Initially very intriguing story, and great horror with the apartment, but going twice through the hole game with not a lot of change got tedious very quick. The tank control changes were not a good idea if they were going to keep that style of dinamic camera. The story, although very interesting at the start with all the unorganised notes, quickly loses it's catch due to a climax that just doesn't involve the main character in any form, which in my opinions just makes me lose interest and feels the whole journey quite pointless.

The peak of psychological horror. Every decision down to the combat controls and the camera placement is beautifully crafted to give an experience that gives you an emotion which can only be truly felt once. Nothing will ever come close to how this game plays with your mind. Incredible narrative and incredible setting. The final bossfights feel a bit undercooked and rushed from the team, but it doesn't make the past 8 hours any less astonishing.

The peak of monster hunter games, by far. The only thing that I find very unenjoyable is how late game consists of doing a single quest hundreds of time just to gamble with RNG and pray that you get a specific gem. Still, this is a problem that occurs after hundreds and hundreds of hours, so it's a very minor one.

It's a shame Respawn prefered to support overwatch fortnite over what's arguably their masterpiece just because skins sell that much. This game has a perfect mix of good movement that can be mastered, good shooting and best of all, giant robots. Great campaign, great PvE and great PvP. Truly one of the peaks of the shooter genre.

The base experience is just incredible. It has a perfect balance with resource gathering, combat and farming. It offers a good challenge and it has incredible replayability. The only thing that I personally don't enjoy is how Expert mode relies a lot on just farming specific (and very rare) drops in some ocassions when fighting particular bosses. Otherwise it's a great experience both solo and with friends.

Beautiful homage to classical shooters, while keeping a fast and modern gameplay akin to doom eternal. Great aesthetic and setting. Very good and lengthy level design with tons of secrets, with a good challenge in upper difficulties.

Very good ideas, beautiful execution, but it's a shame that the difficulty in this game relies so much on just being tedious. It's not difficult because it's demanding skill, it's difficult because everything has their numbers pumped up to max. Gathering resources is also pretty slow and even after the endgame you are still collecting wood or ore the exact same way you were from minute 1. Thankfully, you can change to your liking these settings, and the experience is so much better for people that doesn't have much time on their hands. Great building system and overall a game which rivals other survivals like Minecraft or Terraria and has the potential to even go beyond if the dev learns how to balance the systems better.

In my opinion, the most skill expresive shooter ever made. The fact that this is still in early access is wild. Beautifully crafted all the way. Act 1 and 2 are very very easy but it's understandable since this game has a steep learning curve. Movement mechanics are incredible and every enemy demands different sets of skills. Truly impressive that one guy was able to perfect this formula more than the guys that made the game that it is inspired from.

This is hands down the best Final Fantasy game ever made. Truly a work of art, and a work of love. Very beautiful story, with, at least to me, thought provoking themes. Very refined RPG system, classic but touched up just enough so that it feels new. The exploration is great, the scenery beautiful. Much more can't be said about one of gaming's best works.

Gameplay wise it's a great step up from previous games. Still, what makes Fallout interesting (the roleplaying), is terribly mediocre and predictable. Very dumbed down and basic with little to no input in any choice in the story. Still very solid gameplay and very very fun just playing around with all the gear. Good game for people who have never played Fallout.

One of the best games ever made. It's clear from the start what makes this the best Fallout game by far. Role playing has a true purpose, it's not just a Bethesda gimmick. Obsidian is a brilliant studio and the love they gave to this game is very apparent. Truly the most immersive game you could ever play. The map sucks very much but the exploration still feels rewarding and the desert sets a great tone for the many adventures you will have.

It's the best combat From Soft ever made, but it's not my cup of tea. Exploring the world has little purpose compated to past From Soft games. Still very solid, I understand why some say it's the best game From Soft has ever made. Just not my cup of tea.

Great game, definitely it's clear how this game's combat influenced all later games in the saga, but it suffers a lot from level design compared to past entries.

Tries a lot of different stuff in the saga. Although people dunk on this game, most of the ideas from it came back in both DS3 and Elden Ring, where they were praised. This game suffers from a time where die hard Dark Souls fans just wanted more Dark Souls 1. Still a great game, very fun and my second favorite in the saga by far.

It took what made Demon's Souls great and expanded it beyond anyone's imagination. Replayed it dozens of times as a sentiment of how strongly well put together this game is. It shows a masterclass in game design so incredible that no game has ever come close to achieving something as spectacular as this game.