206 Reviews liked by dratyan

generational type of game, insane writing with so much emotional weight. it's interchangeable with NieR;Replicant and can be played both ways without ruining any type of enjoyment. If you're new to gaming, drop this game and come back to it another time because it follows a unnatural format for a game. The payoff for this game is insane if you follow through with it, so don't ever give up on it. Themes of viewing the world through a different light and many more themes.

if you don't like 9S, keysss.

Feels a bit stretchy compared to the second game, but it is just as fun and the desert scene is truly cinematically inspired.

Sci-fi Silent Hill with space lesbians. It rocks.

An astounding achievement in gaming, and in media as a whole.

Schizo hobo adventures. Was worried about this since I don't like turn based games but this absolutely rules.

Timeless Masterpiece.
Nuff said

I am a big fan of this series. There is nothing in gaming that can quite capture what you feel when playing this trilogy, and this is a very special thing.
Dark Souls Remastered is the new and improved port for the first game of this amazing trilogy. It spawned everything (including an own genre). It has a vast, cruel, weird and interconnected world that feels real and well executed. With that said... I think like some aspects of it aged not that well. Playing Dark Souls 2 and 3 makes this entry feel way more clunky. The warp system can be flawed some times. Some enemies and mechanics are too punishing (curse, for an example). The level progression is a little too slow (i feel like enemies and bosses drop less souls).
However, I still think this is a must buy for anyone, even those who never played these games. It can be challenging but rewarding, and it is arguably one of the most important games of the 2010s.

Kill the gods
Banish light
Become the Dark Lord
A lie will remain a lie

Almost a perfect game in my opinion, with only a few issues:
- It was a couple hours too long.
- Too many status effects in the Pyramid.
- The inventory system was bad.
- Enemy spawnrate was a little too high sometimes.

Despite these issues, it's still an incredible game well-worth playing, both on its own merits as well as to understand its place in the Video Game Canon.

As close to a perfect game exists. Pulse-pounding gameplay and music mix with psychedelic visuals and an incredible existential narrative for a perfect experience that never overstays its welcome.

silent hill 2 doesn't hold back when it comes to exploring the depths of your fears and inner struggles. the twisted entities you encounter are chilling reminders of your own trauma and suppressed emotions. the game's world design is intentionally bewildering, leaving you in a constant state of disorientation. and of course, the unsettling fog. it's not just a visual effect; it mirrors the character's troubled minds, always obscuring your path and carrying the suspense. akira yamaoka's incredible score defines the tone of sh2. in serene locations, the music embraces a slow and dreamy atmosphere. but when you battle the nightmarish sequences, the overwhelming industrial noise will rattle your senses and tighten your muscles. no amount of preparation can ready you for the psychological journey that silent hill 2 takes you on. it's an unpredictable experience that will challenge your perception and transport you to the edge of madness.

Simple but effective use of pacing and tension. The most terrifying scene is simply watching that third customer, who asks if you're alone, wandering slowly around the store. It's enough to resonate with anyone who has worked such a late shift on their own.
Quite enjoyed all the mundane clerk jobs on the side too lol

Quase 3 anos de molho e cá estamos nós com o Cyberpunk 2077 platinado!

Com menos bugs ele se tornou bem decente, apesar de não ser um game tão complexo como prometia a CD. Os pontos fortes dele são a ambientação, missões secundárias e a mecânica de tiro, no mais é aquele padrão de rpg de ação em mundo aberto que já estamos habituados. A narrativa e as personagens também são grandes destaques. E o Johnny Silverhand é brabíssimo! Keanu Reeves foi uma adição perfeita ao Cyberpunk. Fico na expectativa de como será Phantom Liberty.

Nota final: 2077/100 - “Ele queimou metade da cidade apenas para provar que estava certo e queimou a outra metade apenas por diversão.” 🛰️

Very fun and well written and atmospheric, but man that shooting feels so heavy and sluggish, and maps are not fun to slowly walk through back and forth as you complete your objectives. The imps were almost completely useless for me, they either got killed immediately when I needed help, or blocked the way, or in the case of the gunner, shot me in the back or just shot the wall next to me.

The good though, the Darkness and Jackie are performed brilliantly, and the story is genuinely pretty good for a shooter. The game has a lot of surprises I did not expect. I am always a fan of an actual dial-able phone in games (like Silent Hill Shattered Memories) and I thought the little things they did with the subway and taking the train and asking for directions, and following signs made the world feel more alive. Shame that when you get above ground, there is not really much to interact with.

I know some of my issues with shooting and general combat get improved in the 2nd game, but I think I remember that the city is not as interesting to interact with and unfortunately I do remember that the game is very short. A shame we will probably never have the third game to cap off the story of Jackie. Jackie and Adam Jensen are peas in a pod that way, I suppose.

Finally, yes I did watch all of To Kill a Mockingbird in Jenny's apartment. She fell asleep before the opening credits even ended. Talk about a terrible film-watching partner.

[Any similarities to George Romero's Dawn of the Dead are purely coincidental.]

When I played this game as a kid, it literally felt like going into a mall and playing with everything you find. The fact that zombies are in it hardly mattered to me. What mattered was that you could go into all these shops, that all had their own quirks and things to pick up. It felt real, it felt like fantasy fulfillment, it was fun. It is crazy how modern games just do not satisfy this urge anymore. The maps get larger and larger to the point that they take 2 real life hours to drive full speed from one side of the map to the other, but none of those games feel like real interactable places. But this game beats out all those other game worlds by being truly memorable, detailed and interactable.

Dead Rising is unfortunately one of those series that gets worse the further you go, but if you stick to DR1 and DR2, you wont get burned.

Not much to say about this game. The characters were likeable, but not very interesting. The dialogue is just as cringe inducing as ever. The powers barely felt like they mattered. The big reveal of a new ability, I just didn't end up using, so as far as my playthrough goes that power might as well not even be in the game. Most of the big moments in the story felt like they ended up resolving themselves. That entire final chapter feels like they had no idea how to wrap the story up. Like a complete afterthought.

It was a decent 10 hour distraction. But I bet I'll forget about it, and still just think about LiS1 and Before the Storm as the only truly good games in the series. Ryan's a hunk though.