played through leon a on conputer like a year ago and did claire a and half of leon b on xbox this time. wow! the re engine is literally black magic for being able to look this good and run at 60+ fps on the box. im so excited for it to turn into the next mt framework where by the end of the ps6 generation every time i see a game made with it i want to puke and cry. exoprimal is the start of this process and it will end with lost planet 4.

mostly a game of unrealized potential. the first half of the guest house opening is so strong but almost as soon as you leave the area the demo covered it stops being scary. unfortunate. i like the idea behind the item placement and pseudo random boxes peppered around to supplement the player but the level design doesn't feel strong enough to really support the concept. rooms are small and simple enough that you're rarely ever actually uncertain whether you've cleared an area. i totally forgot how exceptionally braindead the entire story was but it's funny honestly. the whole conversation with the cop lol

it's so fucking good lol. this is the only game to earn the title of Western Excellence. a game of setups with no payoffs but that only serves to strengthen the experience. every choice feels appropriately weighty and distinct without knowing that only like 3 decisions actually matter in me3. the whole game feels so meticulously put together. a beautiful structure for a title that is essentially one long training arc. i'm honestly even fine with the reaper baby because it's just funny. dead space does the same thing and it's so bland and uninspired but with me2 all i can think is "so true bestie 💋" while fighting him. killer soundtrack too. there's like 5 nightclubs across the entire universe and they're all sick

long. mostly fun and has some really interesting and unique gameplay twists but the story is honestly a total flatline. yoko taro is the kind of guy who writes about how in ed edd and eddy the whole cul de sac is in purgatory. you see exactly where the game is going from the first hour and it doesn't deviate from your expectations. i'm not exactly a super stickler for internal consistency in a game mostly about characters and broader themes over a concrete plot but a lot of the twists in this game just don't even make that much sense. quite a few revelations that are there for the characters and player to get weepy over before moving on to the next boss. i'm not even too hot on the music!! it's good but have you listened to a masashi hamauzu soundtrack.
not a bad game at all and when it's willing to experiment it's fantastic. the ui in particular is stylish in the way you rarely see in modern games, you have to go back to games like dirt 3 or ridge racer type 4 to get the same kinda vibes. the combat is flashy and smooth but if you know what the words "dodge offset" mean then it'll come across rather dry and barebones. if you really want to make yourself cry check out devotion

ready player one ass game

what is up with that medusa hallway though

completely forgot i played this lol

game for people who have psx bloodborne in their top 5

not as elegant as the first game but i still love it. i mostly think the writing hits even if it is extremely excessive. i think it's funny that they put a wheatley in alyx. over a decade meditating under the waterfall and they came to the conclusion that every game they make from now on needs a wheatley.

a bit too simple and kinda ugly. if you're gonna make a Game centered around Rhythm you should at least try and make the soundtrack good

forgot i even played this thing lol. better then fallout 4. most interesting in how it builds itself to exclude and automate the most annoying development tools. this leads to a jarringly disjointed world where you fast travel from cell to cell which are each individually more detailed and interesting then most of what you would see in skyrim or fallout 3. it all falls apart because the connective tissue of traversing to these areas (intentionally or simply wandering across them through happenstance) was more vital then i think they realized. it was certainly more then i ever realized. i do like a lot of the bigger city zones in this game, some of them quite a bit, but it's just so boring. oh my god it's so boring


crying in the club because it's still as good as it was in my head

more gunk in this then i remember but i still think this is a really good game. it's like cyberpunk but better