106 Reviews liked by hyena142

remember when the internet tried to convince itself this game was bad actually. lmao

i pirated this game when i was 16 and i've felt bad ever since

i got all the kisses im so good

Mirror's Edge was developed by the fun police. I see why people enjoy this title, but I just found it to be more frustrating than fun. The game is at its best when the player can really flow across rooftops - but the game only lets you do that for a small portion of the runtime. It has the Sonic problem. Sonic is most fun when he goes fast, but if he's always going fast the game falls apart. Mirror's Edge recognizes this by slowing the pace WAY down with interior locations that are puzzle-focused. This isn't what I enjoyed about the experience, so I was often let down by the design. Especially since the game feels overly exact - nothing has a stickiness to it that accounts for small player error. I often found myself annoyed by jumps that I was performing 95% correctly, but the game just wouldn't give to me. Maybe I'm bad at Mirror's Edge, who knows. But Celeste illustrates that platformers should be charitable toward their player in service of flow and momentum. Mirror's Edge disagrees, and frankly I don't see myself compelled to 'git gud' here. Failure felt discouraging opposed to galvanizing, so I'll be partying ways with the game here. I did love its art direction and soundtrack though. The cutscenes, however, were strangely low-budget and distracting. At some point I would like to play Catalyst as I see great potential here, but for my tastes it's buried under a lot of design decisions I don't connect with. Also, the shooting? What's up with that? This is a DICE game, after all. When Mirror's Edge is fun, it's really fun, but it undercuts its itself often.

Favorite game of all time. The story is amazing, the atmosphere is great, the characters are fun! Then you have the co-op that anyone can get into, and the workshop chambers for limitless puzzles. 10/10 amazing game.

in this game you play as a girl and find the treasure. watch out for the goombas

Isnt it weird that the Best Gamecube Game wasnt Even on the Gamecube?



As much has I think most of the game is fun, the final level is one of the worst level in a video game I've ever seen

wish i was as perfect as Punch-Out!! (2009)

level design tighter than the chokehold microsoft is keeping rare in