just a fucking awesome game that warranted a replay

Got bored of ARR like 70 hours in

I technically beat the game because I got the worst ending by accident, but I didn't like the inverted castle so I dropped it for now. Might go back and finish it properly, but I enjoyed the first half of the game a lot

Borderlands 2 is a strange game. Many of its flaws stand out more than it's positives. The character builds are pretty simple, the dialogue is pretty nonsensical and unfunny (which tbf appeals to me because i have brainrot). While the gameplay is fun, most areas are basically gear checks and the gameplay loop of killing something, and reloading the areas until you get an orange is a time consuming, rng hell, unfun farming method which gets stale overtime.

However, this game still fucking slaps and is just so actually fun despite its many flaws, playing with a group of friends makes the game even more enjoyable and just fun to fuck around in, and making so many stupid and funny memories while playing.

In a simple explanation, the game is not good but it's good.

Gameplay was fun and engaging, pretty tough subject matter but can have good endings. Speaking of endings there's so many which I'll have to check out at some point. Overall, a unique and fun game.


Pretty short, but very challenging game. Loved this a lot, very simple but has so much to offer

This completely exceeded my expectations. I enjoyed the first game a lot but I enjoyed this games narrative much more IMO. the atmosphere in this game is one of the best I've played in any horror game. Absolute fucking banger

story was really good and gameplay was fine for the most part but i did not enjoy the final segment of the game, it dragged on for ages

i had no idea people didn't like this one, i spent hours messing with the level editor and making fully fleshed out maps

This review contains spoilers

I think over the course of 10 years I've tried to properly play this game at least 5 times and would never get further than Ring-a-Ding-Ding, but I finally forced myself to finish the game and holy hell was it worth it.

Open world games are kind of hit and miss for me, it kind of depends on how engaging it is to make me feel inclined to actually explore and check out things and this is definitely a hit. I had so much fun just wandering for hours completing quests which would lead to cool little side-stories and the writing in this game just does not miss, the characters are so well-written and the main quests were fantastic.

I WILL definitely be replaying this game multiple times in order to play the different routes, since I got the house ending and would like to experience the other endings.

This game is absolutely worth your time, and I think is one of the best games ever. The only thing I don't like is how I didn't complete it sooner.

It got updated before Team Fortress 2

I was sceptical going into this because i heard this was kinda ass but i had fun with it. I'll maybe play reunion at some point

me and my brother used to speedrun the first level because the demo was on my grandad's ps3 and we didn't have the rest of the game. i would like to finish this one day