154 Reviews liked by gOo3yBoi12

This game is indeed like a dragon because I want to shove a sword in it and slay it

A beautiful time waster. A fun game with friends. A game to just fuck around and do whatever.

This game is everything.

Bedrock sucks and I'm horribly uncreative but hey its minecraft

for early access this game is just as fucking good as the first one, i cannot wait until it is complete

the number of times i made it all the way to the end just to die had me contemplating sewerside

there truly is no escape

This review was written before the game released

She elden on my ring till i'm far fromsoft

Worst Mario platformer because I ain’t trying to play my games with that little controller that looks like a dildo

cultural appropriation of my roman ancestry

hey remember like 8 years ago when everyone said black and white fucking sucked and now weve all just come to the agreement its the best, because i do and personally i couldnt be happier

It's Pokémon Black and White again. While it doesn't reach the story heights, it's still a delight gameplay wise, especially with the world tournament. Highly recommend

i accidently bought this instead of pokemon black version, but luckily the game's title assured me that this was pokemon black version too

this game's art direction and sprite work is 100x better than anything gamefreak released on the 3ds and after