More conventionally compelling than Lobotomy Corporation, but doesn't get remotely close to touching what made that game special

One of the best games ever made

Worlds 5 and 8 are so many leagues better than the others it's insane

Super polished, but level design feels unfair

Initially loved the Web swinging and side quests, but slowly soured over time because of the soulless dialogue, the braindead combat, and the Web assist. Ending, the unique take on doc Ock, and Peter's maturity were the main things that kept me going by the end.

Rock solid design sense all around. Final battle was exciting to figure out and conquer.

Deceptively normal JRPG for how weird and cool it looks

More games should be sub 2 hours

I’d say this is the best 20 hour game I ever spent 40 hours on, but the story was already pretty so half baked and generic. I don’t know how many hours more they could have wasted to fix that

Worth it exclusively for the final boss

My first real metroidvania that I enjoyed. Could have gone for harder bosses in the base game, but the DLC makes up for it. Backtracking can he tedious, but I'm honestly happy they didn't add some things to the 100% criteria.

Aside from an underwhelming ending, this feels much closer to a level of the base game than the first DLC, as well as being so much better than that first DLC. There is a bit of an overcorrection by being a little too easy, but the new area feels much more open than it actually is, which I call a success. Good time!

The first metroidvania I liked playing

Super evocative and full of lovely imagery, though it chokes its own arm with the aesthetic influences it wears on its sleeve, while only barely standing on its own wobbly mish mash of mechanical foundations. Definitely worth experiencing, even if I'm left wanting a more elegant iteration of this in the future.

Not a single good mission, all either really frustrating platforming with bad checkpoints, or tedious fetch quests. Chore work.