A solid game and a solid entry in the main Mario franchise. Was it the best 3D Mario? No. Was it still a fun experience packed with whimsy? Hell yeah.

Maybe I'll come back, but if so, probably will need to start over. So big. So much depth. So open. I enjoyed it for a long while (30-40 hours), but lost steam long before the finale as I often do large with open world games.

God I love bloodborne. Haven't 100%. Haven't completed the DLC. But the main game is mwah peak soulsborne. My favorite soulsbourne if I do say so.

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Man, I must be getting old. This game was straight up too hard for me. I spent hours on sections and boss fights. That fight up at the top of the castle with the general? I must be weak. I tried dozens of times.

Honestly, quite boring to me. Wayyyy too much detail. Wayyy too long. The writing is mostly good, but it still has a twinge of that rockstar camp.

Great game. If VII was resident evil 1 in tone, then VII is resident evil 4 in tone. Loved it.

This is a game i came back to after a year then finished. I admire it for being that level of pick-up-and-play while still having some depth. Critics might say it gets a bit repetitive but, I loved that i could pick it up, play a level in 5-15 minutes, then put it back down.

The humor seems staunchly British and might not have hit me so hard because I’m a yank, but I still got a bleak chuckle out of the game’s bureaucratic nightmare.

Critics might also say that the games balance is off or that the combat is random and hectic. And theyre right. However on the other the nature of the roguelite genre is to sometimes be stacked and other times be starved. The combat IS awkward at times, but the game tries to tell you that you should be trying to avoid combat or be stealthy. Make smart use of locking doors after you go through them. Lock down sections of ships with warps as much as possible.

Some enemies seem OP, but they all have a counter. Screws can be stunned. The bookish lady’s can be mind-controlled or taken out with explosives from behind.

I liked it. If anything, I wish there were more.

I love this game. The action is tight. It is very difficult. But it flows so smooth.


Writing, art direction, and premise are all top notch. Gameplay is generally kind of average, it doesn't try much new. However, I think the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

I loved all the robot characters you meet. Each with their own struggles, identities, or malaise.


I loved it but it was too hard. I didn't make it to the end.

I only played for a few hours over a couple of days, but it drew me in. Remember to run/strafe and get behind enemies!

It's like skyrim before skyrim, or dark souls before dark souls. Very nonlinear, very exploratory, very not-hand-holdy. During your playthrough you find pockets of NPCs in monster free enclaves. Very interesting game.

Classic Platinum Games. I love the hammy over the top story and the beat-em-up campaign. It wasn't too different from a stripped down Dynasty Warriors without objectives.

Anarchy Reigns is, at its heart, a fighting game. Which is unfortunate because there were no online games available to join. I really only have a taste of the fighting game mechanics from the single-player campaign. That was enough.

I love the combos and other fighting game mechanics. It's a fun game.