Fishing minigame is a huge step up from Big's gameplay in Sonic Adventure

I played this a long time ago but never finished, so I finally took upon myself and corrected that mistake and... I have no idea what else to say that hasn't already been said, but this game is indeed as amazing as everyone makes it out to be.

This isn't just one of the pillars of the horror genre but I believe one of the best videogames ever made, no exaggeration. It's as horrifying as it is beautiful. I desperately need to replay this some other time, it's begging for a revisit.

Only played the first game so far as I haven't played the other two.
I'm impressed with how much fun I had given it's Spyro's debut, controls are smooth as butter and I enjoyed how rather open-ended the game overall is. Though, at points it's rather hard to get the right altitude with the gliding to reach certain places, and I have to admit I wasn't a fan of the flight stages with how strict the time can be and how punishing it feels when Spyro hits something and stops flying. The game, however, never forced me to deal with these and I managed to finish it by skipping some of them, which I'm thankful for. Feels like skipping the more annoying missions in Mario 64.
The remake's quality, though, is absolutely fantastic. Visually one of the most impressive remakes I've seen this generation without a doubt.

Its linearity is far from an issue when the game is still beautifully structured around it with the story being more prominent and being easier to pick up and play than the rest of the series. These bosses can put up a fight for a first timer, though, so come ready.

I have a lot of nostalgia for the classic games, and I still have a place in my heart for Sonic 1... but I'd be dishonest if I didn't say this game isn't as great as some may remember it. The pacing is all over the place with these levels, and I speak as someone who mildly enjoys Marble Zone... but absolutely can't stand Labyrinth Zone, and also not the biggest fan of certain level design choices in Starlight Zone and Scrap Brain, though I recognize this is an early 90's platformer.

It's a very important game that has its place in history, but Sonic 2 and 3&K - and dare I say even CD - are much more worth your time and funner in general. But go back to it if you really wish to see where this series started, as it still has its value of course.

absolute worst moment playing this was in the middle of the escape sequence you have to shoot that little r2d2 guy in front of you to move like why was he there. great remake.

I absolutely love the cast and the story while not amazing is still compelling. But more than 20 hours in, shelving and picking it back up, I find the actual game exhausting. I've endured it for the conversations the party has throughout the journey, but that alone isn't enough to keep me playing unfortunately.

This game was one of the reasons that made want to go and finish the first three games recently. I saw some cutscenes on Youtube and was curious about what was going on in it, mostly because Heather looked like an interesting protagonist.

Now having played it... yeah, it's great! I still prefer Silent Hill 2 way more overall but I think it's a bit unfair to compare the two since 3 was going way more in the direction SH1 went. So, in comparison to that game, this is a big step up. I love Cheryl and am glad to have experienced her story.


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This is one of the most, if not THE most popular Yume Nikki fangames for very good reasons and one of them is just how it almost stands as its own game. Though less cryptic and mysterious as the game it's based on, .flow has a lot more fun stored in the maps you'll be exploring whilst still delivering a tragic story about decay, psychological and physical, only with an unclear past to look at when the future seems so bleak. It was great to revisit this after nearly a decade since I first played it!

While I understand and agree that some of the changes brought by this version may be somewhat questionable and that the Nintendo 64 original remains the definitive experience, I still had plenty of fun because it's still Majora's Mask mostly as I remember and love it. For those who find the original version hard to go back to, I think 3D does more than enough to accommodate new players. Perhaps way too much, to the point it can be somewhat insulting... but I suppose that's just how developers think of their potential players now. Still, a solid version nonetheless.

Except for whatever in blazes they did to Twinmold's fight, that really took a hit in quality... And I don't like fishing in this game.

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she's just like me fr

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As someone with a deep love and nostalgia for the PS1, when I decided I wanted to dip my toes into more horror games I simply couldn't skip this one. After having played it I think... it's okay. Better than decent, but I don't really know how else to word it when I don't mean exactly 'good' either.

The visuals and sounds — the presentation overall is very impressive and despite what some may say, I felt the limited tank controls make perfect sense for a game like this. But that's all I think I can really, really praise... I very much understand this is the first entry in the whole franchise, but besides some of the environment (the school and mall especially, for me) I didn't feel that scared by much in the game, probably because I'd avoid combat at all costs and you can outrun most enemies chasing you fairly easily, with the exception of Rompers but as soon as I heard those I'd do my best to turn 180º or shoot them with the shotgun or rifle given I wouldn't use them outside of boss fights.

The story is disturbing but maybe I've just experienced enough horror outside videogames to not find it necessarily creepy. Poor Alessa though, she deserved so much better... Lisa too, after beating the game I looked up if there was any way to save her and got really sad to discover there isn't any...

I appreciate this game a lot, but I expected a little more given all I've heard throughout the years. I don't regret playing it, and I already know SH3 is closely tied to this one so I'm glad I got it done.

Online netcode is decent but rollback would definitely be the way to go. I'm really bad at motion inputs (I play on keyboard) so I'm thankful it gives me simpler options to execute, even if the technical ones have quicker cooldowns.