371 Reviews liked by gman

Quién me iba a decir que acabaría enganchadísimo a un juego de cartas para móviles. Llegué por Marvel, pero me quedé por el diseño tremendo que permite que las partidas sigan siendo divertidísimas un mes más tarde.

3D World
Pretty good. I like the 2D/3D design. Levels feel like ornate puzzle boxes, like the toy castles and houses I played with as a kid. Picking apart each level for hidden platforms and nooks was very satisfying. There’s a Fez-like quality to how the game plays with perspective. Each level is perfectly sized into a few bite sized chunks, and easy to replay and look for the stars you missed.

I did have a few issues, mostly with camera perspective and auto-scrolling levels. Generally I liked the puzzle focused levels more than the platforming or speed focused ones. Can’t see myself 100% this game as it’s pretty large, but I’ll probably jump back in for some of the bonus levels.

Bowser’s Fury
Also pretty good! As much as I liked the level construction of 3DW, getting a bigger world with full camera control felt great. It’s definitely my preferred style for Mario, and there’s a nice variety of challenges here.

BF feels like a fairly chunky DLC, taking the 3DW mechanics and powers, and mapping them onto a small to medium sized open area. The ‘fury’ aspect is a nice idea but quickly grew tedious. It’s too chaotic to really go for that risk reward aspect. I did enjoy the supersize Godzilla fights though. The best aspects of this game were the 3D platforming challenges, so it’s definitely got me excited to play Odyssey.

Finalmente eu zerei sekiro depois de tanto tempo esnobando ele por que na primeira vez eu achei ele nada de mais mas agora que zerei posso dizer que JOGO FODA , eu apanhei MUITO no começo por que tava com a cabeça em dark souls e sekiro é completamente diferente nem da pra considerar do mesmo gênero , mesmo sendo bem difícil os boss são bem justos e desafiadores e o combate é incrível com o foco nos reflexos e no parry deixando o combate bem mais estiloso que os do soulsborne . Merecido ser o GOTY de 2019

King's Quest (2015)
Review Pt. 5 - Partial Payoff

I struggled to figure out how I felt about the final chapter of King's Quest for a long time. On the one hand, there are story beats from early on in the game that are completely forgotten (don't expect the dragon to show up here), and most of the environments are copy/pasted from Chapter 1. On the other hand, the things that are resolved are beautifully handled, and retreading old ground with a much older Graham is surprisingly moving.

When it comes down to it, this finale feels rushed and underfunded. It makes me wonder if all the money went to Christopher Lloyd and Wallace Shawn. Compared to the obvious love and care that went into every detail of A Knight to Remember, this feels very underbaked. Chapter 4 suffered in a similar way, but at least took place in a new location. I can't help but wonder what they would have done with more time and money.

But all that being said, the final confrontation and the way the story resolves absolutely worked for me. If you're a longtime fan of King's Quest, some of the character interactions here will really hit hard.

If you enjoyed Chapter 1, I'd say play all the way through to Chapter 5 and its epilogue, but just be aware that the ending is much smaller-scale than the beginning.

Overall a good way to play these games but I wish they went a little further in a few areas. I never expected them to have fangame levels of customization but there’s some really obvious settings that would just be nice for a collection like this.
•The drop dash is weird as hell in all the games minus 3&K.
• Tails AI seems wonky?
•A few bugs, checkpoints being busted in a level
•The hyper sonic screen flash seems even brighter?? Could be a side effect of widescreen but I wish it was toned down.
•New sonic 3 music overall disappointing
• Missions are cool, fun extra
•It is very nice having these officially in widescreen
•Super nice being able to retry special stages
•Steam achievement was bugged, had to make a save file backup to fix it
•Mirror mode is cursed

beat this game twice and keep telling myself im gonna continue on with the series and then i dont. third playthrough for sure i will definitely totally keep playing this series

The serious technical problems hold back what could have been the best Pokemon entry since Black and White, plus there are some designs problems, such as the map and how the mons interact with the world, but overall, the glitches and poor framerate REALLY stop this game from being something more than ''kinda good''.

Poinpy (ou Pompi no Brasil) é o jogo de celular que não sabia que precisava. O jogo é bem simples, é só jogar o personagem pra lá e pra cá num cenário vertical, e coletar frutas a tempo, antes que o bichão que te segue te mate. A jogabilidade é fácil de aprender, mas difícil de dominar, e cada aspecto foi muito bem projetado pra elevar a experiência. A verticalidade do espaço, o posicionamento dos inimigos, o tempo limite pra coletar os ingredientes e os combos que são possíveis depois de coletar os ingredientes necessários, incentivam o jogador a tomar decisões rápidas e entender as situações de forma intuitiva, e isso tudo dá uma ótima camada de desafio. Por ser um jogo que só pode ser baixado na Netflix (sim, agora ela tem jogo), acaba fazendo ele evitar armadilhas predatórias como anúncios e microtransações, já que não há nada disso aqui, mas dependendo da perspectiva, ser exclusivo da Netflix pode ser predatório de outro jeito. O meu problema é como ele lida com o pós-game. No pós-game você libera o modo infinito (onde não há tempo limite) e conquistas de zerar com "número x" de orbes, mas pra fazer isso o jogo te força a equipar itens pra acessar o modo ou reduzir o número de orbes, e se isso funcionasse como o Special Smash de Smash Bros, acharia mais aceitável. Poinpy é um dos melhores jogos Mobile que joguei na vida, com uma jogabilidade desafiadora e intuitiva, visuais e trilha sonora agradáveis e a falta das manias nocivas de jogos mobile da atualidade, e apesar da exclusividade da Netflix prejudicar a acessibilidade, não fez diferença nenhuma na sua qualidade.

Prós: A trilha sonora e o visual são bonitinhos; Jogabilidade intuitiva e desafiadora; Livre de anúncios e microtransações;
Contras: O pós-game podia ser executado melhor; Dependendo de como você olha, ser exclusivo da Netflix é um tanto questionável.

Sits in a weird spot where it’s markedly worse than it’s Deluxe version and doesn’t have the charm of Mario Kart Wii. A good game, but there’s better MK options.

The story was a lot more interesting than every other Atlus game I've played. I think if a remake gave it a lot of quality of life improvements to make its gameplay match that of newer entries then it could be a solid half a star higher. Besides gameplay the only flaw I have to say is it surprisingly did not make me cry like 4 and 5 did.

es bastante increíble lo bien que se sigue manejando a dia de hoy para un juego hecho cuando el tema de la tercera dimension era un enigma horroroso para muchos desarrolladores. aunque no me gustasen la mitad de niveles y a veces la geometria me queria arrancar los huevos no es controversial decir que es un juego indispensable para cualquier persona que sepa o quiera saber de videojuegos.

I enjoyed this quite a bit. Beautiful presentation and good story. Setting was unique and varied enough throughout the game to not get stale. I felt like there were usually a few options on how to get through an area depending on how sneaky I wanted to be. Puzzles were mostly simple with a couple that I was just missing the visual cue on but got it eventually. Probably better than the first game? I dunno both were good. Time well spent.

i got the platinum for this in six hours. it gets two stars because i love bratz and that is all