i played this for about 10 hours. i wanted to try and at least finish the story before dropping a score but dear god this game is boring as fuck. i'm patient when it comes to slow openings if i can see the vision. i even enjoyed fallout 4 quite a bit despite it's flaws because it still had that cozy feel i like about bethesda games. but starfield is just loading screen after loading screen. you warp to a planet, drop off at the quest marker, kill some guys, warp again. there's nothing of value to explore. the game is ugly, runs like shit, and the quests are boring. the gun play is solid but that's about it. I don't like comparing games in reviews, but in a year with bg3 and cyberpunk 2.0, starfield is so unremarkable. hell, even day one cyberpunk was more fun than this. i know 10 hours isn't alot but another 30 hours of loading screens doesn't sound appealing.

Most reviews for this game seem to hover in the "mid" territory. I kind of get why, since in some ways the game does have an empty feel, can be a somewhat repetitive, AA budget, different from the rest of the "Valkyrie" series and is very light on story... at first. At worst I found this game pretty cozy and fun despite its repetitive nature at some points, at best I was genuinely surprised at how good the narrative turned out. I definitely get the "6/10" reviews but I feel this game has a lot to offer if you give it a chance. The empty feeling really serves the story well and reminds me of the weird "something isn't right" vibe of Nier: Replicant. Feels like a PS2 game structurally (positive) but with more refined gameplay than a PS2 budget title would have. Not on the level of something like a Platinum game, but it really clicked with me. Get the true ending, play on Hard Mode, and get the outline removal and film grain removal mods if you play on PC. Personal 8/10, more realistically a 6 or 7/10

really cozy ps2 game. it's pretty dated, and still had a lot of ps1 action game dna, but it's definitely worth a shot if you're patient with older game design. the dungeons are random so they're kinda bland and the gameplay is nothing special. but as a whole this game is comfy and fairly engaging. it's pretty cheap so i was able to play this on real hardware. a really sweet early 2000's town building/dungeon crawler. tons of charm.

gackt gaming. this is a ps2 ass ps2 game. worth the afternoon it takes to beat.

this $10 DLC feels more like a full game than RE3R lol. Just more reasons to replay this game.

this would be one of the coolest games of the decade if the pacing wasn't so bogged down by wave after wave of enemies. the gameplay is incredibly fun, but the combat loop is unfortunately tedious at many points. i found myself exhausted by the third act. your health melts before you know where the enemy is and by the third act you're most likely relying on the throw ability (which i recommend upgrading first.) assisted mode can alleviate some of the annoyance, but it feels like a band aid on an unbalanced game. the atmosphere is incredible, especially with headphones. the story is confusing, but still engrossing and gives you a lot to think about after the credits. unfortunately combat encounters more often feels like an interruption, than a fun challenge. i feel better checkpoints would've gone a long way to keep the pacing fresh. i do plan on playing the dlc, especially for the alan wake connections. despite my complaints, this game is definitely worth playing. so many cool ideas, just a lot of frustrations that come with them.

played through another grand prix last night. i love this game so much. top tier soundtrack, unmatched style, unique stories for each team, and simple but fun controls. when you're trying to squeeze into first while "the objective" is building into some genuinely great, tense techno music, the feeling is rarely felt in any other racer. like, i feel like my life is on the line if i lose. what a masterpiece.

wonderful. incredible. the camera is the enemy in this game sometimes but it's okay because this game was so made for me. my second favorite ps4 exclusive after bloodborne. the art and story are wonderful. soundtrack also rules. i adore this game. i'm so sad we'll most likely never get gr3 because sony hates us.

mission 15 rules. such a cool night time level. the rest of the game is neat too. this is my in depth review. thanks.

i got this game years ago for like $5 because the box art interested me and i'd never heard of it. i'm writing this review because i plan on finishing the trilogy this year. this game is weird. long, dialogue driven cutscenes. empty, liminal space ships. convoluted story. one of the more interesting ps2 rpgs. if you like space operas and anime, i recommend this.

i played this game way after release, emulated, so i didn't really have technical issues too often. the game was a near steady 4k 30fps, so I can't speak to how the game launched. but oh my god, this game was so fun. the most fun pokemon experience i've since x and y (haven't played arceus yet) i love the mix of classic pokemon progression with a more open world. area zero was really cool and i liked seeing the story take some weird turns that i wasn't expecting. but please add voice acting, especially if you're gonna animate the scenes like there is. overall, a little janky, but i didn't have many issues that people dealt with on launch. this game was honestly such a joy, i was just happy to play a pokemon game.

one of the games that made me love ps2. sly was always my favorite of the playstation mascot platformers at the time (jak and ratchet are still pretty great too.) the artstyle, the characters, the story... it's all a lot of fun. the presentation reminds me of those cartoons that present themself like a more grown up story but targeted towards a younger audience (stuff like ben 10, avatar, teen titans.) i would love to see sly come back.

this games sucks but it has a weird charm. honestly enjoyed my 5 hours with it. highly recommended for people who like odd, janky, and dare i say “crusty” games.

this game is so interesting. it's janky, looks crusty, and doesn't have much gameplay variety. but it's also not like anything i've played. i feel like this game very suited to a specific crowd. if you like the parts of yakuza where you just explore, talk to NPCs, find weird events, and have a tolerance to jank: then play this. it's got a lot of heart and it's overall a great experience (besides one poorly handled plot point towards the end.) definitely gonna play the rest of the series.