must-play rpg. one of the best turn-based games ever

best story in a video game ever

not much to say that hasn't been said. must-play classic zelda that defined the future of all zelda games

best turn based squaresoft rpg. unparalelled story, music, and combat (for RPG standards)

intriguing story which plays nicely with the gloomy and borderline depressing mood of the game. a must play for almost every aspect: dungeons, combat, music, mood, and story are all incredibly well polished. smaller game than oot but makes up for it in polish

best shooter. incredible campaign and even better multiplayer

play drayano's romhack for the best experience. game is great by itself and its qualities are only supplemented by sacred gold romhack. 4.5 by itself and 5 with romhack

incredible game and surprisingly fast-paced for a DC-era game. story is lacking but gameplay and levels make up for it. play with mods to fix collision and camera oversights

just an incredible game in almost every aspect. most played game in my entire life

the true magnum opus of fromsoftware's titles. most versatile in playstyle out of any game to date. game is consistently challenging up to the very end. combat is the smoothest out of any game i've ever played. amount of content is absolutely enormous and even after a 60 hour playthrough i still haven't explored entire areas of the game. play a prior souls game before playing elden ring

best rpg ever to exist. not much to be said that hasn't been said already about this phenomenal game. still learning things about this game after hundreds of hours of playtime

skill ceiling very high that constantly challenges the player to just get better with every character unlock. every character plays a bit differently with phenomenal dlc which accelerates not only the pace but also difficulty of the game. best roguelike hands down, i wish there was another game even remotely like it