219 Reviews liked by illyasviel

Neon White is a tragic would-be masterpiece held back by its unrelenting irony-poisoned rejection of anything genuine or friendly, along with completely wrecking its initially excellent mechanical design the second it tries to ramp up the difficulty.

In a first person movement based game, the difficulty and reward comes from the depth of that movement itself, in mastering it and squeezing out everything those mechanics allow. The execution barrier on something like a surf map in Counter-Strike or simply competently playing a match of Quake is a large part of what gives those their richness. A high skill floor does not necessarily mean a high ceiling will come with it, but it's certainly much more likely and works out in these cases. Neon White tries to simplify the kind of satisfaction one gets from mastery of movement to something every player can enjoy, and at first that works. For the first few missions, the easy mode versions of surfing, sticky jumping, and other classic movement options make for compelling levels where it is genuinely fun to compete with your friends and improve. Soon, though, the mechanics lose their luster as you realize how little there is to them. Regardless of angle, all explosions will send you directly up where you want them to, and everything is generally placed in such an easy to clear manner that it becomes mindless. There is simply nowhere to go, and improvement consists mostly of cutting corners and performing actions more smoothly.

This doesn't last forever, though, and eventually Neon White wants to make clearing levels more difficult. At first you cheer, until you realize how they do that. Their basic movement options are so devoid of depth that they just gave up on getting anything else out of them, and instead just layer mechanic on mechanic, hide enemies all over the place, and ask you to route that out. So as you progress, you spend more and more time looking around for what you need and planning things out so that by the time you're doing actual runs and shaving off time, you just want to move on to something else. One might say that this issue mirrors actual speedrunning, where the fast path and how to complete all objectives while going down it is often not clear. That's certainly true, but routing and then grinding out a level in a speed game usually comes after playing casually and genuinely enjoying the space without trying to move through it fast. Getting familiar with the space is then a natural process during casual playthroughs, but you can't do that there. There is nothing else to these levels other than speedrunning. No storytelling or puzzle solving or anything else that makes us love games. There's no hook.

In that way, it ends up feeling a lot like 2D Sonic: utterly joyless restriction of movement makes it so that to actually have any fun, you first need to play through a level several times and get good. Getting through is not hard, but it sure is tedious. The fun comes after the grind and the game doesn't even make an attempt at hooking you in to get you to that point.

The less said about the narrative, the better. Awful anime dub-tier voice acting drags down characters already so utterly insufferable and internet-poisoned with the most mean-spirited "SIMP POGGERS GURO XD" bullshit you've ever seen. If you find anything cute or fun, it will soon be torn down and stomped on.

Can we undo the Danganronpafication and Personafication of anything weeby? Weebs deserve better.

My mom and I would just spam E. Honda and see who would win. I think she won more because I was 4.

ok so the humor here is pretty bad but at least the main guy behind it hasn't ever done domestic violence

smoking on that justin roiland pack

Backloggd reviewers somehow have better material than this

Finding it a bit hard to separate this and the base game in my mind, mainly because this largely plays and feels like the extended endgame that the base game kind of just didn't have. You basically get thrown back in with all the tools that you spend the base game getting, and get to use them for a few hours (with a couple of extra enemy mechanics to spice it up). It's fun.

I saw some people had some issues with the Spirit enemies, and I think they might be slightly disruptive to the combat loop but most of the time they work just fine, it's another High Value Target that you need to pay attention to. They're used moderately poorly at the end, because the arena that you're in just kind of has you fighting them with almost no other monsters to engage in the rest of the combat loop with, and it shows how much the game is built on that chaotic loop. It really needs there to be a lot of monsters trying to fuck you up, or it starts to feel weird.

This is also the point where the lore goes from really annoyingly bad to enlightened funny self-parody.

I'm going to pretend I beat this game because I'm fucking scared of those fishes.

love the way your guy's head is primed to explode the INSTANT u hit zero health. this really is dogshit — its like if someone whacked every one of the original dead space devs in the skull with a lead pipe and left them to remake the game.

You're not a real video game. A small fan game for Christ's sake, for Nintendo DS? I worked my ass off to get a backloggd page and you take these shortcuts and you think suddenly you're my peer? You do what I do because you're funny and make people laugh? I committed my life to this! You don't slide into it like a cheap pair of slippers then reap the first place on the all-time best list.

they ruined fe3 by making it a good game

I shit my pants.
I shit my pants really bad.
In the name of Harman...

What a lot of people either fail to realise or refuse to believe is that the best Sonic games are the flawed ones. The games that try to innovate with bold ideas unbecoming of a Sonic game, or any game. We've had 'perfect' Sonic games before like Sonic Mania or Sonic Generations and those games are great but they can't hold a candle to the way-too-serious tone of Sonic Adventure 2, the quaint but pointless Adventure Fields of Sonic Adventure, the audacity to make half the game a slow beat-em-up in Sonic Unleashed. People love Sonic for its ambition, not its accomplishments. People love games for their imperfections the same way they love people despite their flaws. Sonic Team has, for decades now, dared to do things that are new, bold, and weird. Sonic Frontiers is a continuation of that vision, and to reduce it to petty statements of "open world 🤓 sega hire this man 🤓 serious plot in cartoon rat game 🤓 the controls 🤓 but he's slow" is a pitch-perfect demonstration of how Sonic is doomed to fail. Look at your favourite games and try earnestly telling yourself they're flawless.

Credit to smaench for planting this seed in my brain, actual review when I'm done playing it and can let my thoughts digest rather than spewing unfiltered drivel onto your webzone.

It sucks. I mean i didnt play it but i let my opinions form from online internet reviewers so much that i dont try anything even 1 person hates

it's good

but it's not system shock 2

also fuck ken levine. stupid fucking centerist.

God of Snore Ragnarock Me to Sleep