Gameplay is much stronger this time around but wow this felt very lazy and not even close to what AW1 was even about. Still, I'll take as much Remedy as I can get.

It has a lot of quirk and charm, but the gameplay is still heavily bogged down by its outdated controls. Would have loved a full on remake, but AW 2 was enough. Still working through Remedy's body o work.

This is awesome and Sam Lake is awesome. Very awesome so far.

This is seriously just one of the best games and stories of all time. I love you, Sam Lake.

i didn’t do my best to beat this in a timely manor but it made me go “AH” a lot more than i thought it would

Still as damn good as you remember, and the shake ups are welcomed. I cannot wait to rebeat this game 200 times.

This is one of those bang bang bangers. Bang! It's a banger!

An asbolute blast from start to finish. A full fleshed Astro's game would be #epic. Move over Mario (who's that!), we got Astro in ya face!

Not a ton extra to be said about this one. The OG that started my FromSoft obsession, whilst being in one of the worst depressions of my life. Love u DS1

First game I ever sat down and tried to platinum as like a 12 year old. I love this game and always will.

this game fucks and you know it does

Loved this game to bits. I loved how funny, difficult and rewarding it all was. For it to be only $20, it's a perfect throwback to the fun arcade cabinet days.

Another cool game for like the first few levels. Then once the combat gets stale and you upgrade a bit, you have to speed through god knows how much dialogue. It's creative, but doesn't have that much going for it otherwise.

A cool execution but really runs its course come around the final 3 tracks. Just didn't have the drive to finish the whole thing.