This is the best game I've ever played. The journey alone is what makes this game for me. The soundtrack is one of my favorites as well.

I was kind of disappointed with how short this game is. Other than that, I enjoyed this one a lot.

The fact that Square Enix is telling a new story while telling the original story at the same time is amazing. I'm excited about how everything will unfold in the future.

The only thing that weighs this game down is the controls. Everything else is great. Timeless classic.

I think gameplay wise it's better than the first one with Peter. The web swinging is more fluid. The finishers are pretty sick. That bodega suit with the cat is amazing. The story can pull your heartstrings. It's pretty great

I still have mixed feelings for this game. Those mixed feelings pertain to the obvious set of events that happen. But it's still a pretty good game. If they decide to make a part 3, that might change how I feel about this game. But who knows?

One of my favorite Mario games of all time. Love the world-building. Love the characters.

One of my favorite games of all time. Aside from the game itself, one thing I love is watching the DLC trailers live and watching everyones reactions on YouTube. Some of the best trailers ever for DLC characters. Thank you Sakurai for providing me wonderful memories with this game.

I think this is still one of the best platformers to exist. A timeless classic.

Insomniac did an amazing job creating the best Spider-Man game out.


I'm not sure what it is about this game but I'm very infatuated with the world-building here. You can interact with a lot of NPC's which is nice. Each area that you visit looks great. Amazing cat game.

It's not my favorite Mario game, but I have to say that it's the best one out. Some of the best worlds and levels are in this. And it arguably has the best final Bowser fight out of all of them. You also fight a dragon!

Probably one of the best open-world game to ever exist if I'm being honest. Pretty solid story with lucrative events that happen every now and then.

I think this game excels when you play with friends. Other then that, there's no reason to play this by yourself.