its fun, a lot better than genshin impact at least, good to waste some time
we'll see how the story goes, i do like the world design tho

Great game to pick up with your friend, tests your friendship and is great fun to play. Leo and Vincent are both charming and the way they are executed and put into the story is great. Overall, amazing game that will break your heart.

an incredible game in the fighting game market, very distinct from its competitors. It is very frustrating tho. But i just gotta get good. its still relatively easy to pick up

Ive waited my entire life for this game, so for this one, ill get a lil more serious.

Honestly the most fun i had in a fighting game, a masterclass of gameplay, expanding an already amazing formula further and further. I dont think i have to talk about that too much, tekken has always been the peak of fighting games, and i dont think thats gonna change.
The character designs are honestly sick, they really went hard with it this time around, especially with jin. New characters.. i dont like too much. I guess im fine with reina but.. just let the story end..

But ive waited my entire life exactly because tekken was the game that introduced me to this world, tekken 3 was my first ever game at just 4 years of age, and jin was always my favorite character alongside a few others i wont mention now, but even so, i waited and cautiously followed for years his story and overall the story of tekken, and now at its culmination, i have a few things to say.

I know a lot of people say that fighting game stories are ass and that you shouldnt expect or care about them too much, and whilst i agree mostly, i think tekkens story is still worth following. Also: that isnt an excuse for halfassing things.

Ive heard complaints about this story. Many, in fact. So many people calling it trash, whilst i cant find a better way to truly end it. And while yes, i agree, it is quite a.. tough story, lacking in multiple areas, i think the core is still there: and strong.
The main criticism i want to adress is the Friendship thing. I saw many people critique the game cuz jin supposedly "saved the world by the power of friendship". I dont like that trope as much as the next guy, but i still have to disagree. The whole shtick of tekken is "Power is everything".. which isnt really true. Thats what we've been led to believe because of the actions of the main characters. However, Jin never seemed that way, actively rejecting his own powers throughout the games, even using his power (when he obtains it) to spread war to exactly destroy that power he has. He was an obvious outlier through and through: never really obsessed with power, instead trying to rid himself of it. Whether he had distorted views on how to do so, that is a different story. Throughout the games, Jin meets many people, from rivals, to people who only have friendly intentions towards him, to (possible) lovers, to even family. He rejects all of it, exactly because of the power he was bestowed with and wants to destroy. Jin was always characterized by his innate desire to rid himself of power, but also the interactions he had with other people.

Which is why none of the things presented in this game feel out of place when it comes to Jin. I saw people critique how everyone forgived him for essentially starting ww3, but its not like they have much of a choice except to believe in him, because really, no one can take kazuya down except him. Some forgave him, others most likely cast aside their grudge to combat a greater evil: a common evil makes comrades. So that argument is pretty stupid, especially since hes the trump card. He also had 6 months to tie up ends, so i assume he had quite the time to build up relations.

As for the power of friendship, this is kinda bizzare to me. Yall gotta play some more positive media lmao.
Even if it is true, so what? It doesnt come out of nowhere
Not only did Jin, by the end of the story, accept every facet of himself (by doing so allowing him to actually interact with people and not seclude himself away because of his power), but he also REDEFINED what power meant instead of ridding himself of it, answering Kazuyas vision of power. Power is either for dominance and complete control, or the power to protect what you cherish. By doing this, Jin flipped tekkens idea on its head, proven that power, is in fact, not everything (surprise surprise) and destroyed the disease that plagued his entire bloodline up to that point. Add the fact that, while what he did was wrong, all we can ever do in face of sin is to repent, add that he forgave himself for existing, and its adds an added layer to jins character and actions.
Its a battle of convictions at the end, in more ways that one, and in the end, what jin cherishes is the hope that was given to him by the people that believe in him, and the love and respect he received from the people he met over the years, despite everything that he put them through. Jin concluded tekken, proving that power isnt everything, that theres more things to life, and that punishment for your sins by solitude and seclusion only leads to more sins. So yeah, friendship fucking rocks.

Isnt perfect, but damn if it aint a good conclusion.. now if only reina wasnt the 57th bastard child of heihachi that is also somehow a devil now after the devil gene has been perished.. and it wouldve been much more impactful

Still.. 4 year old me would be happy. Thanks Harada

indie devs will save us all
truly some of the most fun gameplay i got to experience ever
and while yeah the story is cringe sometimes, its not that awful, and i do appreciate the rather goofy tone it has, it kinda gives me a early 2000s storytelling vibe, its hard to explain
love the game truly great

atlus the undisputed goats
i love persona and smt with my entire body and soul

Excellence. I dont think i ever used my brain more in a video game. Its.. a game alright.

I dont usually write these reviews. Ive been thinking about whether this game really deserves a 9/10 rating, and honestly, yeah. I dont think ive ever had this much fun in an fps since Halo or black ops 2/3. Truly such a great experience, the story felt good and perfect length, i dont really know what to say. I just think its such a refreshing experience, i love this game, and i think it deserves this high of a rating. So fun. I just want titanfall 3.

at the state its at rn its garbage i miss ow1

The most fun ive had with any jrpg, sucks that the story sucks balls