i know this makes me a dweeb but i wish there was an option to turn the blood moon off if u want to… i do understand the benefit but i’m a completionist to my core so i hate when i kill some monsters and then they come back around!! i want them gone 4evr so it feels more completely finished!!

this game is very special 2 me i have lots of memories playing this at my babysitter’s house… during the underwater levels we used to put toxic by britney spears on repeat in the background… not sure why but now the two are forever linked for me so that’s fun!

MY FAVOURITE SMASH BROS (again, I have gamecube bias)

not as good as galaxy but i’ve played odyssey 2 times so it’s obviously still pretty fun!

favourite zelda forever & ever (guys gamecube is my favourite platform i have gamecube bias)

only fun if you mod the fuck out of it and/or you do 2-player

when i bought a bunch of orange soapstone bc i wanted to leave messages for my friend but then realized u couldn’t write custom notes #CENSORSHIP #LETWOMENTALK

i often feel nostalgic for the very beginning months of covid lockdown when everyone was playing this and listening to fetch the bolt cutters… it was fun when all my friends were playing and we could visit each other and help each other out with tasks but now that that’s warn off it doesn’t hold up as well. but still not a bad game!

SHES MEEEEE shaking the iron bars of my enclosure GUYS SHES JUST LIKE MEEEEE GUYS

this pleased me… and i got the true ending yes i did… and when i finished the game i thought, this game is very ‘me’…

all the comments of this being a bad game from a technical standpoint, i will ignore. even if you may be right, you still deserve to get drawn & quartered for even uttering such a sentence….

guys what if we took the blade runner idea of humanoid robots rejecting their slave role in society and starting a robot revolution… and turned it into a story-based butterfly effect game that includes minka kelly as a lesbian robot stripper, jesse williams as the leader of an anarchy regime akin to fiona in shrek 4, and Alberta as a safe zone a little girl is trying to sneak into… mixed with the LA Noire vibe of u being responsible for finding all the clues and if you don’t then u can fuck up the mission and whole storyline… mixed with Until Dawn multiple ending potential… guys would that be the best game ever

admittedly this was the first pikmin game i ever actually physically played (don’t shoot me - I have since finished 1 and am currently playing 2 OKK) so I got a little spoiled with the reversing time feature. but this game was soooo fun & cute i loved it and will def return to it. my SLIGHT complaints are that they don’t let you get a purple or white onion until after the main story has been completed; the night expeditions were sometimes annoying too. but other than that… slay!