this was my first monster hunter. i don't know if any other game experience will come close to playing this for thousands of hours as a kid, online and offline. the online community was the nicest in any game i've played to date, and i do rate games based on my online interactions, unlike the ESRB. this is the best monster hunter visually. the subdued colors and art direction in general are just beautiful. even the ui in this game is amazing on the eyes. one of the best looking games on wii, with one of my favorite soundtracks ever. and yeah underwater combat isn't the best but the final boss monster is so cool that i think It alone makes up for it. not a perfect game but i can't bring myself to rate it any lower

dude this was so awesome

i gave up on it but it was ok... they put the credits at the very beginning of the game and it made me think my copy was broken or something as a kid and i was confused so nice going square enix

just a beautiful game all around. good happy memories from playing it when i was younger. anyone who ever dogs on this game for being too easy has clearly never gone for 100%

loudest title screen i've ever heard in my life

it's alright... this game has some of the most shameless character designs i've ever seen in anything. i really hate the idea of this stupid boy 'owning' these ladies and i also hate that they decided to go with the rock crystal gacha system. its so unnecessary. the field skill walls were horrible... not to mention the very frequent tutorial popups that straight up leave out information or explain things poorly sometimes. and all the weird creepy shit that tora does... it all bogs the experience down so much for me personally.

but there are parts of this game that are really good... which really sucks, because i'm so conflicted. the environments are stunning, the battle system is very deep and complex (once you eventually wrap your head around it), and despite a lot of the character designs, there are a few great characters here. zeke was the best part of this game by far and he made it all worth it. xc2 doesn't hold a candle to the first game but its not awful. i did decide to play through it twice so that must mean something

i loved it a lot. it's nice. i love shulk and his friends. its very very good

jk rowling may very well be a hack but this game's sandbox mode was the coolest shit

this game has no right being as fun as it was. i actually redownloaded it recently to try it out again but i get ads in between levels but i can't stand that shit so i uninstalled

probably the worst game i can think of

this is the only crash game i ever played but people say it's bad

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its so awesome. reeks of early 2000s skate culture in the best way possible. i missed out on the pro skater games but i'm so glad i had this. eric sparrow is a fucker

this was like an Airplane Game to me because all i would do is run to the airport and steal one of those big white delta airline planes and fly as high as possible