It just doesn't scratch that nostalgic itch from the original games of my childhood - too much has changed in the decades since the PS2 games, and I just couldn't find the fun that I needed.

A perfect game in 2013, but much of that seems to have been fuelled by the hype of the time. Despite Rockstar's signature immersive detail, much of this game simply feels dry and flat with little gameplay depth.

Immaculately executed in every sense possible; an absolute masterclass in emergent gameplay and player freedom within a linear story.

Revolutionary for its time, but it hasn't aged well. Provided a perfect basis to be developed upon in future games, but not worth re-playing.

The one that's worth replaying in the series. Builds upon what made Drake's Fortune great, with even better level design and an engaging story.

As a long-term fan of the franchise, Kingdom Hearts III was very disappointing. Nomura focused too hard on tying everything up into a neat little bow, resulting in a story with very little stakes and an ending that felt forced and unfulfilling. Combined with a boring gameplay loop of the various worlds, this long-awaited conclusion fell far from the mark.

The very foundation for co-op shooters. Everything that made the original great, plus more.

Lives up to the legacy of the original game better than any remake to date. For everything it changed or took away, something great took its place. Unfortunately, it's deviance from the trademark campiness of the original means it falls slightly short of full marks.

Iconic beyond critique. I'll never stop coming back for more.

Toby Fox takes all of his influences and funnels them into a joyous romp that challenges all of your emotional bounds.


I get the concept, but it just feels cold, linear, and devoid of self-paced exploration and choice - all things essential to being a cat.

It's perfectly alright for a linear first-person shooter with side missions in an open-world setting, but you'll find yourself getting overpowered very quickly if you min-max.

I never had patience for the original, but the remake is a well-executed survival horror that sits securely among the best of it's genre.

What began as a unique take on the traditional gacha formula with an interesting setting and game mechanics quickly became an obtuse mess of it's former self, full of obnoxious-looking character designs and pointless gameplay loops intended purely to delay your ability to experience Tevyat.

This review was written before the game released

I was never one to enjoy multiplayer shooters, but the original Overwatch was masterfully executed in how it allowed just about anyone at any skill level to contribute to their team and enjoy a match. Overwatch 2 doesn't accomplish that anymore, falling into the trappings of encouraging only one type of player with few heroes that can be utilized by those with poor aim or bad movement. A massive disappointment compared to the enjoyment my 16-year-old self had.