18 reviews liked by gusta_oreb

Review for my 3rd replay. This game has unmatched vibes. Yharnam is one of the coolest settings for a video game, and I wish any other souls game reached this level. There's so many fun boss fights here as well, a true masterpiece. I could dock points for certain bosses(fuck the One Reborn) or the weird difficulty curve(imo the first zone of the game is by far the most difficult) but it just isn't worth it because this game is such a unique and fun experience.

Estética linda, armas lindas, monstros lindos, tudo lindo. Os 30 fps não me incomoda, mas pode afetar alguma outra pessoa. O terror cósmico é muito perfeito e o nível de dificuldade e o design de mapa é incrível.

i refuse to be beaten by a game that arin hanson can complete

Alan Wake Remastered é um game que de cara me surpreendeu ao me fazer deparar com um survival horror e não um game de terror em si.

Com uma mecânica interessante de mirar através da lanterna que serve também para enfraquecer e vulnerabilizar os inimigos, o combate é bem divertido embora pouco frenético e com um sistema de esquiva meio estranho.

A experiência tem uma ambientação e um suspense muito bom, porém eu não entendi quase nada da história até minhas 5 horas de jogo, o que acredito que faz parte da proposta mas acaba não me deixando tão imerso.

Por fim é um remaster com bem cara de remaster mesmo, pouca melhoria gráfica em relação ao original e a otimização é bem ruim no pc, além de umas narrações que se tratam de comentários óbvios.

Porém o principal motivo que me faz deixar para um futuro próximo é de fato priorizar outros games, por mais que a experiência de Alan Wake me parece curta, não queria rushar o game já que vejo até um potencial e me faria entrar mais de cabeça para o segundo game que eu estou de olho, portanto, prefiro dar horas para jogos mais longos como o Dragons Dogma 2 no momento e até mesmo quero começar o No Rest For The Wicked que vem me chamando atenção.

Uma proposta realmente muito simples de um co-op puzzle family friendly, mas executada TÃO BEM que se torna genuinamente impressionante. O capricho e a disposição pra montar esse jogo são descomunais, e isso é facilmente notado na quantidade enorme de conteúdo e variedade encontrados nessa aventura.

Há diversas mecânicas que compõem os desafios cooperativos em cada fase, e todas não apenas são ridiculamente criativas e terrivelmente divertidas, como também muito bem dosadas. O jogo se atualiza por completo sempre que você sequer começa a pensar em enjoar de um modelo. Tanto temática quanto mecanicamente.

E não esqueçamos de comentar sobre os visuais.
Permitam-me a ênfase: QUE! JOGO! LINDO!
A direção de arte é estupenda e desnecessariamente aperfeiçoada pra um jogo tão simples. Me peguei genuinamente postergando a progressão da gameplay e admirando lentamente os cenários e belíssimos ambientes engrandecidos pelas boas fotografias.

Tudo isso sintetizado com personagens carismáticos e divertidos (impossível não amar aquele livro) e uma meiga mensagem sobre união. Parece um jogo legitimamente terapêutico para casais.

Uma experiência indiscutivelmente marcante.

Os pintos me assustaram bastante no início do jogo, mas conforme você vai pegando vários pals, dá pra ir se acostumando, principalmente depois de aprender a lidar com os ovos. Após um certo tempo, já consegui até sentar nos pals e fazer eles darem leite. Muito divertido!

After hearing the news that the 3DS/Wii U's online services were shutting down, the first thing that popped in my head was replaying this game's online one last time.

Back in 2015, I remember seeing the trailer for this game and thinking it looked really cool. I never played an online shooter in my life, but this one actually interested me with its colorful art style and interesting concept. The day of release, I ask my dad if he could pick the game up on his way from work and when he came home, not only did he have the game..he had an Inkling Boy amiibo as well. That basically kickstarted my Amiibo addiction around that time but that's a story for another time. Anyways, I ended up enjoying Splatoon a ton. I remember the day after I got it, I had a relatives party to go to and I could only think about playing this game. This game consumed my whole summer, I loved it so much. Playing every Splatfest, seeing every update as they roll out, I was hooked for a couple months. Part of that is because I had no school of course, because once September arrived I didn't play this game nearly as much as before. Still, May-August 2015 was the summer of Splatoon and I'll never forget it.

Anyways, time to actually review the game lol. I think the most striking aspect is just how stylish this game is. From the different outfits you can wear, to the more experimental soundtrack, to the unique art styles that appear in the sunken scrolls. I've seen people compare this game to Jet Set Radio cuz of it's sort of counter culture type attitude and ofc its stylishness and appeal to the younger demographic and I can totally see it. It can be really influential playing this as a young lad, and it certainly worked for me.

Speaking of the music, I've seen some individuals on this site specifically call it bad and I just don't see it. Sure, it's not everyone's cup of tea but the OST is really well done honestly. Splattack! is of course a classic and Ink Me Up brings me right back to participating in Splatfests all day. Those are my two favorites but the whole OST is great. I think Splatoon 2 is great and all and probably the objectively better game, but if there's anything I prefer more in 1, its the soundtrack.

The meat and potatoes of this game however is it's online matches. This game doesn't have as much content or modes as 2 (and god it was pretty barebones at launch I'll admit that) but it's still a ton of fun to play a match or two. I was able to play a couple turf war and ranked matches and they were still fun. I remember raging so hard whenever I would lose on ranked matches, I had issues lol. Still, I wish Urchin Underpass and Saltspray Rig were in future games, I miss em lol. Sadly couldn't play them during this last play session but I remember they were some of my favorites.

I did also replay the campaign, and it's still fun as it was back then. Sure, it's no octo expansion and probably worse than 2's, but I always enjoyed it personally. I don't know if it's weird to say but I kinda get Mario Galaxy vibes from it. Just going from section to section using the launchpads and seeing the really cool backgrounds in each level. Always got that vibe. It does get a bit formulaic having every 5th and 6th level be the same level type, however overall, I really enjoyed the single player. At least you can still play that even with the online off.

This game may have been a bit obsolete in the eyes of a lot of people once 2 and eventually 3 came out. However, 2 I never got into nearly as much so my memories of 1 really outshine it. It's not perfect but this game will always hold a special place in my heart and is one of the first things I think of when the year 2015 is brought up. Rest In Piece Splatoon 1 online and the 3DS/Wii U online in general, I loved you dearly.

“E no sétimo dia Deus terminou o trabalho que havia realizado; e ele descansou no sétimo dia de todo o trabalho que havia feito.”

Dito isto falo tranquilamente que conseguiram pegar um tema de jogo super interessante e transformar em algo monótono e confuso.

Genesis Noir conta uma história de amor interplanetária. O maior problema aqui é a forma que o jogo conta essa história. Ao mesmo tempo que o game tenta desenrolar um enredo cheio de metáforas sobre um crime cometido ele tropeça ao também tentar dar meio que uma aula sobre o universo e sua criação (“Ah Jackshow mas os temas se conversam” idai??? Não evita ser chato e maçante, meio que faz uma coisa atrapalhar a outra).

Os puzzles do game também não ajudam muito sendo a maioria deles simples demais. Os difíceis só são difíceis por não terem muito sentido ou explicação.

Elogio forte aos gráficos únicos do game e a sua trilha sonora, casando e conversando com a gameplay em vários momentos.

Infelizmente o jogo é cansado demais para os prós se destacarem

- Trilha sonora boa.

- Ritmo de gameplay lento e cansativo.
- Puzzles sem muito nexo ou explicação.

Before I played Galaxy 2, I only ever really played crappy licensed games on my PS2 for the most part. I was a young kid at the time so I couldn't really gauge if a game was actually good or not, I just got a game based on a show/movie I liked and that was that. That all changed one day when I was scrolling on YouTube and stumbled upon Super Mario Galaxy 2. I can't even remember what I saw since it's been so long, but I remember instantly thinking "I NEED to play this". This was right before we were going on a trip to Ocean City Maryland and I knew my dad's friend who was going on the trip with us, was bringing his Wii. I go to my local movie rental store which also had video games and rented it. The trip lasted a week and while I really should've been having a ton of fun on the beach, I instead couldn't get enough of Galaxy 2. I was addicted. I think I got up to like world 4 before I had to return the game and I had to part ways with the Wii. I also remember getting a gaming magazine that focused on Galaxy 2. I also distinctly remember a game called "Ivy the Kiwi" being a big focus in it too. God, I wish I still had that thing. I lost it ages ago and can't remember the name of the magazine, and I've tried to look it up online many times to no avail. Anyways, after the whole trip, me and my brother got a Wii and I got Galaxy 1 as you know. A bit after that I remember renting the game again and then eventually getting it for Christmas that year (I think).
I eventually did beat it, but not 100%. I never completed the game until the summer of 2015, I don't know why it took me five years but when I finally did it, I was absolutely ecstatic. This game means a whole lot to me as it not only got me into non-licensed games but it really kicked off my love for gaming as a whole.

So let's start with the biggest elephant in the room, this game's story. Yes it's very lame that they retconned the first game and that the story in general is way more lame in general compared to 1. This is my biggest criticism besides the game not being quite as atmospheric/spacey as 1. It is the reason I think I do like 1 more now, but it really isn't a deal breaker to me. I think there's enough fun dialogue throughout the game for it to still have an above average story for a mainline Mario game. Still, not nearly as good as 1's which yeah is a bit of a bummer.

However, I think the game more than makes up for this by being so much fun and more fun than 1. While 1 had plenty of good galaxies, I did think having several samey ones (the beach and bee galaxies) when there's only 15 full length galaxies was a bit of a downside. Galaxy 2 however did something different. Instead of having a mini galaxy here and there, and having your main galaxies be 6 stars, here the full length ones have 3. Now while there is a good reason they did this, this also led to the game having more sized galaxies that are way more plentiful. This along with the fact the level design is way more straight forward and faster paced, makes the game more fun than 1 I think. It's up to preference of course and I still love both games approach to level design.

Another reason this game is a blast to play is the addition of Yoshi. You wouldn't think he'd add so much to the levels but he does. He's in a good amount of the galaxies and also in them are powerups for Yoshi to use. These were also a great addition and just add that extra bit of fun to the game. I like them all but my favorite was definitely the dash pepper just because it's used in the best of ways. Alongside Yoshi and his powerups are new powerups for Mario. The drill and boulder mushroom were both cool but the cloud flower? Absolutely my favorite powerup in any Mario game. It not only just gives Mario a very pleasant design to look at, it let's you create a maximum of three temporary cloud platforms to use which is just so much fun. They clearly knew it was gonna be the fan favorite since it's used in a ton of galaxies.

While I definitely like 1's soundtrack more now, 2's is also still amazing. It's funny, while the game isn't as atmospheric as 1, it may have the most atmospheric song between both games lol. That would of course be Cosmic Cove Galaxy which is hands down my favorite song in the game, which is fitting since it's also my favorite galaxy in the game. Some other songs I love are Sky Station GalaxyYoshi Star GalaxyStarshine Beach Galaxy and Wild Glide Galaxy. The game doesn't have as moody of an ost, it's more upbeat than 1 but it still has some moody tracks and is still amazing like 1. A good example of a moody track actually and a shoutout to this one is Slimy Spring Galaxy. They did not need to give a short galaxy like this such an otherworldly and atmospheric track but they did. I never really appreciated this galaxy when I first played the game but nowadays, I actually really love it. Again, while 2 doesn't have the same level of atmosphere as 1, it really does still have its moments.

I had a bit of an issue with the prankster comets in 1, not being the biggest fan of them since there's only 5 types (and one of the types barely gets used). This game improves on them I think. Instead of appearing randomly like in 1, you have to get a comet medal in each galaxy for them to appear. Once they do, they will never leave so you don't have to worry about getting them to appear again like in 1. There's also a better variety of challenges this time. You still have your speedrun comets, your daredevil comets, your purple coin comets. However, the cosmic Mario races have been replaced with cosmic clone comets. You now have a different type of speedrun where you have to collect clocks that give you 10 seconds each. You have comets where you have to kill a bunch of enemies in a period of time. These changes/additions, plus the comets not being color-coded anymore so you don't know what you're going to get until you go into the galaxy, just make them much more fun than in 1.

Another thing Galaxy 2 did better than 1 is the extra 120 stars. In 1, to get all 242 stars you have to play the exact same stars as Luigi and then your reward is two extra purple coin stars that I just never found good. In 2, you have 120 green stars to find. A lot of people don't like the addition of these and I never understood why. Sure you can say it's filler but they are brand new stars and they're usually placed in fun creative ways. They act as a sort of scavenger hunt for you to find and you can use the sound they make as a sign you're close to one. Sure, they're not quite as fun to get once you replay the game and know their locations. But a bunch of them still require more advanced techniques to get like triple jumps and stuff so I never found it tiresome to get them all even on this replay. And the reward you get is a fun challenging galaxy that blow's Galaxy 1's reward out of the water. Overall, I think it's a very good postgame and well worth doing it just for the Grandmaster Galaxy.

Just a couple of little changes I noticed between both games. The first is one I noticed all the way back in 2010 when I played both games. When you spin into a launch star in 1, there's like a little couple second delay until it activates. 2 fixes this issue and let's you activate it right away which is super nice. Something I noticed on this new playthrough is unlike 1, 2 doesn't let you spam the spin underwater. I don't know why I never notice this until now lol. I also think the automatic saving instead of giving you a prompt asking you to save is a nice addition in 2.

I love both Galaxy 1 and 2 so much, it really is hard to decide which I love more. While at this point, I'm sticking with 1, it really does flipflop back and forth a bunch for me. Chalk it up to me playing 2 before 1 maybe? Idk if I'd feel the same way if I played it way after 1 or something. Either way, I still feel the same way as I did with my 2022 replays. Play 1 for the much better story, better atmosphere and better OST. Play 2 for the better polished, all around more fun experience. The real answer though is to play both as they're both fantastic games.

Also my top 5 Galaxies now are Cosmic Cove Galaxy, Starshine Beach Galaxy, Slipsand Galaxy, Clockwork Ruins Galaxy, and Throwback Galaxy...among many others, there's just too many good ones in this game!

Um ótimo remake do primeiro Metroid!
Zero Mission tem uma gameplay expandida em relação ao primeiro jogo, com várias novas áreas e conteúdos novos - e ainda assim é um dos Metroids mais rápidos de terminar.

A gameplay do Zero Mission é concisa, estável e agradavelmente equilibrada em suas mecânicas básicas, sendo uma experiência muito prazerosa de jogar. O mapa, mesmo que buscando ter uma construção geral mais simples que o do Super e do Fusion, ainda é riquíssimo e - como é comum na série - possui uma atmosfera fenomenal!

É uma gameplay obrigatória para todo fã de Metroid - além de uma forte recomendação para todos que gostam de plataforma e exploração.