My favorite level in each Sonic game

Only the games I've played, obviously.

I'll be bunching entire zones/worlds together for my own sake, but I'll make note if I feel a particular level stands out in that zone/world.

I've found that a lot of people who play Sonic games outright expect every level to be fast. Even with the first Sonic game, people are disappointed and even outright dislike slower levels in Sonic games. And poor old Marble Zone is a slow, deliberate platforming level that put so many people out of the game when they were expecting the high speed action of Green Hill to continue.

But personally, I've always loved Sonic 1 for it's more calculated approach to platforming compared to other 2D Sonic games. Half the levels encourage the high-speed-high-stakes design Sonic is famous for, and the other half asks you to take your time and be sure of your moves, and I like that. I'm not the biggest fan of the reaction-based gameplay of other Sonic games, this is more my speed. Marble Zone's my jam.
I'll be honest, my memory of this game is failing me at the moment, despite it being one of my top 2D Sonics. My favorite zone is between Green Hill, Bridge, and Jungle Zone, but I think I'll ultimately say Jungle.

I think most people can agree that Bridge Zone is the most memorable of this game. It has an autoscroller, those falling bridge pieces, and probably the most memorable music of the game. Really, I forgot that this wasn't the first stage of the game, and was completely mixing up a Green Hill level with Bridge Zone.

But most memorable doesn't mean favorite. Jungle Zone is also a bit different than a typical 2D Sonic level. Instead of going quickly from left to right, this is a battle to get to the top. It's nothing crazy different, but I appreciate the shakeup regardless. The eyesore that are the waterfalls are bad though.

i promise i don't only like slow sonic levels
Mmm I think I'm going to say Metropolis Zone. People seem to hate this one, but I thought it was the coolest and has a great song.

Really, I don't remember Sonic 2 super well. I could realistically see Hilltop taking this spot in the future, but for now, Metropolis is my instinct.

And me without my Kryptonite...
Aqua Lake had those bubbles that Sonic hitches a ride in which was kind of neat... uh, I don't like most of this game, so an otherwise middling level takes the cake for me.
I probably shouldn't include this one because I only played this game once and didn't like it, and I intend to eventually try it again.

But for now, I'll say Palmtree Panic. It probably pissed me off the least. Anything is better than Wacky Workbench, though.
Despite playing this one just a month ago, I barely remember the zones. The last couple are the ones I remember, but that's because I disliked them lol.

I'll go with Gigalopolis Zone. IIRC, collecting the rings to get to the special zone was kind of cathartic here, although it meant I didn't really experience the levels themselves much.
I think stomping on some Legos would be more stimulating than this game, but Yellow Desert is probably the least-bad zone. Honestly, I might like Green Hill more, but Yellow Desert has a boss I like and is the highlight of the game, so it gets my pick.
The only two levels I remember of this game are the lava ones (bad) and the Green Hill clone (decent), I think I will take the Green Hill clone.
For games like this that have multiple playstyles, I'm going to include my favorite level from each playstyle.

Sonic - My initial thought was Twinkle Park, but I'm having a tough time picking one for sure. Emerald Coast, Windy Valley, and Twinkle Park are all great. Despite my initial thoughts, I think I'll say Emerald Coast. The only reason I wouldn't is because I've played and seen that level so much that my appreciation has somewhat depreciated. But in my heart of hearts, it's probably still on top - and my favorite in the game all in all!

Tails - I've always loved how Tails just absolutely shreds Windy Valley. Speed Highway is pretty cool since it's actually different from Sonic's version, but breaking WV takes the cake.

Knuckles - Casinopolis is always really fun to explore, and it feels like I learn more about this stage every so often despite how much I've played this game, which is always cool.

Amy - I've always loved playing as Amy, and I think her levels are the best at getting increasingly intense, culminating in Final Egg. I'd also be lying if I didn't get a mite bit freaked out by Zero as a kid.

Big - Big's story is why I never fully beat this game for 10+ years after getting it, and that started with Twinkle Park, so that's definitely my least favorite - it's probably the simplest, but it is the target of my ire. So I'll say Icecap which is second on the simplicity scale.

Gamma - All of Gamma's stages are pretty equal in quality... hmm, I think I'll go with Red Mountain. That's the first one I remember feeling fully upgraded in, and as a kid, fighting Gamma's orange brother was a highlight for me for no other reason than orange bejng my favorite color lol
Sonic - Ok, I just played Sonic Adventure 2 but I still am having trouble with this. It's between Metal Harbor and Crazy Gadget. Honestly, Metal Harbor might be my favorite to play, but I'm ultimately going to go with Crazy Gadget. It's a mix of me liking the stage (although it's a bit frustrating), the aesthetic of the ARK, and the culmination of the story. Eggman has Amy at gunpoint, and Tails is waiting on Sonic to put their plan in motion, the stakes feel heightened from your average Sonic fare, and Eggman periodically comes over the radio to reaffirm that he will indeed kill Amy. Maybe this is a SpongeBob roller coaster moment, but I've always thought this was a cool-ass moment.

Knuckles - Meteor Herd is rather grandiose which I quite like, it feels a lot more like you're hunting for treasure and not just picking up random crap off the ground.

Tails - Eternal Engine can be a little bit frustrating... oh, that's just kind of the Tails levels in this game in general. But oh well, this one gives you a lot to target onto, and the more targets in the mech stages, the more satisfying they are to play.

Shadow - I always feel like I'm giving a cop-out answer when I say the first level, but Radical Highway really is Shadow's best. It feels like they thought about it the most, and aesthetically, I think it fits Shadow the best.

Rouge - You know it's Security Hall. I know it's Security Hall. We all know it's Security Hall.

Eggman - I hate when people say the mech stages are bad because I feel like they gotta just be talking about Tails' levels which feel like the later-additions that they were. All of Eggman's stages are BANGERS, and it's easily the most difficult set of levels to pick a favorite. Well, I say that, but I quite readily can say that Cosmic Wall is my favorite. The gravity in that level feels like how the mech's hovers should just work in general. It's incredibly fun to moon jump and slowly fall while wracking up targets to home in on. The on-rails part is also really satisfying because you just get rich with points. Shoutout to Weapons Bed which just scratches my mentally ill brain.
Might not be my favorite stage, but Secret Base Zone is the one I always think of. I like the handles you zip across.

Sonic Advance is pretty simple, not much to say lol.
Ooh this is definitely an unpopular take, and fifteen years ago, I would agree with the popular opinion, but Altitude Limit is my favorite. This level is the emblem of Dimps Level design where one screwup will send you to a bottomless pit, and some people really hate this level for that. As a kid, I did as well; in fact, it's super weird that I like this level, it's pretty much the reactionary Sonic level, which is something I previously said I do not like. But when I came back to this game in adulthood, I instantly nailed this one, and it is so so satisfying when you just get it. Though, even if I did still dislike this one as much as I did as a kid, uh, I still think Dead Line would be Dead Last in my ranking, that level is ass.

If you haven't played Rush, Sonic and Blaze go through the same levels, just a different order, and their gameplay differences are negligible, so only one level this time.
This isn't the official game so maybe my opinions would be different for that one. But for Project 06 it is...

Sonic - This is a hard choice, but I think I'll go with Aquatic Base. I did not like the parts where you run on the ball, but I feel like Tails and Knuckles shine here, and fighting the enemies felt cathartic. I could see my answer easily changing, but that's what I'll go with for now.

Shadow - Crisis City if not just because of how much more I liked it than Sonic's version. Between the boarding section and mach speed in Sonic's version, it's actually perhaps my least favorite level in the game. But with Shadow, I remember it being pretty fun. And while most of the time I didn't mind or even liked switching characters, Shadow's levels definitely suffered the most when you had to switch to Rouge or Omega, but in Crisis City you never switch off.

Silver - Dusty Desert my only real complaint is that it wasn't longer. Amy is really fun to play in any game I've used her in, including this game, and this was maybe the least-stressed out I was playing as Silver. S ranked in one try and that's always very satisfying.
Wii version, to be clear.

Daytime - Rooftop Run took a bit of a learning curve to get right, but when I learned it, it became quite satisfying, and it feels like the ultimate level in terms of applying Unwiished's quirks masterfully. Shoutouts to Eggmanland which would be my favorite if it wasn't for a weak ending that really discourages the player from boosting.

Nighttime - There's a turning point in the nightime levels of this game. It starts out where the platforming is fun, but the combat is so dull and shallow. But eventually it flips where the platforming is frustrating and slow as balls, but the combat becomes fun (uh, still shallow, but fun). Chun-nan is that turning point. Er, rather the equilibrium between the turn. The platforming is decently fun, and the combat has just become pretty fun as well.
I've only played three-quarters of this game but I feel pretty confident in saying Casino Street Zone. Not only is it my favorite zone in this game, but I think it's my favorite casino level in the Sonic franchise. That's a pretty famous level archetype, so that's saying something.
So we've reached a point where instead of pointing out a singular level or a zone of 2/2.5 levels, I am now picking out an entire world of five levels. I kind of feel bad doing that, but the individual levels of this game don't stick out enough to not just do the full world. Thankfully, this only applies to Colors and Lost World.

My favorite world is a bit of a tough call between Sweet Mountain and Starlight Carnival. But I think I'll go with Sweet Mountain. Starlight Carnival probably has my favorite small acts, but there's a lot of doing pretty much nothing in the big acts, and I love the aesthetic and music of Sweet Mountain.

Uh, honestly the aesthetic and music is the major reason I love Sweet Mountain. I don't remember there being an unenjoyable level for me, and it introduces the Drill Wisp. Maybe these sound like flimsy reasons but oh well.
starlight carnival

im not elaborating because i barely remember this game
Modern - It's been a while since I played it, but I feel like I wanna say Crisis City? I always felt Speed Highway was overrated, Green Hill a bit too simple, Planet Wisp blows... it's not the first stage I think of, but yeah, I'll go with Crisis City. Chemical Plant is probably second, though.

Classic - I'll have to come back to this one. The classic stages feel like footnotes compared to the modern ones, and none of them really stick out in my mind as particularly amazing.
Modern - When I was younger, I REALLY liked Generations 3DS, and speedrunning was an up and coming thing. Well, I didn't want to try and speedrun the whole game, but I did try to get the world record for modern Green Hill Zone. Uh, I didn't get it, but I had decent times. I don't really like this game nearly as much as I did then, but modern Green Hill is still pretty fun.

Classic - I think I'll just go with Green Hill on this one as well. The thing with Generations 3DS is that it really falls off after the Genesis levels. The Adventure 1 and 2 levels are outright bad imo, while the Rush and Colors stages are... more inspired, but not all that fun to me. And even then, the classic version of Casino Night and Mushroom Hill are annoying in some areas. So yeah. It's a bit boring of an answer, but Green Hill is solid all around.
I love Sonic Lost World :)

Anyway, it's Frozen Factory. Lost World has all very cookie cutter worlds - the basic grass world, basic desert world, basic water world, etc. - though each world have one or two levels that are a bit more unique. Desert Ruins was my second choice for this game because it has the really fun honeycomb level, and the sweet Dessert Ruins.

Frozen Factory, however, is kind of by default the most unique world. It's a snow world, but also - get this - a factory world! Ooooh! There's a level where Sonic (for literally no reason) forms a snowball and rolls around inside it in a sort of mash up between Monkey Ball and Super Mario Galaxy 2's Rock Mario (lite versions of each). And there's also a casino level that I really like, probably my favorite stage in the game besides the honeycomb level.

also, zeena slays
I have a love-hate relationship with Lost World 3DS. It's a game I cannot blame anyone for hating, but there's a lot about it that I really enjoy. But I can't deny that this game peaks at its introduction: Windy Hill. It's the stage that plays most like the Wii U version (something many people wish they could be playing instead most of the time), and it just generally is a lot of fun to me. I still like a lot about this game, but it gets Sonic Lost in the Sauce.
Despite it being probably my favorite classic Sonic game, I don't really remember this game well. But I really lovs the idea of Press Garden Zone. Actually playing it... well, I remember it's why I didn't finish this game for years, but I eventually made it through. Yeah, this is kind of a half-hearted answer.
I know people really do not like classic Sonic in this game, but I never really had a problem with it. And I think(?) most people who don't like classic Sonic in this game will at least agree that Death Egg could've been worse. For most, that means that it wasn't bad, but for me, I just outright liked it and thought it was pretty cool.

Shoutout to the city levels, though. If they were all put together it would be my favorite, but being so segmented hurts it.
Since the Cyberspace stages are heavily inspired by, or outright take from, earlier Sonic games' levels, I don't really want to pick one out. They all kinda blur together for me... I remember 1-2 because of it's harsh time for an S rank, I remember that horrible drifting stage... that's kinda all though. I S ranked all of them in, like, one or two attempts, they were a blur.

So instead, I'll choose my favorite island. Apparently it's pretty unpopular, but Ouranos Island is definitely my favorite. The first island is fine, but unremarkable. The second one was so annoying to traverse, it's probably what I dread most in an eventual replay. The third island I remember just breezing through. But Ouranos was fun. I think most people find the 2D challenges to be forced, but I like them quite a bit. It thought it was a clever way to fit a bunch of challenges in an area, it shaked things up, and it kind of reminded me of collecting moon in Mario Odyssey. I can't really explain why - it's not like you were constantly in 2D when getting moons in Odyssey, but still.


In disbelief over the sonic 1 pick

27 days ago

@The_Gaming_Dog12 in disbelief it's not everyone's top pick!!

27 days ago

love ouranos island. it really does have that Mario odyssey energy

27 days ago

@sleepytitan I'm glad I'm not the only one lol. I was pretty shocked to learn people didn't like that one.

27 days ago


27 days ago

hell yeah marble zone rules

27 days ago


27 days ago

I think I need to steal this idea when I finally finish playing through the whole series.

Anyway, Marble is my least favorite. Labyrinth Zone enjoyers will inherit the Earth like the cockroaches we are.

14 days ago

extremely good list, but, my friend, have you really not played Sonic 3 & Knuckles??

14 days ago

@zeroesandones Not yet... I'm scarcely in the mood to play classic Sonic and I didn't have a good way to play it for a long time. Between emulation and Origins, I do now, I just haven't done it yet.

14 days ago

I look forward to hearing your thoughts when you do! it's still one of my all time fav classic videogame OSTs, though Mania's OST probably clears without the help of nostalgia. Press Garden is an absolutely solid pick for that game, big respects

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