The game is amazing but it suffers from a case of fromsoft being awful at presenting a narrative well. I shouldn't have to watch 10 hours of youtube videos to get the lore. Also the amount of times a boss is repeated it crazy, I understand its open world and they need more content but still. Main bosses are good, minus the absolute BS that is godskin duo. after getting all achievements its also crazy that the game gets exponentially easier each time you go newgame+.

my wrists are permanently damaged from this game

ashamed that i played this game

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skull face giving a 6 minute speech to the wrong fucking guy.

just finished man who sold the world, 53% completed the content, might go for 100%

playing this during 2021 is an experience you just had to be there for.

konami released this cuz kojima was spending so much money and they needed something for the investors

Imagine gta but better in every single way.

Put me into the mgs series, Every character is the best. I love the Brazilian guy. Almost punched a hole through my monitor for the final boss.

Story is meh, gameplay was alright. Found myself just speedrunning the points to get to the three bosses then beat the game. I remember pirating it a few years ago and quit, idk why I bought it lol.

Very fun game, my first far cry title, got around 70% total completion but stopped due to it all being mostly relics I needed to obtain. Good story up until the last part of the game.

First DMC game. loved the combat and still have vergil in my thoughts daily. is in my top 10 for OST's

One of the best games i've ever played. Incredible story, amazing combat and visuals. The first game that I ever got all achievements for and my first fromsoft game. Beat it charmless + demon bell + ng+7. Loved it