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heavensward is so fucking good man. like, to call it a marked improvement upon ARR is an understatement. there is so little here not to like, and while the things not good are pretty bad, they make up about 5% of what you're actually doing. heavensward is just that good.

sometimes i forget what FF14 can be like when it's telling a very focused story, and it knows what the roles of all the characters should be throughout it. they use haucherfaunt so spectacularly, the way he rides to your defence constantly. it's so perfectly in character as we have seen from instance after instance that he would die the way he does. i'm not a fan of heroic sacrifices but i like the smallscale of haucherfaunts death a lot, and now with the inclusion of story NPCs into early dungeons, having him for the Vault is even better. ishgard generally is such a fully well realised location, and i think its inner politics and factions all contributing to the story really make ishgard, to me, more memorable that places even like the crystarium or sharlyan. there are so many good character moments here! i honestly think that going through the dravanian forelands with alphinaud, estinien, and ysale up through sohm al and into the zenith is one of the strongest portions of the game. that, more than anything, felt like i was on a fantasy adventure, and then actually getting to DO sohm al with my new buds was even better! (its a shame the dungeon itself is not the best hahaha)
ysale is fantastic in her own right, although possibly underutilised by the time she dies. i think her sacrifice was less necessary, but i suppose it is the catalyst for alphinaud to refuse to let estinien die on the final steps of faith...
i dont want to go into some long story preamble, but heavensward is really good. it's incredibly focused and holds strong due to banger music, fantastic voice performances (colin ryan as alphinaud is an amazing change and he completely reinvents the character. it's textual that alphinaud has changed, but colin ryan owns that. and stephen critchlow as edmont fortemps, narrating everything we do?) and great characters. i like archbishop thordan and hilda a lot, but i also think they're underutilised as well. hraevelgr is fantastic.

game is so much better too, although it's easier to say that in 2024 when the dungeons have been patched a million times. sohm al is better than it used to be! and the boss of sohr kai is a lot more fun now than it used to be. i think older dungeons/trials suffer from the fact that at level 90 we're used to mashing lots of buttons and seeing huge numbers all the time, so when you go back to an old fight you don't get to everything you're used to? the dungeons are mostly forgivable i think. the vault is still good, great ghubal libray is good (even if i am sick to death of it), baelsar's wall is good. the trials could do with work. ravana's ad-phase is boring, and his moves have super long casttimes to do nothing. bismark is MAYBE the worst trial in the game? needs complete revamping imo. sick of ad-phases. boring and tedious. thordan is fun but is so underwhelming as the final boss, not enough HP at all, and when the knights of the heavensward die it feels like, "what? what killed them?".
i also think the sea of clouds as an area, which is completely them showing off flying mounts, just sucks. the vanu vanu are not interesting and the whole area feels like, out of place for sure. patches 3.1 to 3.3 are great fun, and final steps of faith is the first truly great trial in the game i think. the cutscene before it of the WoL walking across the bridge as the ishgardian soldiers run the other way? dope as fuck. the second two patches are... iffy? warrior of darkness stuff isn't great. obviously its retroactively improved by shadowbringers but by itself it doesnt super hold up very well. the pre ala-mhigo stuff is okay! i think sometimes some of the trust dungeons have random NPCs wherethey would've really benefited actually having someone you know there. plot should honestly have been re-written to have pipin, alphinaud, lyse, and papalymo as the NPCs for Baelsar's Wall and papalymo's death is weaker for this i think.
listen its 07:00am and i've gotta leave for work in a minute!!! but heavensward is really fucking good. still very very happy with it. the normal raids have an okay story and mostly mid content, but the last few fights are fuckign good. voidark sucks, wheeping city of mhach would've been better if the hair lady at the end was not the final boss. should've ended on ozma. dunscaith is fine, deathgaze hollow is the best boss then it slowly gets worse and worse throughout lol.

also dark knight sucks to play!!!!!!!!

starting on 10th August last year, 2023, i have been playing animal crossing wild world on my nintendo 3ds (new 2ds XL, sorry) every single day, with today being my last day. okay, few exceptions, i did not play on my 27th birthday, nor did i play on the 10th, 15th, or 24th of november, 13th, of december, 2nd of january, or 2nd of february. so admittedly that's like a week or so of days i didnt actually play on, but considering i started in August of last year and it's May now, i THINK that can be forgiven!!!!!

anyway here's the good old OLD days of animal crossing! it's not quite the good old days, because that's New Leaf, and it's not the good old OLD OLLLD days because that's Population Growing (if you want to be insane like me and call ti that)

as someone who really struggled with New Horizons i wanted to see how possible it would be for me to play Wild World, my first animal crossing game again. i wanted to play it properly, you know, i had goals of what i wanted to achieve. it wasn't maxing out absolutely everything, but rather just the stuff i was interested in. i thought that in the interest of animal crossing being a relaxing game, i shouldnt force myself to do the stuff i didnt want to do, like catch all the fish and all the bugs. so i didnt do that! i caught a lot of them when i started playing but then as the seasons changed i thought "fuck this" and stopped. delightful how you can do that! i did pay off my entire mortage though, and i got the framed photos of all my favourite villagers who moved in. i gotta say, i got LUCKY a lot of the time in this run. ACWW's town variation is surprisingly in depth and there are hundreds of different layouts you can get. there's a few where the river forks and meets the sea at two points, creating a sort of island in your village. i LOVE the island. so my first demand of ACWW was a village with an island. then it was to have cherries as my native fruit - don't ask me why. then it was to have the town hall in the northern most quarter of the map, so that the village wall was against the back of the town hall. and finally, the different functions of the town had to be seperated, as to create a town that felt liek every part of it was worth going to. i mostly got my wishes! i would've liked the museum, or my house, to have been on the island. i dubbed it "orange island" because the only fruit i let grow there were oranges. the museum and shops were a bit too close to each other, and my house was also kinda close, but it was fine... i got very lucky with who moved in too! a lot of the time in AC if you don't like your villagers you just wont talk to them, and as it turns out, the villagers are important! i got cube, coco, octavian, snake, and tangy (although not in that order), and was only missing one of the good snooty girls, like olivia or ankha (dont even think about saying anything about ankha.)

i loved talking to my villagers in this game. they're all so obsessed with food! there's clearly a random food generator baked somewhere into the game's code so that cube can be like "oh man did you try out that spaghetti gazpacho strawberry soda they mentioned on TV the otherday?" or some kind of other insane shit. and the villagers actually talk about stuff. they're not always happy, they'll be like "oh FUCK dude when were you planning on telling me that you'd be recruited into the FBI?!" and you'll just have to go along with their dellusions. makes conversations fun and memorable, and you actually get a good idea of what they're about! what's NOT fun is when tangy is like "hey I could really do with a very specific item of clothing only" and will ask you about it every day for two weeks. like jsut ask me for a fossiL! any fossil or bug! or at least the ones where it's a furniture item from a set works better. but overall i liked the villager interractions in this one. makes the most sense that when tangy asks me to deliver something to snake, she's the one to give me my reward, not snake? i dont know why they changed that in later games. the only way to get nookingtons requiring a second cartridge is fucking evil and i'm glad they took that out of the Wii-U port of the game, but also, who the fuck is playing ACWW on Wii-U, especially these days?!

the soundtrack fucks, and bells are basically worthless! easily 99% of my money only ever went onto my mortage and THEN to donating to boondox. the last three/four months of gameplay were just me logging in every day to hit the money rock and sell foreign fruit to nook for 500 bells a piece. i used my second cartridge to make about 200k every three days and it was booorrring :)
i wouldn't recommend doing this yourself!
i did also accidentally complete the fossils in my town, and that was okay too!!

weird how when i was a kid, decorating my house was so easy. even when i was like 19 and moving to wales and playing New Leaf everyday... but now i can't do it! had no interest in it. maybe it's because decorating is easier in newer titles and ACWW's is more difficult. oh yeah, turnips are worthless in this too! even with the exploit of never-dying turnips, the market just isn't worth it because of how random it is. so don't bother!

ACWW produced a lot in my head when i was a kid. i did a lot of imagining and pretending of things. i used to pretend there was a killer hiding in the cedar trees in the north side of town. i'd dress my villager up with a hockey mask or something, give him an axe, and make him chase my friends when they visited. we used to play sumo wrestling by making a 3x3 grid surrounded by pitfall seeds. and obviously in a double bed we'd make them BUMNP UGLIES IF YOU KNOW WHAT IM SAYING AWWHHYEEEAAAHAHH

special game. really special game. 399 hours logged on my 3DS, but that's not just this town. also, i would've played at least 100 hours more on a DS and DS Lite when i was a kid. long car journeys. playing before school, waiting for nooks shop to open. sharks as something rare and special. those momens with blathers and nook where they'd talk longingly about something. getting to know sable and brewster. hearing about this big city they all lived in, how it hurt them and harmed them and maybe them a little more cold. but that the small village with its flowers, its silly residents, and you, made them all better. that's animal crossing. like having pets they make you softer, i think, and maybe that's been lost with the over nicification in the newer games. idk, its not like this one isnt nice. but it says that your town, your little place, is special. and thats why it's nice. the world is wild, man, but your town is home, not just for you, but for everyone


not everyone who knows me well knows how much i love soul blade. or soul edge? i dont know what this game is called. i think the north american version was soul edge, which makes more sense than soul blade, considering the sword in question is called soul edge, but whatever. i digress!!!

i am not a fighting games guy. i know how to play smash brothers at a decent casual level, and thats assuming you're happy for me to call smash brothers a fighting game, which you're probably not happy about! soul blade is the one for me though. and to be explicitally clear, soul blade is the one i love. i LIKE soul calibur, i think it can be quite fun, but you have to understand that there is a world of difference between blade and calibur. the three main differences in combat are the reasons i prefer blade to calibur too. to start with, jumping. this is the smallest one, but in blade you have bouncy shoes which means you can jump about 10 feet high with quite a lot of horizontal direction. that means you can easily jump over your opponent. in calibur, your jumps are short hops, meant only for jumping over low attacks. second difference is the ease of movement on the axis. in blade to go down on the axis you double tap down, and to go up you tap down then up quickly (or you can buttonmap L2 to go up which is what a smart person would do). moving axis is not smooth and it doesn't feel like taking a step; rather it feels like shifting onto a different angle to face your opponent. it's a much more considered decision than in calibur. because jumping is more important in blade, you have to be able to jump easily, so up is jump. in calibur this is less true, so up moves you up the axis. moving axis is therefore easier, and in fact smoother. it's less considered and has less of an impact on gameplay. this makes a huge difference in whether you go for a horizontal attack or a vertical one because the axis is more committed and jumps are higher! the difference between attacks ends up mattering a whole bunch. to be clear about calibur, this shit matters too in calibur, just i feel the movement in blade compliments the horizontal/vertical question far better than calibur does. the last difference between blade and calibur's combat is more of a personal thing, and i respect that i probably only prefer it because i'm 1) not that good at fighting games and 2) blinded by nostalgia. basically soul blade's combos have a hard ending to them that essentially resets the combatants positions to neutrals. you can combo someone onto the ground, punish them once, maybe twice if you predict their roll, but you can't really juggle. there's no rush down in soul blade the same way there is in calibur, or any fighting game really. for me that makes it far more inviting because it's SO much slower. not that it is slow necessarily, but actions are more deliberate nad it's easier to see exactly what each character can do, what they will or might do, and how they respond. despite blade and calibur's combat maybe looking really similar on the surface, they are completely different games.

that's not even talking about the tone and story either. the first thing to understand is that soul blade is a mid 90s japanese fighting game whose story was written for the playstation port. it was practically non-existant in the arcade version. soul blade has this thing about "the war age" and the feeling of these fighters travelling the world on their own personal quests, which i find really delightful. despite being set in a historical period in the real world, it feels like this exciting fantasy world. there's a lot of colour to the stages, and a lot of colour to the outfits. the music is similarily epic, something calibur also wants to do. the supernatural hovers on the horizon in blade: it's the thing we have been chasing throughout our journey. we travel the whole world looking for this legendary cursed sword, and when we find it we get the hardest boss of the game, cervantes de leon, as well as souledge (or inferno) itself. the mechanical difficulty of these two bosses compliments the fiction that soul edge is all powerful, and the supernatural has no place in the world. caliburs story is much more anime and explicitally fantasy; not necessarily a bad thing but it is different. the way the world is understood is so different. you have motherfuckers like zasalamel, lizardman, astaroth, and tira, all of whom scream fantasy and the supernatural. it's no longer something on the periphary, it's the here and now. the fantasy of the world is the thing that's important, not the historical context. in SC4 Siegfried is this giant crystalised knight who wields the crystalline version of the sword Soul Calibur. in blade, where the historical fiction matters more, he is not a fantasy character, but a man whose motivations come from ego. the blonde germanic and handsome young knight is actually one of the villains in soul blade, which feels fantastic! his hair is short and trim, denoting his age, and his voicelines are cocky and egotistical. when siegfried embraces the supernatural it only ends badly for him. i love that the canon ending for a character you just beat arcade mode with is that he turns into a fucking monster. it's delightfully tragic. i love the siegfried of blade SO much, because he becomes the biggest wet blanket in the world from SC1 onwards.

blade's storymode has these book like segments that are entirely unique to each character. they're pretty simple, and not always written in the best prose, but i always loved the start of them, which sets the historical setpieces up. it's not just "mitsurugi is the son of a farmer who goes to war", it's "he's the son of a farmer who joins the seto inland pirates" who were real pirates around that period! siegfried's castle stage isn't just some fantasy castle, it's a castle for a feudal lord at war with a nearby marquis. it's populated with terbuchets and we see crumbling towers in the background. this world feels real and lived in despite the small writing.

it's all nostalgia to me i know i know i know, i KNOW that this game probably isn't as good as SC2 or SC6 (better than SC5 though lol) but i do think it's really special. it has two completely unique soundtracks, the default arcade one and a second called the Khan Super Session which is better than literally any of the soul calibur soundtracks. they go insanely hard, 5 minute long tracks for fights that will barely last two minutes at a push. the voiceacting is cheesy and fun, and it's sweet that the european characters speak english but the asian ones speak japanese (although it would have been better if they all genuinely spoke their own languages) but nonetheless, it's neat

i acknowledge that there are some problems! edge master mode, as conceptually fun as it is and as much as i like the story, is bullshit at points. the win conditions for some of those fights are absolutely ridiculous. playing hwang's mode and having to win three fights in a row where you can only damage the enemy WHILE THEY'RE IN THE AIR and the second fight has the enemy regaining health passively? or mitsurugi having to beat 5 enemies in a row in the colosseum, or beat voldo with the critical edge move? it's genuinely infuriating! like any fighting game, playing with your friends is infinitely more fun than fighting the arcade mode or edge master mode. the game WILL read your inputs. it'll know that you're hitting high then low and it'll match it and it'll make you feel like shit. despicable. also, the weapon gague system is a good idea but by the time you break your opponent's weapon in a fight, it often makes very little difference to the fight because of how much health is left/time on the clock. i'm kind of glad it was scrapped, although i do think a fist-fighting mode would've been a good laugh. on the topic of weapons, i LOVE that blade has all these fun weapons for you to play with. although it would've been neat to be able to pick one without applying the stats for it so you can pick the one you like and fight your pals like that. isn't it also crazy that each character in this game has three different costumes, two of them having two pallettes, so there are 5 variants for each character? that's more than SC6!

maybe this review doesn't quite explain why this is in my favourite games. after all i didn't even give it 5 or 4.5 stars, it only got 4. i appreciate it has problems! but this game is truly special. it's such a weird little unique thing that not many people know about. because soul calibur changed its format so dramatically blade never got a proper sequel, and it's never been ported to anything, so you either need the PS1 disc or you need to emulate it these days. what i'd do for an updated, patched version with online and bonus features! i love this game so much. it is special and truly delightful, and it is, really, the only fighting game for me.

anyway, now go and listen to The Edge of the Soul, the main theme for this game.

not too much to say! i like it! i think that this game has some of the best sprite art ever, like all of the main cast look great, the levels look fantastic, the music is also amazing

sonic has a weird philosophical problem in that, what is a sonic game supposed to look like? going fast is when it is at its best, but a 2d platformer needs obstacles. how you do add obstacles without the annoying seemingly random spikes or enemies that feel impossible to avoid? whats the solution? i dont know!

egg rocket zone is the most exciting level but i dont know if its the most FUN one? its conceptually great and the music is great. the boss absolutely SUCKS however, and is significantly harder than the final boss!

oh well!!!! will probably come back to this relatively soon :)

feels very funny to be the only person to have reviewed the legendary and famous game, AiRace Tunnel, originally (and exclusively) released on Nintendo DSi Ware. that also means it's been impossible to buy this game for a year, as the 3DS store closed its doors for good on 27th march 2023. how time flies!

anyway, i think DSiWare was a fun little experiment nintendo seemed to do. the DSi came out in 2008 in the early days of iphones becoming big and it looks like the software you could download to the DSI was almost meant to rival the app store. i mean, these days when you see ALARM CLOCK on the nintendo switch store you know it's some shovelware bullshit designed to clog up the backlog. but on the DSi nintendo themselves released alarm clocks! at least two of them! there was an NES Mario one and an Animal Crossing Wild World themed one, and i still sometimes use the latter when my phone is out of battery. as a result of DSiWare being this misguided experiment in taking on apple (at least in my opinion) the titles DSiWare provided were often a little... weird? like mobile games i feel like. the DSi ends up feeling like this really strange midpoint, where you trade GBA backwards compatability for what were essentially not very good mobile games and a dodgy camera. in hindsight it is quite clear the DSi is this like failing midpoint between the good ole days of the DS and the revolutionary 3DS. i remember the 3DS coming out, and just how exciting it was seeing how powerful it was and all the stuff it could do. gone were the days of AiRace Tunnel, here was Ocarina of Time 3D! to go back to 2009's gaming scene when DJ Hero was new would be so exciting and strange now. i wish i could see it again.

anyway, AiRace Tunnel is a bit weird isn't it? well it's not like you would know, you don't own this thing and have almost certainly never played it! for the uninitiated, you control a small plane using the d-pad to fly through tunnels, which occasionally have obstacles (which the game calls "traps" in a hint screen. but they're not traps, because you see and plan to avoid them? they're not hidden at all) you need to fly through or avoid them or you'll crash. you get a few lives. that's it! that's the whole game. it has 6 levels in total increasing in difficulty, and that's it! that's the whole game. it is incredibly simple. you can also press Y or A on your DSi to rotate the plan 90 degrees which is sometimes marginially helpful in flying through some traps. and if you think of this as something competing with like, doodle jump or temple run in 2008, yeah! it's kinda good! it came out slightly too late (2010) to properly compete with the mobile game market really, and it's a bit too clunky to have really been significant competition, but what you get is actually surprisingly fun. you build up speed you see, and in the last two levels the "traps" are coming every 2 or 3 seconds so you constantly have to adjust and plan and rotate and it works very well! there's absolutely no fictional context whatsoever, which is also something fictionally fascinating. see these tunnels you're in are mechanically designed, and the traps are clearly designed, in universe, as obstacles. it's like a training course. but you think about how big your plan is, and how small the human piloting it is, and how big the tunnels are, and that's fascinating! those first few levels the tunnels look old and rusty with kind of exposed wiring, but in that last level Tunnel Omega, the whole tunnel is a pristine, clean white with blue LEDs, and your plan now looks like a sci-fi rocket ship with wings. it had made this visual design choice to elevate my experience as a rookie going through old rusted tubes into what felt like an alien spaceship. there's something cool about that. the 6th level is an infinite course, where the tunnel itself doesnt curve or bend which was slightly disappointing. from stage 1 i reached stage 20 which i was quite proud of, becuase it got pretty darn fast!

anyway, the development team for this game was very small. some of them are on linkedin and i could see that one of the concept artists for this game now works for CD Projekt Red and i think that's cool. AiRace Tunnel is a small, weird, tiny little Polish game for the DSi that failed to really do anything. it spawned some sequels, even one on the 3DS, but i'll not forget AiRace Tunnel for what it is. a time capsule about flying a plane really fast and really well.


doom is cool man. heavy metal and blowing up demons with epic gun shooting, chainsaw action, and punching dudes hell yeah

i think this doom works because of the way it incentives aggression; yes there are powerups and healing and shields all over the shop but the most reliable way to stay alive is glory kills, which are the icing on top of the cake. precious i-frames and promised final death for undead demonic freakazoids is what makes glory kills awesome. you obliterate and annihilation and when its at its best it owns. great fun.

i do think that sometimes shooting by itself isnt massively satisfying, in that bullets making contact with the enemy doesnt feel that good? in other shoots you might just get a like, little ticking noise or a vibration or something to acknowledge it, a small visual or audio reward that makes shooting itself satisfying. doom doesnt have that, and maybe thats because landing shots isnt the point of doom, but i still think id have appreciated it. unfortunately most upgrades are also just boring. i dont even know how many praetor suit upgrades i had in the end. i think the only one i really cared about was reducing self immolation damage from grenades which is also an uninteresting upgrade. when i found new weapon drones i'd click randomly on what the upgrade would be because i didnt care all that much. at one point i had 22 weapon upgrade points because i didn't care or need anymore upgrades. i didnt bother with basically any of the rune challenges because they were tedious and gimmicky and the reward was often a rune i didnt care about. as soon as i had the rune that gave me shields on glory kills i was like "yep, satisfied with rune challenges now" and moved on with my life. i wish i could have also like, unequipped some of the weapons i didnt use like the combat shotgun or automatic rifle, because they clogged up my inventory and when scrolling through weapons made it unnecessarily long. i know i could've used the number keys but scrolling is more fun, isn't it? story is basically non-existant and thats fine, i thought samuel haydens voice was cool. didnt give a fuck when vega died and i think thats why doomguy is the best guy in doom.

it was shorter than i expected! dont have too much else to say about it. could've done with a dash thing like in cyberpunk, but i'm told thats in doom eternal, which i would play, except i hear its just worse than this one, and i dont think i liked this one quite enough to want to play it again

all that being said, all my complaints are super minor ones, and the good far outweighs the bad. doom!

This review contains spoilers

PREFACE: this is my longest review by far. It's about 7000 words long and not that funny. it has a bunch of spoilers for the game in, so please do BOUNCE if this aint ya thing

man. i dont even know where to start with this one. it goes without saying that the original Final Fantasy VII is one of my favourite video games of all time, if not my favourite, so anything that attempts to remake it is going to fall under my hard scrutiny. i replayed FF7 Remake only last year for the first time since release in anticipation for Rebirth, and ended up enjoying that a lot more than i expected to. i found it to be well paced, decently balanced, with some extremely strong moments... albeit some unecessary flourishes that blemished that final picture. despite those, i ended up more excited for Rebirth than nervous, although there certainly were nerves. what we got though wasn't something i could have predicted at all. not one bit.

i think the game opening on the Nibelheim sequence is perfect. it's an extremely faithful recreation of the original, especially in regards to the scene where Sephiroth gets to Jenova, but more than that it more subtley alludes to the truth of what really happened in ways that are quite delightful. it brings a lot of character to Nibelheim, and it is delightfully fun to be able to play as Sephiroth for a short time too. it's better than the original FF7 in that regard actually, because he was automatic in the PS1 version, so letting us actively take control of him is a really fun little bit! it's a great way to introduce synergy skills and abilities too, which i'll come back to later. overall, chapter 1 was a great way to open the game. then with chapter 2 we get the re-introduction of our main cast, and the beginnings of the open world. i think the opening is quite strong here too! we get to walk around Kalm, the first town in the game that isn't Midgar, and it's so beautifully realised. so unbelievably colourful and thriving with NPCs, it's a delight to be around. once we enter the open world though, things begin to change. there are ingredients at our left or right, and we are introduced to the game's first problem. crafting.

why is crafting here. are game developers really so idealess about what to put in an open world that it has to be crafting? the open world is now filled with an abundance of ingredients that are totally lacking in flavour, and THAT is our reward for exploring it. you'll get a whole bunch of Planet's Benison and sprigs or oregano, and you'll never use them! you'll still be picking them up for some reason even though you almost never use them! the game is not interested in the fiction of crafting things either, because we do our crafting with an "Item Transmuter", technobabble that allows us to make worthless items for no reason. the ingredient cap for an item is 99 so we end up with 99 ingredients that we never, ever use, and we don't ever bother actually crafting anything. why would i bother crafting items that i know i can't use in hard mode, and if i need items i'll use my ridiculous amount of gil to buy them from the millions of vending machines in the game! seriously, there are vending machines everywhere. i know immersion isn't the be-all and end-all of video game storytellign but it is pretty immersion breaking when i am in the centre of the gi cave and there's a fucking magic vending machine selling potions. is it REALLY so bad if i can't go back and buy potions? we know that the game is balanced well enough in hard mode ot be playable without items, so when the game is EASIER in normal mode we probably dont need fucking vending machines everywhere! i have come to the realisation that item economies are incredibly hard things to balance, FF16 and all Persona games have this problem of just not knowing what to do with all of these items. i've heard some people say that items themselves should be scrapped outright, and while i dont agree with that, i think we could do a lot better than what we have now. i've digressed a bit to complain about items generally, but their pointlessness is one of the reasons why crafting blows chunks so much. the items are pointless, the fiction isn't interested in the crafting itself, and bland ingredients are what make our reward for exploration in the open world.

and that's our main incentive to explore in the open world if we're being serious. so it means bad things for the open world, which it turns out, isn't an open world at all, not really, and also, is just some of the worst dogshit game design i've seen. and to pre-face this bit, i actually LIKE chadley as a character, just so you know. he's my son, in fact. but to start with, the remnawave towers don't clear the fog on the map. instead, they reveal locations on map you can find, like lifesprings (ingredients) or summon caves. the fog itself clears when you walk by it, which doesn't sound bad in ofitself, but means that if there's a large open area on your map that's all foggy, to clear it all you need to sweep back and forth. and because you've activated lots of remnawave towers you already know there isn't actually anything to discover in the fog, you're just clearing it because your map is fucking ugly otherwise! except there are parts of the map you can't access, so your map constantly ends up looking unfinished. i have to wonder what the point of even having the fog was there for, because it doesn't cover any of the secret locations at all? its just sort of there. i look forward to the mod for PC releases that simply deletes the fog, because it will be just much better! other people have mentioned this already, but the open world sections are also basically ubisoft checklist shit. you get told that there's a bunch of towers you have to activate, which only serve to tell you where more map locations are, which only really get you ingredients. you can also find the summon shrines as i said, which are basically fine, but they give you this absolutely pointless minigame to do. i'll take about minigames later too though. lastly there are the protorelics you can find, and these are basically fine. in each region the objective associated with the protorelic is different! so in Junon you play Fort Condor, but in Cosmo Canyon you play Gears n Gambits. they all have some little sidestories associated with them, and tie into a larger one that introduces Gilgamesh to the FF7 canon for the first time. and its cool! i like the protorelic stuff. some minigames are better than others, some stories better than others, but that's fine. i'm happy to leave the protorelic stuff as it is. i mentioned that the open world is broken up into regions, and there are checklists of things you can do in each region. i think the list itself makes the open world really suck here, because it gives you this sense of "okay i'm done here, I have absolutely no reason to come back" whereas if you didn't know you'd be more interested in returning, as you'd think there might actually be something you missed. it would make each of these regions feel a bit more alive, and that's really exciting! but nope, instead it's just boring checklist stuff. nothing really worth discovering, very little worth doing, and then you're done and you move on. i will say that each region has its own unique flavour though, and the architectur here is amazing. i've heard it said from youtube's very own Fudj that Elden Ring's devs were the master of architecture, but i have to give that to the team behind Remake and Rebirth. FF7's world is a world of junk in the best way, there are derelict facotires, reactors, junkyards, warehouses, construction sites, all sorts of stuff. the world feels really unique and has been crafted so lovingly that it's a delight to look at. there's absolutely fuck all worth finding in it, but it is cool to be in! so it's a world of junk in the bad way too. each region's different checklist also gives them a different flavour; the difference between the Junon region and the Grasslands (tangent, could they not have come up with a better name than "the Grasslands"? what kind of level 1 RPG name is that? they put all this work into technically you about the Republic of Junon and how the world has farred since the Republic lost the war against Shinra, and then the first fucking area is called the Grasslands? come ON) is really noticable, and the different chocobos in each region means you traverse each region differently too. actually, the Junon region is one of my favourite ones because the chocobo's new ability isn't particularly gimmicky. the music is nice, and the different locals in Junon are also markedly different! though it does suck that they just removed Fort Condor and put it somewhere else. in fact, the geography of the world has been changed quite markedly. this isn't something i was expecting! I thought they'd adapt the world so that the edges of the land all stayed the same, but that the smaller parts were different. i like the way the swamp starts in this game, as it actually has flavour compared to the original, but the actual shape of the land is different. this became quite frustrating around the Gongaga area, which is easily the worst in the game. horrifically hard to navigate because everything looks the same, and youre looking for these giant mushrooms to bounce off to get around. where the mushrooms bounce you to never really looks like it takes you where it should, so it's impossible to predict where a mushroom will take you. just far too hard hard to navigate by far, and ends up being not fun at all because of it. nothing worth finding it, horrible to move around it, awful. the cosmo canyon area is better than gongaga, but not by much. these areas took me the longest to do and were needlessly frustrating and just not fun. they end up feeling like huge playpits instead of an actually open, living, breathing world. the Nibel area is one of the best ones because the chocobo's ability there can be used throughout, and allows you to speed up how and when you want to. the walls and cliffs are less frustrating to deal with and it made collecting everything that much better. just a more enjoyable experience all around!

each of the open world regions also has towns in them. one of the exciting things about coming across a new town in an older JRPG is that there are new things to find there. shops and money in RPGs are not always interesting, i think dragon quest do them the best. in the original FF7 you'd essentially get the "next set" of weapons available to you from the next town, as well as some new materia. if you were beefing out the whole squad this would cost you a lot of gil, that you probably didnt have! this means gil has value, and shops are interesting, because they hold things you want! not so in FF7 rebirth. practically all of the game's weapons are found outside, meaning that there is really a reason to check the shops. they also rarely have new materia. because there are choco-stops all over the place and we have millions of potions all the time, the inn in a town is also basically useless as well. so towns become the next checkpoint for the fiction, but don't actually end up really serving a purpose outside of being a hub for sidequests or the ocassional minigame, and it's a real shame! i get that the game wants to reward exploration in the dungeons by giving us new weapons there, but it makes towns suck! this game could easily have avoided this problem by having different weapons available in the towns to the ones we find outside... like in the original FF7. i appreciate they don't want to overload us with lots of new abilities, and thats fine! the weapons we get in the shops don't have to come with new abilities! or they can come with those stupid elemental moves like snow flurry! and they could have simply been the weapons from remake, so that way we could've had the best of both worlds, old weapons and new ones. a lot of the weapons in this game are kind of ugly and it wouldve been really nice to have the nice ones from the first game too! hardege i forever miss you! when PC modding becomes a thing, i will replace igneous sabre with hardedge instantly lol (though i will replace mythril sabre in remake with the Runeblade however! so do with that what you will)

outside of towns and open world regions are the "dungeons" for lack of a better term. places like mythril mines, mount corel, temple of the ancients, and so on. the first game was only really towns and dungeons, and one of the reasons that worked was that all the dungeons had to be hyper-focused and well designed. this game is just a whole bunch bigger, so there are a lot more dungeons! i think the loop of dungeon exploration has gotten worse here, maybe because the ideas are worse or maybe because i'm just burnt out on them. dungeons in both Remake and Rebirth often have a puzzle element to them, or something you need to do. the party often splits up, with Cloud needing to do something like push blocks around to make a bridge. the puzzles are very barebones, never particularly interesting or exciting. we're talking the first few rooms of every zelda dungeon where its basically spelt out on the wall. the bits where you control someone else, like Yuffie or Barret, are even worse. Barret's ones are terrible because they boil down to "shoot thing on the wall to get pointless item". it's a shame because these linear, focused sections of the game are where the game should shine. they allow us more focused character moments, which we do sometimes get! but they never quite do enough with that. in Corel, Cloud gets a migraine from all of his cigar huffing and Yuffie takes the lead with Barret and Tifa. it's a nice moment to have a different team for a while, but the three of them literally dont speak until after theyve beaten the boss of the dungeon, and its such a shame! it's kind of true of all the dungeons, that the puzzles are mindnumbing and there isn't quite the focus that it needs. remember the collapsed expressway from Remake? that has some of the best character interraction between Cloud and Aerith possible, with slightly more engaging puzzles. rebirth should've been filled with dungeons that did that, but it doesn't quite deliver. by the time you get to the temple of ancients you are pretty sick of the dungeon "puzzles", and that dungeon's puzzles are the absolute worst. clouds pushing large blocks around again, and aerith has to hit little green crystal clusters and then hold down triangle to absorb a resource... i dont know man, they just fucked it up i think. mt corel's ascent was the best one.

i don't have too much to say about the combat to be honest! it's very similar to Remake but with the addition of new characters, more materia, and synergy skills and abilities. the skills feel really clunky to use, and i was never particularly sure when i should be using them considering they don't use ATB. but the abilities are great, they feel like cheeky new limit breaks that are exciting and useful! and it's fun to see all the different things that happen, so combat feels good! they start the game by giving cloud and barret their best abilities from the first game, triple slash and maximum fury respectfully. barret in particular is goated in this game. when he gets bonus round and overcharge speedup he can just decimate. his ATB grows so fast that having prayer or cure+magnify on him makes a powerhouse of utility. easily my favourite combat unit in the game, feels like he constantly has something to do. i think they made cloud's punisher mode less interesting in this one, but i love the addition of prime mode to make a much meatier punisher mode that i can forgive it. tifa ended up feeling very similar to the first game in a good way, she is still an absolute powerhouse of a unit that i dont fully understand. aerith unfortunately feels a lot worse, while radiant ward is incredible i really noticed how slow her ATB is in this game, and without Ray of Judgement she just feels like she has less utility. i'm glad tempest was moved to the square button but she just feels like she's missing something. i guess when she staggers enemies now you should just cast regular spells? yuffie is also goated in this game, elemental ninjutsu, doppleganger, and banishment make her nuts. a perfect glass canon but so worth using. red xiii is fun to use but i couldnt get used to using him. i almost wish the game opened on forcing him to be in my main party so i had to get used to him for a little while. same with cait sith, who i liked it, but found kind of confusing to use. i do love that i dont have to use the moogle though. using Kitty Wollop on Safer Sephiroth was pretty good... the actual fights themselves are fun too! i loved doing the summon fights on their hardest difficult. that was probably the hting i enjoyed the most, fighting Alexander, Bahumat, and Odin. super engaging, and not gimmicky. there is a couple of gimmicky fights that i didnt like, but the summons were great fun. i didn't reach Gilgamesh but i suspect he was probably fun too.

while i dont have much to say about the combat, i DO have something to say about the minigames! and thats that there are too damn many of them! dont get me wrong, i really praised Remake for having all of those minigames, old and new, like darts, but rebirth's gamification of things that don't need it gets in the way. when you find one of those summon caves you have to do this, lets call it a microgame, where you have to press buttons on your controller in an order. its never hard or engaging, its just padding. find lifesprings is even worse because you can't even get it wrong, you just have to press triangle on time. what is the point man? needless padding for something already uninteresting, and fels like a complete waste of time. the actual minigames themselves that are given whole rules-sets and space to breathe are mostly good fun! 3d brawler is good fun, as is fort condor. i know people dislike the new fort condor for its lack of customisation compared to Remake's DLC, but i actually preferred it. i almost wish it didnt let me pick my group setup at all! there's something i don't find fun about having to think about which group to use for which level, because the levels feel like they've been designed for you to use a particular group-set. i liked it though! i liked Gears n Gambits too even, which i didnt think i would! never really understood why i won and had no curiosity whatsoever to do the hard mode of those, because i knew i'd fuck up entirely. the protorelic cactuar minigames in corel dessert sucked big time! the aerith ones in particular were needlessly frustrating and i was glad to be done with them when i was! the dolphin minigame was good fun, nice and simple, and chocobo racing is super fun! i wish the tracks had a bit more variety but the minigame itself was actually fun and i was glad to have done it! the box minigame from Remake is back but with some slightly new features, and i enjoyed it again! i think they interrupt the plot a few too many times but i still liked them. there are others, but the real monarch of minigames is, of course, Queen's Blood, which I did really love. i loved that it has a stupid storyline about the death of the creator and a scary queen and all that jazz. incredibly silly stuff but i enjyoed it. the actual game itself is really engaging and building a deck is awesome. i appreciate how easy it is to reset a game and try again, so i'm okay with there being no real reward for beating all the Queen's Blood players, i just enjoyed playing the game. i'd love for a free to play app like Hearthstone of Queen's Blood for me to fuck around with other players. just a good time!

alright, enough fucking around. you didn't come here to talk about queen's blood, or how shops are boring in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. you came here to see how angry i got at the story. and oh boy. i got angry.

the part of the origina lgame that this is adapting is largely lax in actual storycontent to be honest. it's mostly just "let's go get Sephiroth" and you travel, go to places, do some things, and that's about it. which means this game had to use a lot of creative liberties to expand on some of that material. and that's okay! this game should be bigger, Kalm should have story signifigance by itself. we should be allowed to see what the power on Bill's Chocobo Ranch are actually like. we should have characters like Broden and Roche who succumb to SOLDIER's celluar degradation. i love that stuff. i found myself genuinely sad when Roche "died" in this game, and that's crazy because when i played Remake i didn't like him at first! funny how things change. that also means that we get really delightful stuff like everything that happens at Junon. Junon was fantastic, although i would've liked more to find in the town and to do there, but i loved it a lot. i love Rufus, I love the Turks, i like that Rufus gets more focus in this game instead of the board of directors, to justify his lack of presence in Remake. i abhor the inclusion glenn as a matter of principle - do NOT put characters from your fucking gatcha mobile game in to a mainline entry!!! it is creatively and morally bankrupt of you to do so. that being said, i do like that he acts as a foil to rufus, because rufus ends up getting more flavour. he's a good man! or rather, he's an interesting character, i think giving him that extra flavour will be one of those things that makes Advent Children slightly better on a rewatch (although Advent Children does blow chunks also sorry lol). the ship has been changed to a holiday cruiseliner now. i loved the ship in the original but i do think it needed changing! there's not much to actually do on there and it ends up being a bit boring in the original. the song that plays, originally called It's Hard to Stand on Two Legs, Isn't It? was conspicuously absent which i found very upsetting, but i did get to play a fucking bunch of Queen's Blood which meant it was okay. Costa Del Sol is fantastic, i love what they did with it. perfect time for a bunch of minigames, and dressing up in different outfits. the boss fight is kind of lame but it's a great time for Yuffie to join the team and, man, i just love the outfits. But i do HATE that the outfits are locked behind finishing the game!!! this will be hopefully another mod i can install in two years times lol. there are now two gold saucer dates in this game, which i also think is an improvement, and i respect the game going out of its way to flesh out getting different dates with different characters, making getting a date with someone like Barret a lot more viable than it was in the original game! the dates were delightful and i'm excited to go through that again. i think the story starts falling off from there onwards though. the desert badlands don't feel anywhere nearly as dangerous as they should, and the dyne situation has been totally toned down. i understand why they would to cut the scene of a man killing himself, but thematically it is a failing to have Dyne be killed by anyone other than himself. his attitude is a mirror of Barret's, angry at the world and Shinra for what happened to him. his attitude is his responsibility though. which means if he kills himself it was his own perspective that lead him there. that's what tragedy is in a literary sense! the inevitable downfall of someone because of an inherent trait in that person. in Dyne's suicide Barret sees himself, and realises he doesn't want to become a jaded monster like that. it ends up feeling spineless to have Dyne gunned down by a bunch of regular troopers, and that's really disappointing. then we get gongaga, which has already been the worst part of the game to explore. the story stuff there is... interesting. for one we meet Cissnei again from Crisis Core, and to be honest she sucks! Cissnei is super bland, totally sauceless. gongaga feels like a strange town, because I can't imagine Zack ever growing up there. i dont know, just didnt like it all that much. Then we get the return of the Whispers from Remake, which were the worst thing about that game's story. we get all this stuff about the Weapons, and Tifa falling into the lifestream. i think they are setting up the lifestream "revealing the truth" of the matter there, as Tifa gets a small revelation about something. I like this bit, but i find it frustrating because this thing gets cleared up for Tifa that we as the audience never knew was something she was confused about? the whole thing is very flashy and dramatic, something Rebirth has in spades. Cloud is going whacko Sephiroth mode too, and I like the slow depiction of this throughout the game, so no complaints from me. before we get to Cosmo Canyon, Cid Highwin gets introduced early, and that's also because they cut Rocket Town. I'm actually okay with Cid being introduced earlier because a lot of JRPGs suffer from this thing of the later party members having less reason to be in the team, and Cid's reason for joining us in the original game is quite flimsy! We almost accidentally end up on his aeroplane with him in the original and the wifebeater just sort of... decides to join us arbitrarily. However they didn't actually improve this at all in this one. In fact, Cid just feels worse in this game! I'm happy for them to cut the wifebeating stuff for sure, but his reason for joining us is that he knew Aerith's mother a long time ago, and "wants to do right by her", this isn't elaborated on or explored. he has no relationships with anyway, doesn't do anything other that pilot the Tiny Bronco as a boat. He's really nice now, so just ends up having no actual personality? you can cut the wifebeating stuff without making him a nice guy. he can still be a dickhead that we have to tolerate! and this is just his lot for the game! cosmo canyon is basically the same as it was, except Red XIII is now the most annoying character in the game. i can't believe it how much he sucks. YES I get he is experientally a child but he is just so unbelievably annoying in this game! i'm happy for the Gi to have made the Black Materia as it probably does make more sense that someone else made it, as the Cetra probably wouldn't have and i doubt it would've formed naturally in a lifespring. but we do find out that the Gi are not from the planet! and that's interesting! so they're aliens! but that also is not explored at all, so like, where the fuck did the Gi come from? maybe this will come up in the third game. I like the Nibelheim story stuff! They made Cloud remembering who Zack is work, and I love what they're doing with Cait Sith. the second date at the Gold Saucer is delightful, love that they lean into the romance with Tifa and Aerith (although as someone on team Clearith I am malding that they don't kiss, but I appreciate that what they're doing is having Aerith realise she likes Cloud as a person outside of his connection to Zack. it's sweet I think! Happy for the Cloti fans that Tifa and CLoud do actually kiss though!)

before i talk about the big story stuff, like the ending and the zack timeline, i'll harp on about the characters a bit more first

what this game is doing with cloud is great. from choosing which girlfriend you like the most out of aerith, tifa, and barret, to slowly going sicko mode, Cloud's development is really fun and exciting. his VA does a great job and i was never not interested in what was going on with cloud. they got him right! as I mentioned earlier, Barret's development is watered down by the watering down of Dyne's death, but Barret is one of the stars of this game still. there's that sidequest with the dog, salmon, in Junon, that gives him some adorable flavour. same with the side quest he has with vincent, he just gets to be a fun character in this game. i love barret wallace so much. Tifa also gets some great development, and i love her relationship with Aerith too. i really found their friendship incredibly believable, and its something that improves upon the original of making these characters have relatinoships with each other. It's development and expanding instead of changing something, and that's nice! like her gameplay, I actually found Aerith to have surprisingly few story moments in this game. there are very few story mandated moments of spending time with JUST Aerith, and that's kind of crazy considering this game should be making us spend time with her and Tifa all the time! despite the fact that both of my gold saucer dates were with Aerith, I didn't feel like I had actually spent all that much time with her. She doesn't really do anything! I like Yuffie as a character but i do wish she engaged with the plot a little bit more instead of going "I want more materia!" she feels like a Persona party member at points and it's frustrating. red xiii blows chunks and is the worst character in the game. cait sith ends up being super endearing, and i really like what they do with him. i wish we got a LITTLE bit more out of him, but i liked him enough to want to use him for parts of the game! i think the way relationships build are a little flawwed in this game. conceptually i love it, having all these dialogue checks where different options build my relationship differently. but some of the dialgoue is SO arbitrary it's like, how was i supposed to know which one was better? like in Gongaga tifa asks you what dinner she should make. and from the way she responded to each option i didnt know which one was the most effective because it was so arbitrary? there's no like, marker to indicate how successful it was? and it's like i could've been rewarded for knowing tifa very well, and knowing what she would like. she never told me she didnt like soup!!! how the fuck was i supposed to know that!! having side quests tied to character relationships again is good in theory, but ends up feeling tonally weird when your party of 6 people the majority just choose to not get involved in it and one person randomly decides TO get involved? especially with lacking cait sith, whose relationship doesn't get to build because of how late he joins the game. just feels odd! speaking of side quests, theyre okay. for the most part they're better than Remake's side quests, because a lot of them feature more established characters than Old Man, or Rude Woman from Remake, but some of them are downright DIRE. yes, I am talking about you Chicken Sidequest. i will never forgive you, Chicken Sidequest. and i am literally good chicken.

so the big stuff. zack's timeline. for the longest time i thought that what they were doing was hyping up this "doomed world" where aerith was in a coma with cloud, and then at the end when Aerith died in the real world, she would've woken up in Zack's world. not to toot my own horn but this would've been the best way to keep Aerith in the third game and also keep her death. if Advent Children is the fate of these characters, it wouldve been the perfect way to deal with this! the white materia in the real world faded, but was bright in that timeline! She and Zack could've helped summon the lifestream at the end of part 3 with Biggs or whatever!! and could've rekindled thei rromance so that when they show up in Advent Children as force ghosts to help Cloud, we can enjoy them together at the church! but nope. not what we got. in fact, the whole ending we got was garbage. the Zack timeline stuff ended up being pretty pointless! We got a bossfight with Cloud and Zack against Sephiroth that doesnt really feel earned, but is big on its dramatic flare. Sephiroth seperates them then Zack falls into this white abyss and goes "see ya!" which feels like he's dying again, but it's all meaningless dramatic flare as he just wakes up in the sector 7 church again immediately afterwards lmao. so the zack timeline is pointless. then forgotten capital gets totally butchered too. one of the most visually striking areas in the original game, and when we arrived there i was like "wow, it's so beautiful and fully realised!" and then the fucking whispers show up and just fucking destroy it. no exploration, ONE fight with whispers, then a multitude of bosses. never mind the fact that we teleport from temple of the ancients to the sleeping forest, and the survey team are gone. the world feels a lot smaller this time around and the pacing is ruined, the forgotten capital ends up being incredibly boring, just a place of totally nothingness. it was an underwater area over the sea level! it was so striking and now it lacks personality completely, just becomes a vague space to do boss battles. aerith still gets killed, thank GOD, but they completely fuck up the presentation of it for, what? shock value? because they just HAD to change it? what's the point of the fakeout? you have the most iconic scene in maybe all of video game history, and you just... completely fuck it up, because you can't bare to just adapt it straight. the devs have talked about respecting the original game but i just dont think that's true. why would you fuck up her death so much? cloud's words after aerith's death, "Aerith will never smile again, will never laugh again. My fingers are tingling. My lips are dry. My throat is hoarse" or whatever he says are all gone, just Sephiroth's yammering. The grief doesn't get time to play out as we go into an intense bossfight, and while they do use Aerith's theme for the JENOVA fight its no where near as impactful as the original was. Especially because Aerith SPEAKS after she gets killed!!!! and then she COMES BACK TO LIFE FOR THE FINAL BOSS!?! talk about gameplay and fiction overlap and you have FUCKED it up here so badly!!! The final scenes of Clouds delusion as he thinks Aerith is alive are frustrating because I think I know what they're going for, but I susect I'm also just wrong because what we get will just be infinitely worse! so the whole ending ends up blowing serious chunks.

but it sure had a lot of dramatic flare right? Aeirth came back, Zack came back, we fought Safer Sephiroth (even though they didn't use Birth of a God for the music, which was sorely disappointing... we got One Winged Angel again though. talk about wasting your musical trump card. it's just uninteresting here). THis game has dramatic flare in spades but its all style and no substance. I think that's a pretty good one line description for this game at the end of the day. SO much of what it's going for ends up falling flat because it's built on meaningless grandiose visuals and flares, like the ending of Remake having the fight against the Arbiters of Fate... genuinely pointless. Didn't impact that game's plot or this one, so what was the point? Anything to do with fate or destiny or whispers just convollutes the plot so much. Removes any of the intrinsically "human" elements to this story, the underdog nature of it all, and rams it into the fucking earth. I loved that middle point of the game where I felt like a bunch of fun characters going for a journey and going through all these towns, but outside of the dogshit open world, the dogshit ending, the terrible pacing, the disappointing dungeons, there's not that much left to love in this game. and it's so so so disappointing because i was so excited. When I played Remake for the second time i ended up liking it a whole bunch more than the first time, so I'm hoping that some years from now with mod support I will end up having a more positive experience with it. but i am feeling so jaded on this one right now. All it has made me want to do is play Final Fantasy VII for the PS1, a game that's actually just good. Tonally, pacing, open world, all of it just works. didn't need a god damn rebirth that's for sure.

a long time ago, about 3 or 4 years ago, when my buddies began to play fortednite, i said that i would only join if they introduced certain characters i liked into the game. i was put off by the amount of microtransactions in it, and videos of the building always totally overwhelmed me... but my friends played hundreds of hours of it and the nature of it just seemed fun! so i made my promise and i waited. at the time, there were rumours of characters that epic were looking at putting in. they considered simon belmont from castlevania, joker from persona, snake plissken, and snake from MGS... any of them came in, and i was game.

january 23rd 2024, solid snake was unlockable, so i kept my promise, and played it. and i had fun! i forgot to buy fucking raiden so im now a stupid idiot who only has snake, but still, its good! im terrible at this game. when i'm running round with my buds and they danger ping another squad on a hill, i'm still trying to get my bearings and suddenly a bullet enters my brain and i explode onto my friends. genuinely can't do anything in this game beside kill the AI bots and sometimes hit enemies with lock-on pistols. fortnite is hard bc its filled with children, who we all know are just objectively better at video games than adults, as well as sweaty try-hards, who i call that because i'm jealous of their skill. i SUCK at fortnite. and i sucked at overwatch! i'm not good at shooters that require you to shoot actual, real players who are good at hiding! i have been lucky with a couple of kills here or there but god damn, i suck! part of that is my skill, but another part is that the open nature of the world almost requires having a sniper. and it's true, the sniper is a quintessential weapon in fortnite. and sniping is hard, which means if you can't snipe, you can't win. it's a good thing i get carried so much!!

at time of writing there is no free building in fortnite anymore, which is honestly kind of crazy as that was such an important part of fortnite's identity. but it's gone now, and from what my buddies say, the game is just better for it. you pay more attention to the envinronments, shooting down trees, sliding behind rocks and into bushes to hide. it makes for a more natural experience. there's also weapon modding at the moment, which i dont really understand at all! it makes the weapons, to me at least, needlessly complicated. but that's also because i'm shit.

fuck microtransactions anyway. fortnite relies wholeheartedly on FOMO. it's predatory and it sucks.

final thoughts: for what is probably the biggest, most consistent actively played game right now, it's nuts how like, the game more often than not just feels like it doesn't work? from bad networking to abrupt bad loading, to the UI menus just only half working? like you can "archive" stuff in your locker so that when you shuffle your character skins it will only shuffle the ones that are there. but sometimes it just has the archived skins in too? and also to reshuffle you seem to have to go back to the lobby? like who designed this! it's just silly how frustrating this is hahaha

oh well, i will continue to shoot and be shooted at :)

This review contains spoilers

Persona is so funny because on one hand you have this strong meditation on death and the importance of forging bonds with people, and on the other hand your teacher is a predator who considers using her position in the school to get you alone so she can have her way with you.

What works in persona games often really works, really well. Here you have this game that, as I say, has this central theme of death or ending that runs through almost all of its social links. Its social links explore the different relationships we can have with death, and some of them work really well. Akinari Kamiki’s social link is a little forced in its opening but is one exploration of how you might find meaning in your life even if you’re dying of a terminal disease. Bunkichi and his wife’s social link concerns having grown old, and mourning the death of their son. It’s no surprise that one of your party members gets murdered too (I’ll come back to this later), as witnessing and mourning someone is always an interaction with death. The story mandated social link with Pharos/Ryuji is also so important because he literally is death, and not just his arcana! All of this is made better, I think, by knowing that the lovely ending of the game has our protagonist pass away in his sleep. Personally, I love this ending. In the final exploration of death as a theme what is the other way in which we can interact with death as a topic? It is to die ourselves. The protagonist closing their eyes in warmth and sunlight, surrounded by a loved friend is the perfect way to die isn’t it? It’s a happy ending, despite the fact that we are no more. I don’t know. Apparently people don’t like that the protagonist dies? Especially as it’s kind of only vaguely suggested that something is wrong, and not made explicit until The Answer that the protagonist closes dies when he closes his eyes. Still, I really like it.

Not all the social links are good! In fact one of the problems with this game’s social links is the fact that we are really encouraged to be a yes-man in them to get the best social link points to level them up faster. The Emperor arcana dude, Odagiri I think his name is, absolutely sucks. I hate his guts and I hate that to level it up I have to tell him that he’s right by being a complete piece of shit loser. The Justice arcana girl who is scared of boys also blows chunks. I like that you can tell Maiko it’s probably her fault her parents are divorcing. It’s nuts that there are only two social links you can do at night because it really ends up feeling like there’s just not that much to be done at night? Thought Matatsu and Tanaka are two of the most fun social links because they’re not annoying school kids! Also coming off Persona 4 and 5 where there are social links with all party members available from the moment of getting the party member. Levelling them up is fun and rewarding. And in Persona 3 you can only social link your female party members? And only with a social stat maxed out? This is terrible! I get that P3R is a very faithful remake and that is cool, but this is something that feels like should’ve been modernised. Like you have all these hangouts at Iwatodai dorm, as well as the fact that each character has “link episodes” which function as social links basically, resulting in you being able to fuse special personas. So ATLUS kind of want to have their cake and eat it too, but I don’t feel like it works. It’s much harder to keep on top of these link episodes, especially when they only exist for the boys, because the girls have social links… make it make sense! Also, it’s really hard going back to P3 and P4 and doing social links where you don’t get tangible benefits for doing them. I don’t mean to sound like a baby, but at least in P5 if you did a social link where you didn’t like the character, you often at least got something interesting out of it. Not so in P3!!!! I can’t believe they didn’t find a way to incorporate this into P3…
On the topic of social stats, I don’t mind there only being 3 stats in this game, but I think activity balancing was waaay off in this game. I had all three stats maxed out by October without using guides for them, which meant that they became completely arbitrary metrics for the last three and a half months of the game, which sucks! That’s so lame. The pacing around social links also feels really off, because when I had the option to do Mitsuru’s one, no one else was available for like 2 weeks, so I just powered through it at one time, and same with Aigis. On one hand it’s kind of nice to be able to focus on them, but it feels really disconnected from the rest of the game.

I have some character beat issues too. Ryoji should’ve had a social link separate from Death? He’s so important to the latter part of the story but doesn’t actually have a particularly long part in the story, and it’s a little weird. I think Chidori and Junpei’s romance is kind of garbage, and Junpei ends up less endearing that say, P5’s Ryuji because he is much more intentionally pervy which sucks. I think Takaya has a really great look, and his voice actor is amazing, but it’s no surprise that people no remember Takaya over Persona’s other villains. Takaya’s motivations aren’t particularly inspiring or thought-provoking. There’s a scene where he talks about how car accidents cause loads of deaths every year, but we don’t try to stop them the way we try to stop the Dark Hour. Then we say “that logic makes no sense”, and that conversation is just sort of over. There’s no actual part of writing that seriously engages with Takaya’s point of view, because he doesn’t really have one, and it’s a shame because I see potential in him as a villain that we just don’t really get. I think he sort of fails as an example of someone who is embracing the theme of Death as a good thing to strive for in some ways? All he really does is kill Shinji, which is its own muddied murder/sacrifice. Listen, one of the things that makes Aerith’s death so great in the original FF7 is that she doesn’t sacrifice herself. She gets murdered. It’s infinitely more tragic. Stop heroically sacrificing characters!! Shinji’s death would’ve been a million times better if he JUST got murdered outright. Ikutsuki ends up being one of the most frustrating villains ever because his place in the story beforehand is so underused. We’re told that he’s the chairman of the school, and this adult who can interact with the Dark Hour but doesn’t have a Persona. Okay, that’s interesting, why is that? We should be asking questions about what Ikutsuki is doing and what he is doing to actually support SEES. I like that he’s a funny, silly, nice man. I wish he had a bit more active involvement with the plot, but the problem with Persona games is they often don’t HAVE a plot until the last quarter. Anyway, his betrayal is disappointing because there’s no indication of who he was beforehand. I think one of the things that is so brilliant about Persona 4’s villain is that his social link is optional. And if you do it, you certainly don’t find out that he’s the villain, so the reveal later is still a shock. But the social link allows his mask to slip just a little bit. It allows you to look at him and go “this guy is actually a lot more jaded and bitter than I thought, that’s kind of weird”, then when the twist comes around, suddenly his social link makes so much more sense. Ikutsuki is missing this entirely, just being a nice guy who makes jokes then suddenly wants to kill you. Whatever man! Boring.

I think that’s all I gots to say about the story… battle gameplay is good! Each Persona game mixes its gameplay up a little bit, and I really enjoyed that the physical attack types were all different in this one. Changing light and dark skills to actual attacks was really needed in 4, so it’s nice to see that update in reload too. Theurgies are cool, if not a bit overpowered. When the final boss had 75% of his health I used Armageddon which does 9999 damage to the boss, and it just killed him instantly. Like, getting Armageddon wasn’t very hard so this was a bit of a disappointing end to the final battle hahaha
But actually fighting gate keepers was fun, and I liked mixing up my team and thinking about how I was going to use my Personas. Once I fused Beezlebub I didn’t need to fuse ever again. As my social links and social stats were all done, I took the lord of flies to the arcade every day and maxed out his strength, magic, and agility, and gave him two stacks of Dark Amp, so he did stupid damage. Great game lmao
Tartarus sucks, and I hear it’s massively improved from the original game. I’m sure it has! But also it’s not improved enough. One of the problems of remaking a game like P3 is that Tartatus is there so you have to do something with it. You can’t just scrap it, which if you were making a new Persona game you would. I don’t know what the option is but Tartarus is really boring, and knowing that the creepy Dark hour is out there somewhere but we just can’t see it because we’re in a tower just sucks. The Dark Hour honestly feels under utilised from a creative point of view, but whatever

So, I like Persona 3 Reload. It’s probably my least favourite, because the story is worse than 4, and the gameplay is worse than 5, but it’s certainly not a bad game. I just think Persona as a series really improves later.

I mean really, Persona 4 introduced raining to its days, so it ends up having different things going on. Inaba is so cozy compared to Iwatodai, and Tokyo isn’t cozy in 5 but it is busy and elaborate and exciting. Iwatodai just doesn’t feel that interesting or cool. This game felt too small at times, like knowing that there is a group of people with Mitsuru’s dad and Ikutsuki who know about the Dark Hour who just kind of… let us get on with things as they are? Idk, it’s certainly not a plot hole or anything, but it is an oversight I think.
So yeah, P3 has the best soundtrack. P4 has the best story. And P5 has the best gameplay. Update P3R and put Kotone in it now please

i dunno. i've heard so much high praise for this game. it's not just good praise, it's like, "this is the best game ever/best 2d platformer ever" and i'm like, REALLY? dont get me wrong there are good levels here and once or twice i thought "i can really see this working" but it was just massively, massively overblown to me. i'll admit to going into this with scepticism because i dont care for rayman as a character and i dont like the artstyle, but i dont think that contributes to my particular feeling too much here. to be fair, i'll say what i did like about this game

rayman moves really fast! and i like the almost combo nature to his attack. i like his charge attack that you can aim, and i particularly like when i get a long range punch gun. i like just how many costumes there are, there's SO many! content generally speaking is something this game has in spades and i think that genuinely owns. it's cool that on top of the costumes, there's multiple characters, and i actually think in a game like this it's better that they all play the same way, as that compliments the level design more. so it's cool you can play the game as multiple characters/costumes! i played as ray-man mario because i like mario :)
but i also played as teensy king and a bunch of the different viking girls. there are SO many levels that you can do, the origins ones, the murphy ones, the daily and weekly challenges, the multiple invasion types, i dont know, thats cool! there's a lot to be played here if you really want to. and it's nice how this game commits to being silly and just wanting to be about having a good, fast paced time. i remember thinking the level Quick Sand right near the start of the game was creative and fun, the way that Rayman is basically staying in the same place for much of the level and just navigating a sinking object. it was neat!

but to be honest, i'd heard that this game was constantly coming up with all these new and crazy and amazing ideas, but nothing ever surprised or interested me beyond that level and maybe a couple others. i liked 20000 lums under the sea at times! the music was good there. but then i just got a bit bored! and most levels i found quite uninspiring just kind of, going along. there were things that were annoying! like every time murphy appears you have this little 3 second animation of him showing up, but if you die after getting him and not reaching a checkpoint you have to watch it each time. and if you die in one of the teensy chambers with a teensy royalty, it spawns you outside the room so you have to go through and load it all again. the level select via menus in rooms is a bit tedious because it's kind of hard to navigate all those rooms, and the notifications being things you cant just dismiss because you have to select each one and have it take you to teh relevant screen is annoying. every lucky ticket needing to be manually scratched becomes tedious. and i know that theres no plot to this game, but it sets up this thing of the evil teensies or whatever capturing all the teensies, then the game just sort of stops when you've finished mount olympus? like it's just over? when i rolled credits i was genuinely just surprised. also, a small thing, but i never didnt find it annoying on levels where a platform would suddenly appear in front of you, like a vine or something, just before you need to jump. even when i jumped on time i just felt like id been lucky, and when i didnt jump on time the death felt cheap.
i did a few levels of living dead party, but then i got to the 8-bit frog orchestra one where the screen kind of cuts out, which is a fun little affect, but after dying twice and it taking me back to the start of the level i thought "nah, not worth it" and was done
i just dont get it! i was told this game is incredible! the endless, limitless creativity and the music levels are so amazing and like... they're just fine? they're certainly not bad! but they're certainly not amazing either. like the gimmick was described to me before, and i felt like having it described to me was enough because it never did anything interesting or surprising in those music levels. it was exactly what was described on the tin, which again, not bad! just fine.

mario is just better in every way :)

just in time for Persona 3 Reloaded, Skrud the Tarnished has become Elden Lord and saved The Lands Between. do you have anything you'd like to say, Skrud, to the people reading this review?


great stuff, Skrud, thank you. while piloting the beastman and warrior skrud and whispering into his brain via an earpiece, i too became quite familiar with the lands between, and their mysticisms and danger. you spend 89 hours in a game and you're going to end up quite familiar with it! elden ring is the aftermath of a huge family drama where all the members of said family are immortal demigods whose whims can change the very fabric of reality. if they have a falling out its a pretty big deal! the influence GRRM has taken from middle earth is very clear if you're familiar with anything outside of lord of the rings itself, and it's very cool! much the same way that middle earth builds on old english myth to create figures of legend, elden ring's demi gods feel like mythic heroes. we talk a lot about figures that haunt the narrative, and while maybe haunt is the wrong word in elden ring the figures of its mythology exist throughout the world before they even appear. the golden lineage of godfrey, including godwyn, godrick, and of course, godefroy (lol), is by itself fun and interesting lore than elden ring dripfeeds you as a reward for your efforts in looking around and talking to people and remembering. there are no boring massive text entries or journal entries or computer terminals that act as unseemly, tedious game interruptions to forcefeed you lore. the fromsoft method of giving you tiny pieces of lore when you choose to engage is better i think, at least for this kind of game. even knowing everything thats happened and who all the players are, there is still this atmosphere of being in the age of heroes or whatever, or grand deeds happening with great figures who are more than just the individuals they are. it's dope. if you wanna call that backstory and worldbuilding, it owns, and i love it. the story that plays out itself isnt really there in some ways? its just kind of your tarnished wiping out these dudes one by one as you go because they're in your way, and there's something very funny about that. there is a story in that you are going to become the new elden lord, and there are some small decisions you have to make around that which can affect the endings, but the most part is you are living through the aftereffects of a story, and the entire game is just the conclusion. it's kind of strange, but i like it. i think a cohesive plot with very integral characters would hurt the atmosphere and vibe of this world. its size and quietude are important, because they allow the lands between to be majestic, which it must be more than anything else.

unfortunately i think the lands between themselves were, while not disappointing, maybe slightly underwhelming? don't get me wrong, this game is stunning. skrud, if you were to describe The Lands Between, what would you say?

"You're beautiful."

alright well he's a little confused but i think you get the point.


the world is beautiful, and its legacy dungeons and crafted areas are my most favourite because that's clearly where the vast majority of design and thought has gone into. its not that i dislike limgrave or whatever, but when almost all of the openworld areas themselves are just grass with trees, it is a little underwhelming i guess? limgrave and liurnia just look basically the same. altus plateau is limgrave but yellow and annoying to navigate. caelid and gelmir admittedly are totally different biomes, but still feel mostly just flat to go through. navigation on torrent is fine but it sort of makes you go "whats the point of this being open world" if all youre doing is waiting for the next legacy dungeons? the caves and tombs and all of that too all feel so similar to each other in terms of aesthetic and gameplay loop that they end up being mostly uninteresting, even the good ones. and dont get me wrong, elden ring had no choice but to re-use assets and do this sort of thing to be a game of this size. it is quite literally just impossible for open world games these days to have nothing but completely unique crafted experiences throughout and still have this scope. it aint possible! and it probably wont be, like, ever? but i think im burned off the back of BotW and TotK to just kind be done with that kind of open world thing. especially when the boss is a boss you've killed before except he's stronger now, or there's two of them, or he's got rats backing him up or whatever. it's just a bit forgetable? the legacy dungeons on the otherhand are crazy. going through stormveil for the first time made me feel like i was playing dark souls 1 again. i lvoe that there's no loading screen or anything to entering stormveil, and i love just how big it feels. you can tell stormveil was made with love and care because it feels like they built a castle, then turned that castle into a level, instead of making a level around a castle. its so sick, and has so many good enemy encounters, and fun bosses. when you do encounter these crafted unique moments they always end up being the best parts of the game. the haligree, raya lucaria, volacno manor, there literally isnt a bad one. (although the boss of layndell being morgott was lame seeing as i'd fought margitt twice at this point) it obviously has me excited for the DLC, i just hope that the areas outside the legacy dungeons have a bit more unique flavour to each other. another thing. wouldn't mountaintop of the giants felt more like a mountaintop if we had, i dont know, climbed a mountain to get there? the map make the area look way bigger than it is and i think actually climbing it, seeing literal vertical progresion, would've been dope as fuck.

"Please help."

oh skrud you don't need any help! you are a powerhouse of strength and every enemy crumbled underneath you. and that was a slightly disappointing feature of my experience with this game's combat, in that it was so unbalanced for me. the nature of this game being as open as it is, with as much flexibility as it has, balancing is kind of an impossible thing to do, so i cant even properly criticise it. but for the fact i levelled strength for this game didnt grind at all, it is silly just how easy i found this game. not to say i totally steamrolled it, but getting astel on my first time without full health, without full flasks, with no summon, and still just winning outright doesnt feel like the intended way to play. i think im pretty good at this game, i still managed to beat morgitt and godrick on my first tries before i was overlevelled, but it got a point where it was just silly how strong i was. the only times i felt adequetly challenged in the legacy dungeons were stormveil, and the haligtree. every other one was kind of a cakewalk and that's a bit disappointing. especially because combat feels fun as heck! there are so many cool and interesting weapon types, crazy customisation with incanations, the wondrous physick, ashes of war, spirit ashes, and so on. it was fun from start to finish, but i think it couldve been more fun. i debated re-speccing some of my strength levels in arcane or mind just to make the game harder, but that inofitself removes some of the fun because progression is also a facet of enjoyment! taking that away wouldve made me lose enjoyment too, so i continued to get stronger and stronger. malenia was the only boss to give me serious trouble, outside of the first two evergoals i did: darriwhil and the crucible knight. every other boss was one to three attempts - usually one.

i'm excited for the DLC because i suspect it'll just be harder than the basegame, and skrud cant really get much stronger than he already is, so maybe that'll give me a good challenge and make me scream my flipping head off! anyway, cheers for reading the review. any final words skrud?

"Thank you."

two seperate points in the game, once near the start and once again in the second to last chapter, this game does the same joke of an elderly wizard telling mario some ancient important story with heavy lore implications. both times, mario falls asleep within moments and we miss all of the "important" lore, and mario carries on with his adventure. it's a silly bit of comedy that i like, as well kind of important to me that the game reminds you that the lore and story and other things we might associate with a JRPG don't really matter here. it's not that those things are bad, but that in paper mario, we're just a silly little plumber who jumps good. and really, what more can you ask for?

normally i break reviews into gameplay and story as the two main articles, but seeing as story is such a non-factor here, i think vibe is more important. and the vibe is immaculate. every chapter in this game is colourful and charming, committing to the bit, with good humour. even in chapters where the vibe is supposed to be a bit spooky they sneak the good jokes in and it's a good time. but the vibe isn't always comedy! there's a couple of chapters where they do something really special. chapter 7 specifically has these moments of like, wonderlust? just high up in the mountain with the aurora borealis, and the music twinkling in a special way. atop the star mountain near peach's caslte the music hits in a kind of mystical, wonderful way, that makes you feel like wishing upon stars is a real and tangible kind of magic. these moments are few and farbetween admittedly, but they really stand out to me as really quite incredible. as comedy and mario's hijinks are the most important factor of the game, they are highlighted, and are always good. it's strange just how endearing mario is in this game. he's just so humble - which is significantly different to hiself in Mario & Luigi where he's bombastically confident like Goku might be. the companions are pretty good. i was gonna say they ooze charm, but only about half of them do actually. goombario, lady bow, parakarry, and watt are the most fun companions as characters go. unfortunately there are just kind of too many companions and this game makes the classic JRPG mistake of giving you some in the final quarter of the game, which has always felt like a miss to me. you could probably scrap sushie and lackilester and the game would still feel well populated. parrakarry for life as far as companions go

the gameplay is seriously good too. i think TTYD improves upon it with its companions feeling more like actual party members, but that game's combat has to work significantly differently for it, and what we have here does work incredibly well. i think by keeping the numbers so small, literally most attacks througout the whole game do less than 10 damage (in final fantasy 7 cloud has over 300 health, the damage economy is seriously inflated), and damage is consistent. what this means is that attacking a specific way or defending a specifc way means it's always an incredibly considered decision. as every attack requires input from the player to properly work you end up with a very engaging battle system. unfortunately the N64 controller is Bad and so a lot of the time getting these moves right isn't quite as easy as it looks. parrakarry's normal attack as well as watt's were consistently hard for me to just get right, even though they felt like they should've worked? playing this on nintendo switch or wii u is definitely better than playing it on N64 these days, those controllers are more responsive, but the fault also lies in the coding of the game. something else TTYD improves upon

anyway you end up with a seriously good JRPG from start to finish. at no point in this game was i not having fun. it's nuts just how good this is, and nuts that the sequel does all the same things but more. i cant believe they just killed off such a formula-perfect series so fast! hopefully TTYD's remake is a sign of good things to come... but we'll see...

a very strange little metroidvania that kind of works but also kind of doesn't? i think the way it evolves abilities from nightmare in dreamland is so good. sword gets so much good stuff, and smash being an ability at all is incredible. the introduction of spray paints is such a way simple way of allowing a kirby game to feel more personal. i think its world design suffers from wanting to be a metroidvania and a traditional kirby game at the same time. there being "goal" endings in a metroidvania is dire because it means you get stuck on a doomed loop that can only take you back to the beginning of the game, with almost always nothing valuable worth finding. if it had comitted to being a metroidvania this would be a really special little title. instead of goal endings maybe we would do something a bit more dramatic and permanent to the map that allows us to finally explore areas that were previously locked off to us? maybe there are no more "one route" doors that keep us locked in a direction. maybe the AI kirbys aren't just a horrible annoying distraction! maybe the map is easier to read once you've actually picked it up? idk, there's good ideas in here, but its not swimming with confidence and the final game is weaker for it

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listen. i love MGS as a series, but this one has aged like dog shit. the gameplay is so frustrating. from needing to always have the keycard equipped to open doors, to there being mines placed in random locations, to turrets that shoot you before you can see them... there's so much shit in this game that is needlessly annoying. when you get spotted by the last guy in the room and it makes another game spawn slightly out of frame to run in and shoot you, despite the fact that the place he spawned was a dead end? all of the annoying bullshit in this game is fixed in the sequel at least. i can appreciate that being seen in MGS2 means that the Attack Squad come in from one of the doors around the room, meaning you realistically hide knowing where extra support is coming from. the lack of being able to shoot down turrets too makes snake feel powerless despite the fiction telling me he's otherwise this incredible super soldier who can take down tanks, harriers, and a metal gear all on his jack. the nuclear stoage room and laser room before it activating a slowly killing gas while locking you in - why? why not just instantly kill me or do the usual with guards who teleport in? why gararuntee my death there in that moment? its so frustrating! that on top of the northward momentum of shadow moses means that backtracking this island is excruciatingly painful. you don't really get much stronger so going back to the beginning isn't necessarily a cakewalk the way it would be in other games. that's not a bad thing by itself but the fact is you have to do the laborious walk back and forth from all of these areas so many times and its boring and not fun!!! maybe one of the worst paced moments in a videogame is after meryl gets shot by sniper wolf and i have to walk alllll the way back to the tank hangar to get the PSG-1 to then walk alllll the way back to fight sniper wolf. i mean where's the urgency? she's bleeding to death on the floor and i have to take an elevator twice and crawl over some landmines and all kinds of shit!! SOME of the bossfights are okay. i like fighting ocelot, mantis is quite fun, and it goes without saying that the memory card and controller stuff is great (although admittedly much better played on an actual PS1, but i appreciate the new collection allowing you to select what data is on your "memory card". i picked castlevania, obviously, because i'm basic). but then you get to fighting REX which is a bit annoying by itself, with an unskillable cutscene in the middle of Gray Fox yammering about some bullshit!! the gameplay isnt the worst in the world but its genuinely just not fun to play anymore, and every iteration of MGS after this improves upon the formula.

but its not really the gameplay people play MGS for. we're talking solid snake baby in his most famous adventure! and here it is in its campy, james bond-esq style. it's okay? it's incredibly cheesey. maybe it's because we've seen so much stuff after MGS1 but for me, most of the emotional beats particularly work. these characters are all expanded upon and made much more interesting in later games (MGS2 specifically!) but here the characters are pretty uninteresting. snake is pretty void of personality actually. he's kind of james bond-like in that he's a legend and a bit of a womaniser, but doesnt have much reaction of feeling to stuff. you'd almost think he's kind of stupid because so much of his dialogue is responding to peoples statements with questions. you know, "metal gear, huh?" but he's not really. he's a musher, and the way he talks about animals shows he knows what he's talking about. i wish there was a bit more of the gentle man that snake was in it. meryl is just bad, literally has the scene where she goes "I'm not like other girls!" admittedly that is broken down a bit by the end of the game but it's still cringe and he "romance" with snake doesnt feel earned at all - again, its very james bond. gray fox feels like he was shoehorned into this game. doesn't really have anything interesting to add to the game beyond just kind of being there. it's kind of not really a beginner friendly game because of the references to MG1 and MG2 what with outer heaven, zanzibar land, grey fox and big boss for that reason. all of FOXHOUND basically suck. mantis is fun but is badly written outside of that, having gone crazy because he looked at a serial killers mind too much? cmon. sniper wolf and vulcan raven are like "You Are A Good Opponent In Battle So We Must Fight," snore!!! i'll give credit to ocelot who is most consistent here to how he is in later entries, as a conniving trickster who double crosses everyone all the time for everything. liquid is charming and cool, possibly just because of how good cam clarke's performance is, but a lot of what he says is nonsense and doesn't really have much dramatic weight behind it. i also do like naomi hunter, although her motive for disliking snake is boring. i think the subtly of her betrayal is done well, and especially as it's master miller (or liquid) who tells you it makes the reveal that miller was liquid all along all the stronger. it makes snake alone to know that colonel, master, and naomi have all betrayed him. it's practically only otacon who's a good guy and on his side. and otacon in this game is fine. he's a weeb loser who says some great shit. "can love bloom on the battlefield" is fine i guess. but again, where he puts his bigboy pants on in MGS2 he becomes so much more endearing, especially as he and snake realise that they're in love with each other. which is also why the canon ending of snake and meryl leaving together feels like such horseshit!

anyway, i played this as part of the re-releases that happened recently, so now i can not play MGS1 for many many years if i ever choose to again. sorry, it's bad!

first of all what do you MEAN this game came out in 2006? i remember turning ten, and i remember playing this game, which must have been years later? what is THAT all about? i dont know!!!

anyway. missing a lot of the charm from nightmare in dreamland and amazing mirror! i feel like the levels are just missing something? maybe it has something to do with the fact that in Nightmare in Dreamland's levels are picked by walking into doors. aside from picking the menu at the start, all gameplay is navigated by kirby. meant that each level was like, a place in the world you were in, as opposed to cirlces of a bland and lifeless map. i also think the chests in this game are just... i dont know, frustrating? it's hard to put into words why i dont feel like they work. Nightmare in Dreamland also had secrets in its levels, but they were fun! didnt feel like you had to go back and actively look for them all the time, and if you did, it felt rewarding bc of it? just didnt vibe with it

good gameplay things here include the sprays, and being able to mirge fire and sword, as well as upgrading abilities. otherwise ends up being a little disappointing... oh well!