voice acting was absolutely whack!

Better than the first, worse than the second. Perfect middle ground. (Not a compliment)

This is a timeless gem. I mean think about it! A game made in 2009 has a better stealth and combat system than some games made in 2023. How embarrassing is that, shows exactly what modern gaming has become. I adore this game, it doesn't age and stays just as fun and replayable as it ever was. This was when AC was born fully into the modern gaming world.

Good start up game, plus build up to the sequel.

The last good ac game. What a relic, genuinely shocking it's almost 7 years old already. Great fun to play and muck around with. Story was intriguing and well written/paced. Even the DLC wasn't just a money grab! Top tier and this is the final time I will say this for an AC game.

Had fun in the hour I played. Got railed once, put it down and never picked it back up. No particular reason for it.

The story sucked and made no sense/had no real comic accuracy or relevance. But the 1v1's were great with friends. Basically just gore-less mortal kombat with superheroes and supervillains.

this game made me break a controller.

Great short game. It's got swords, speed, and gore. A wannabe samurai's wet dream...

Second son is such a great game, I had such fun playing it, the combat and traversal abilities were so unique and fun to use. A breath of fresh air for open world games. The story got predictable towards the end and it was far too short though.