9 reviews liked by dokgo1

This game is good. First dragon engine game so I can forgive for any gameplay stuff being a little yknow but anyway very good plot imo. Perhaps the most overhated game in the series? From what I’ve seen in the community? I disagree. This game is very strong thematically and works as a great study of kiryu as a father figure, the theme of parenthood is very present and well done, and it ends quite satisfyingly emotionally. I do have problems with the story but idk it’s just good I think

As someone with arachnophobia i was really reserved with this game. After seeing some gameplay and falling in love with this game i started playing it. Good news for people with crippling arachnophobia, there is mode for you. It replaces all spiders with blobs. Onto review. This platrofrmer is really unique. It's movement system is mesmerizing. Web weawing and slinging is really satisfying. It makes you feel like you are a spider. I don't think i have ever played a platformer with more fun platforming. The story itself is really cute, with satisfying ending. Visual style is really captivating, and lends itself for this kind of gameplay. There are some collectibles which are not obnoxious and are quite fun to try and collect. Level design is almost too good. Don't get me started on soundtrack. There is about 10 different songs with some variations. When i heard tune slightly change when you entered water to reflect medium change, i figured out that some very smart and dedicated people worked on this soundtrack. Overall, one of the best platformers i played. Do grab this one.



fun to fly around in, a bit weird to fly as a bird or bear tho

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