One of the greatest superhero games

buen juego pero muy tedioso tal vez sea pq esta envejecido ,ojala pueda jugar al remake

man too angry to die goes to rescue his wife

good game if it was finished it would have a better rating

uno de los mejores sandbox que he jugado , y ha envejecido increiblemente bien

A masterpiece almost as great as the first one , this ones combat is as good as to cum

the first game of the souls saga , it´s notorious that it is the first one as the mechanics are good but have got old , nowadays this game is almost unplayable

este es terrible shooter facil uno de los mejores que he probado deberia volver a jugarlo alguna vez es tan frenetico y entretenido q me corroooo

the best soul like i´ve ever played , it´s a lot of fun and it has great mechanics eventhough i couldn´t expect more from miyazaki

when i played this game i wasn´t in a very good stage of my life but it helped me going through it a lot. I also really like all the things you can unlock postgame , such as infinite guns and outfits

a marvellous game , everything is great and the addition of luigi makes it even more thrilling

it´s a well game although the lack of enemies variety is a bad thing , it stills hold as a very good game

a great game i'd like to play again for the first time , everything in this game is well executed and planned