Games with my favourite LGBT characters

Not necessarily good representation a lot of the time, but I had fun. If a character shows same-gender attraction but I can't tell if they're gay/lesbian or bi/pan I will say MLM or sapphic.

Pewter (gay) and Renju (MLM) are cool. Also Mama (transfem), though as representation I'd call her well-intentioned at best and lowkey transphobic at worst
Same entries from AI1 + Ryuki (MLM), Tama (bi), and Marco (nonbinary character that localisers he/him'd but was later clarified to be NB). This game also notably revealed that Kagami, from the first game, is bi
Lady Love Dies, Crimson Acid, Doctor Doom Jazz (all bi) and the Judge (nonbinary)
Homare Nishitani (MLM), bless his heart. There are other LGBT characters in this but Nishitani's the only one that is homophobic in a fun way
Lovely environmental storytelling tells us that the protagonist is WLW
Oh, Operator 6O, I too yearn for beautiful women that don't want me. Fucking superb you funky little lesbian
Please note that I despise Persona 4 Golden with all that I have in me. Kanji, however, is the best damn character this game had to offer, and I wish they were normal about him being gay so bad
Dolcinaea and Veronica are a high femme and her soft butch and there is no fucking way the devs didn't know this
Sabine (nonbinary) and Rabiah (some fashion of queer)
Halara Nightmare (nonbinary; I haven't actually finished Rain Code as of writing this in july/2023, but I will get back to you on just how good they are as rep. Also, apparently Kodaka has gone on record to say that he didn't make Halara nonbinary for representation, but because their gender being obscure was a fun mystery, which is the most Kodaka shit I have ever read)
Snake (gay by popular vote. As in the scenario writer held a Twitter poll asking people if they thought he was gay. Uchi games are wild), Santa (bi), Junpei (bi)
Danielle Sho and Abigail Foy (lesbians). This one's technically bury your gays but everyone fucking dies in this game so I give it a pass
Frisk (nonbinary), Alphys (bi), Undyne (lesbian), Asgore (bi), Mettaton (some flavour of transgender), Napstablook (nonbinary), etc etc. This game's like the Super Bowl for queers
Kris (nonbinary), Noelle and Susie (sapphics), Seam (nonbinary), and probably plenty more I am forgetting
Ibuki is pretty blatantly a girlkisser, not that she's very good rep but c'mon. I also like Nekomaru, who's clearly to be read as the stereotypical Japanese gay guy. There are other LGBT characters in this game but I do not like them as much. Also Akane is a lesbian I got told that in a dream
I'm trans, of course I like Celeste
K.C. LeBeau (gay), SCOUT (nonbinary, in a robot way but it's fine to me), Fran Tasia (gay man doing drag), Roz Mosis (cis woman doing drag). If you were told that there is a chapter where they go to a drag bar and got worried they wouldn't be normal about it, REST ASSURED: THEY ARE NORMAL!
Max Caulfield (bi) you will always be famous
Every third character in this one is queer, even when you take "playersexuality" out of the equation. Lightning round: Marz (bi/pan, poly), Tang (transfem, sapphic but most likely lesbian), Rex (bi/pan, poly), Nomi (nonbinary), Cal's mom Auntie Tirah (poly), Marz's dads Al and Bernie (both gay, Bernie is transmasc), Seeq (nonbinary), Dys (MLM), Sym (MLM), Utopia (transfem), list goes on and on
Does Hamura count. After that one scene where he forces a guy to kill someone and acts unpromptedly horny about it I have to think Hamura counts. In classic Yakuza fashion it's pretty homophobic when you think about it, but that's what makes it fun


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