Quality but boring. I don't see what all the fuss was about

A post apocalyptic as well as post charisma world. If only anyone in the cast (not counting Lance Reddick) had a fraction of the character put into each of the robo animals the story wouldn't be as awkward to get through.

Gameplay: enjoyable if only slightly flexible. I ignored most other weapons and stuck with a collection of elemental bows.

Graphics: cluttered. I would regularly have to mark a fire or location in my map even if it was 10 meters away. With incredible detail you risk obfuscating landmarks, and this game is the poster-child of that. Same with the character and enemy designs. Overly complicated and cluttered IS the art style. Don't get me wrong, this is one of the best looking games of all time. The just went a bit too greebley with it.

They dropped the seven stars subtitle, but they sure af didn't drop any of the charm.
Mario does the Mario when he level up.

Too much was thrown out to make up for what we got. The sales prove that character action fans are even more niche than turn based enjoyers.

Loved the atmosphere and nonsense story.
The gameplay felt confused - bullet sponge enemies you can't tell if you're supposed to be able to kill, "sorting" gameplay - sticking clues in categories...?
The forest level should go the way of Canadian forests in 2023. I don't think I've had to reference a map more often in a game.
The bugs in this game appeared to work for the darkness. Like you couldn't tell if they were actually bugs or not. One had my map and mind palace disabled while trying to get out of the forest in the dark - impossible. Another had the second light in the light puzzle in the talk show not function until my 7th or 8th pass.

I came to the conclusion that this game should be watched instead of played, and had a better experience that way.

One of those games you appreciate more then enjoy.
It hits you with more dread and hopelessness than spooks. It's definitely worth experiencing if you can get past every single character and enemy bar one being an anime waifu.

Kena, you've got the talent, but you lack the heart.
No wait, you have heart, but you lack the talent.
Scratch that, you have the heart and the talent, but you lack the satisfying gameplay.

I recognize that it's good, but it's not good for me

Doom 2016 combat. Doom 1 level design.

Tl;DR that beginning stealth section was TRASH.
And having to push a button to pickup health and armor - WTF

I don't know how you're supposed to play this. On the default difficulty you take too much damage from enemies to play it like Doom. (There's also little feedback when you get hit.) But firing from behind cover like every other FPS feels inappropriate. The gun-play, from hit feedback, to weapon handling, to enemies blending in with the background just feels weak and dated.

This game feels like it's trapped between 2 eras of FPS's and the result is not worth your time.


BEAUTIFUL... but boring.
Tedious to play. Increasing Gris's movement speed could help this greatly. As it stand when I got stuck on what to do for a puzzle I had to will myself to continue playing until ultimately the boring tedium won out.

It's a shame because with more refinement this could have been something truly amazing. I think the comparisons to Journey aren't fair. The vibe is similar, but this is a more blatant video game with mechanics that Journey just didn't have.

No amount of goat thighs make up for the lack of a map in a metroidvania. Hope the dev(s) take a second crack at it.

If you don't do the code to max out your luck so you get every enemy attack in the game, the score drops to a 2.5