The best combat out of any souls game by FAR
unfortunately it does have a few shortcomings (they're really minor though) like really annoying mini bosses or stuff like a certain optional fire themed boss in the endgame

Remake of my favourite game ever
not much else I can say

No other game as ever made me feel this emotional
this games themes and vibe just really resonated with me along with the absolutely bittersweet ending
I may have played this one after playing 4 and 5 but I still think it's the best one out of the modern Persona games

It's the first game I've ever played and I've replayed it a dozen times but I still love it every single time

It's the game that first got me into Persona
and it's really good (albeit a little long but that doesn't bother me) however the writing is a little weird sometimes

One of the best and most fun 2D platformers ever
I wish they'd make a new one

It's sort of a good game on it's own but it absolutely fucking sucks as a Paper Mario game let alone a JRPG

Seriously one of the best games I've ever played
when I first got it I literally played it for 15 hours straight (yes I do not have a life)


Despite the communities and creator's reputation this is still a really good and fun game with a depressing story
I definitely recommend trying it out if you're at all into RPGs

On a first playthrough it's fantastic (the copy paste bosses do get very annoying at some point though) but it definitely loses a lot of it's charm on ng+ runs because you'll already know which areas are worth exploring and which ones aren't
also there's that whole delayed attacks thing which definitely threw me off after being so used to ds1 and ds3

Great story, great characters and amazing music
that being said it is a veryyyy slow game and lots of things are unnecessarily finicky or clunky
I still really liked it though

This game has caused me so much pain but I kinda like it
(it's still kinda broken in the state it is in rn so I think they should've delayed it)

arguably still the best 3D Zelda game to this day
I doubt we'll ever get one like this ever again but that just makes it all the more unique I suppose?

At it's core it's still MM so it is no doubt really good but compared to the original it's kinda worse?
The oot 3D art style honestly just doesn't fit MM at all
and the way they butchered some bosses also doesn't sit right with me amongst some other very minor things

I honestly just really adore this games vibe and music
I also think it's a great entry point for the series as going from this to p5r or p3r won't feel as strange as going from p5 to p4 like I did