While it has its shortcomings in narrative and gameplay, Fallout 4 is still delivers a fun RPG experience with a wonderful open world to explore.

The excellent gameplay of Yakuza 0 revitalizes the classic story of Kiryu - a perfect framework with which to experience the Yakuza story.

Beyond perfection - the ultimate immersive sim stealth experience courtesy the ever-excellent Arkane Studios.

The quintessential Assassin's Creed - the beginning of Ezio's story encompasses a great stealth-action experience.


An immaculate gameplay loop is marred by a bizarre degree of Orientalism, and falls just short of perfection because of it.

After years of being restricted to the Dishonored IP, Arkane Lyon uses Deathloop to flex their muscles with a gorgeous artstyle and unexpected take on the first-person shooter genre. Above all, it's a fantastic immersive sim that fits nicely within the legacy of those that preceded it.

Everything that made F&H1 so engaging, with more complex characters, an interesting open-ended narrative, and a setting that invites exploration. An immaculate experience essential to any horror fan.

A kind of horror immersive sim that I've never seen so well-executed. It's so close to perfect, but the rampant sexual imagery is just a touch too heavy-handed, invoking more fetish than discomfort.

I'm not the most skilled at it, but ULTRAKILL is an engaging kill-fest that supports the lowest denominator while still encouraging skilled play. A perfect experience for my transgender sentiments.

Unbelievably disappointing - a sluggish introduction, cookie-cutter gameplay, and a protagonist who's wholly unlikable make Atomic Heart fail to fall in line with the immersive sims it took its influences from.

It may be simple compared to the newer games, but I still found it to be a very enjoyable sci-fi RPG experience that holds up to this day.

As a long-term fan of the franchise, Kingdom Hearts III was very disappointing. Nomura focused too hard on tying everything up into a neat little bow, resulting in a story with very little stakes and an ending that felt forced and unfulfilling. Combined with a boring gameplay loop of the various worlds, this long-awaited conclusion fell far from the mark.

Almost painful to enjoy as a Resident Evil fan. While some fun gameplay is there, a terrible story with misused characters makes this hard to get through.

Nothing beats the world building, art direction, and utter richness of Karnaca that oozes from every nook and cranny. While the story leaves much to be desired, it's still a worthy sequel to the original game.

I liked it as a kid, but it's hard to appreciate in the shadow of New Vegas now. Issues with both the game itself and the narrative therein are glaring, but the basic concepts of the open world and freedom of choice still decent to this day.