A decent stab at the whole open-world thing, but this is still a technical mess.

I was VERY excited about the concept of this game, but I was disappointed about the lack of any real challenge in the game. Maybe I've just done one too many escape rooms IRL...


Cute little fox game made me feel VERY dumb. Wonderful.

Most terrifying dogs in videogames :(

Striking, but didn't stick the landing towards the end.

The soundtrack and visuals - stunning! I got about 20 hours in and realised that the gameplay loop and plot weren't nearly compelling enough to want to finish. I've heard that the sequel addresses this issue, so I may give that a go. That is, if I have 70 hours spare...

A very pretty version of Tetris which I imagine absolutely pops off in VR.

It certainly looks like a Skyrim mod!

Such a great concept, but quite clunkily executed.

A bit disappointing, but I think I was hoping that the first two games in the series would be more like the stupid open world chaos of THPS4.

...I'm not entirely sure what happened but I loved it?

So silly! Exactly what you'd expect.

The subtle yet powerful storytelling is masterful, but the actual gameplay is just fine.