This was the first rogue lite I've played that took me a couple years before I appreciated it after first playing it on launch. The weapon pool can lead to some fun absurdities, but the rng gods don't often lead to this. Can be very punishing in a very time consuming way. I still haven't beating the rat thief, but I've spent countless runs exploring everything else. Every weapon has story, as does every run.

One of my biggest surprises of 2021. I didn't realize I needed a cathode juiced card management rpg, until I tried their demo which was the perfect amount of time to get hooked on it's meta. Bonus star for being the perfect game to play on voice calls.

What a visually striking game to make me crave for a nice OLED monitor. While the puzzles can drag and the logic can leap, the jazz soundtrack and fantasia 2000 inspired energy really propels this into an addictive experience. I finished in a single 4 1/2 hour session, but I did find the ending drawn out.

There's really no other place to go if you want an existentially cosmic detective pulp.

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Pretty solid followup all things considered. Glados really had some heavy lore within the company. Tragic, really. Would Valve want to revisit this series? Hardly any current valve singleplayer experiences (not counting alyx since it has the hardware barrier).

super buggy but a great journey. also as far as timelines go, this is basically a visual novel disguised as a character action game.

So far the only Final Fantasy title that I actually finished on a good note. The grimy industry feel to the whole game just makes you want to seize the day and do the job nobody expects you to. I dont usually follow guides for games anymore (with the exception of adventure games), but i wish i followed a guide for this game because i missed two entire characters and questline.

Pretty much breathtaking on most aspects. I never ended up playing the dlc for some reason. Someday.

It would be the perfect zelda game if only it had more substantial dungeons and more distinctive boss battles. Great world feel.


In spite of the sheer size of the ensemble for the major and minor figures of Greek mythology, Darren Korb has managed to wrangle one of the most compelling voice acting collections of all time.

The overall presentation of this game just drips with a nectarine sheen that never lets up. On top of some of the most balanced gameplay of an action-roguelite I've ever played, the personal journey of Zagreus humanizes the Greek gods in a way I haven't seen done before. Supergiant even wraps the story around the run-based mechanics more naturally than any game before and hopefully it wont be last.

Pretty good game, but I completely missed the opportunity for the passive playthrough. Ive heard so much discourse about this particular style of playthrough, that I feel like I missed the real game. Maybe I'll watch a let's play of that run, but I got a little oversold.

Respawn set the record straight with the fast yet accessible movement in this game. This is basically a scifi military buddy cop movie with a some of the cleanest examples of first person platforming and unique game mechanics. Also why does nobody pitch this game with the hacking knife. Name a funnier tool in a cyberpunk medium.

honestly could do this with less combat, but overall couldnt ask for a better introduction to the yakuza series. if you approach it like a action-rpg, you're gonna have a good time. not the greatest pc port tho.

With a jarring style and on-boarding experience, I almost dropped this game. Im glad I did stick around because this is one of the most distictive court drama games. The visual novel story telling is well supplemented by Persona-esque school life beats.

Unfortunately I have some problems with some of the challenges during trials being extremely tedious and unwarranted. Why am i being tested on my rhythm game and hangman skills for a trial based on logic. I found myself reaching logical conclusions well before I had to constantly inch my way during the argument with solutions lying in the very same conversation.

I still haven't found a replacement for my need for a Ace Attorney law firm experience, but this is a unique alternative. I'm also glad I've played some Suda51 games because I find his influence in the most unexpected places.

I played this game on a whim because I loved the desolate looking hand drawn style that feels reminiscent of Adventure Time (which is always a good thing in my book). I was also pleasantly surprised by a very well articulated narration that really feels like a dense children's book world.

These amazing core features are also undercut by its simplistic puzzles and sluggish platforming capabilities. I found myself dreading backtracking with your character's miserable run speed (on the other hand this is consistent with your character's miserable relationships with your only kin in the area).

I'd love to see what this game studio does next because this game leads me to believe that the devs could do so much more.

The text based crpg I was always waiting for. Some of the most committed writing I've read in a game. Also doubles as a personality/political diagnosis in case you need that. Whatever pleases detective kim.