A fun forray into Star Wars RPGs. Very dated, but still fun to pick up every once in a while.

A really fun Lego game, and the first I've enjoyed since I was a child. Its a remake of the original Star Wars Lego game, but the added dialogue and multitude of characters to unlock makes it a really fun completionist game.

An all time favorite for a compelling story and fun gameplay elements. Some aspects such as the hacking minigames are unneeded and I'm unsure why the remaster didn't do away with them entirely, but the updated graphics make for a great replay of a classic.

Played fully but I honestly don't remember a thing about it. A lot of the characters were memorable, but the gameplay was literally just a Skyrim engine copy, including all the bugs that engine birthed.

This game is very much a product of its time, but for all its flaws it delivered exactly what it promised to in 2010. I would argue it also changed the RPG genre for the greater, with romanceable characters and compelling dialogue choices.

Hopefully it will get a remake one day!

A very dated MMO. Fun for those who love LOTR lore, but not my thing.

Had the most interesting story of any Fallout game I've played. Stars taken away because its virtually unplayable on PC without console commands.

The Dragon Age game with the least compelling story in my opinion. The gameplay is the most fun out of all 3 released games, but the story was extremely lacking + the DLC debacle of 2015 took it down a few pegs in my eyes.

Don't put the ending of your game behind a paywall. Also the fandom is genuinely one of the most toxic I have ever been a part of.

Amazing remake of the classic Pathologic. Its horror and gameplay elements are unlike those I've ever experienced, and its worth playing and replaying for that alone. There's also a hugely dedicated fandom for this game online with really unique art and fanfics.

Hopefully the game's bugs and uncompleted routes will be updated one day.

Fun farming sim. Def one of those games you play in a timeless haze for a few weeks then don't pick up again for a few years.

One of my favorite games of all time for nostalgic reasons, the older I've gotten the more I've come to terms with its flaws. The game is not really playable without mods to fix broken questlines, which if you don't mind doing, isn't a huge deal.

This game is special to me and its soundtrack will always be one of the best game soundtracks I've ever listened to.

If you're a fan of the original trilogy, I would recommend Legendary Edition for a few reasons: combat is more streamlined, Mass Effect 1 is actually playable now, and the graphics updates make all three games look gorgeous.

It definitely feels like a more unified series in this edition as opposed to three games with a matching title. The streamlined combat REALLY helps with this. The way you fight in ME1 is the same way you fight in ME3 (disregarding omni-jel and user interface inessentials that somehow still made it into ME1). Leveling up is more simplified, and they changed the way XP is awarded so you can level faster (this is also an option you can turn off if you liked it the old way).

Mass Effect 1 received the majority of the work for these remasters and that's blatant upon game open. If you've played the original, you might remember how unfriendly the UI was, how clunky the combat felt, and the effing elevator simulator every time you went to a new area. Elevator simulator is now skippable; combat is doable, and the interfaces are made slightly more user-friendly. If you ever wanted to play the first game, this edition is the superior way to experience it for the first time.

Graphics updates include updated models across all games, updated interface graphics, updated level graphics, the list goes on. There's even ray tracing now. It looks gorgeous.

TLDR; If you love Mass Effect, Legendary is worth it.

Masterpiece of an RPG. Loveable characters, a compelling story, fun gameplay, and tons of replay value.

A really fun MMO for people who like the Elder Scrolls universe; there's always a lot of new content, and the year long DLC releases are a refreshing addition to MMOs without fleshed out DLC content. You are also able to complete the storylines of this game single-player, which is what drew me to it. Overall would return to playing whenever they release a DLC that interests me!


A really fun roguelike, and I am not a fan of roguelike games. The art is gorgeous, the gameplay is fun and engaging, and there's enough small achievements to promote multiple playthroughs.