Chrono Trigger is the most polished SNES game ever made.

Whether it's the whimsical soundtrack, the amazing pixel art or the really touching story, almost everything from that game is top-notch. Its insane production value from Square is REALLY apparent when playing it. My only grip with it is the battle system and the difficulty: I absolutely loathe the ATB system and I felt the game was way too easy, apart from some bosses (though it never became boring so I don't mind the easiness).

One thing I noticed too is that the characters never look like they were designed by Akira Toriyama while playing the game. Obviously there's only so much you can do with that many pixels, but idk, everytime I see their portraits in the menu or watch the PS1 cutscenes, I'm always surprised for a little bit.

I always knew about the game and how it was suposedly perfect in every single way, so maybe it came off a little disapointing to me when it wasn't, but I still had an amazing time with this timeless (eheh) classic.

The thought of a Japanese man during the 80s earning his salary for months to buy the awaited sequel of SMB only to get this piece of shit game he'll never finish is hilarious.

I got 68% on my 1st playthrough :/

I think it's my favorite Metroid game so far. People complain about the Chozo guiding thing but I never cared about it while playing, and the game keeps rewarding you for straying from the main path, which is exactly how I play these games. Its shortness also heavily encourages replayability.

However I have to remove ½ a star because of the weird unnecessary last section of the game, the bosses that are all way too easy, and Mother Brain, ripped out of the original NES game and so really shitty.

But I still love this game. It's not a faithful remake of the first Metroid, but instead a reimagination of it that does its own thing.

wii sports bowling announcer be like : "Wow, Nice Cock!"

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This really felt like an apology to AJ fans, but other than that it's great. The whole new Apollo backstory is completely pulled out of nowhere and I wish it was at the very least teased in AA5, but I got used to it at the end. It's also the only game of the mainline series with AA3 where every cases was actually good. Nahyuta sucks hard though and I really didn't care about him and his struggle, but the other new characters were good.

I now wonder where the series could go from here. Maybe they'll continue down this path and we will still be playing with the Wright Anything Agency cast, or they could reboot the franchise like they did with AJ and have Apollo as your mentor in Khur'ain or smth like that, but either way, I hope they actually make another game, it's been 5 years already.


(except the missions requiring you to wait 30 minutes in order to complete them)

the only saving grace to this game is the professor's theme and some other songs too

With the amazing atmosphere, really satisfying combats and the gigantic map, I completely understand why people love this game. It is all the more impressive when you learn that the game was made by like 4 people.

But in a genre where most of the fun (at least to me) comes from making mental notes and map in my head, it quickly becomes an exhausting experience. a 30-hour-long journey in a metroidvania feels like an eternity.

Good fucking game. Almost everything in it is perfect, whether it's the artstyle, the combats or the dialogues.

Though it has to be noted that the game relies WAY too much on backtracking, mostly in sidequests but also in some chapters, which can make a lot of sections feel like a slog. I wish it had an actual fast-travelling method instead of a hub that's way too big. Also party members don't have any chemistry between each other which is a shame since they're all great individually.

But beside all of that, Paper Mario TTYD is a true testament as to how insanely creative and fun the JRPG genre can be.

Play this game if you haven't!

The more I think about it, the more I realize that no other piece of media misrepresents the job of lawyer as much as Ace Attorney.


Simply a mind-blowing masterpiece any video game enthusiasts such as myself ought to play at least once in their lifetime.

Truly God's magnum opus.

Only flaw to this is that you have to play the 1st one beforehand really.

Fuck the Arthur Conan Doyle estate.