Unbelievably disappointing - a sluggish introduction, cookie-cutter gameplay, and a protagonist who's wholly unlikable make Atomic Heart fail to fall in line with the immersive sims it took its influences from.

It's a uniquely-styled romp with gameplay that definitely scratches the parkour itch, but does so little with its potential.

Resident Evil 5 fails to meet the expectations set by it's immaculate predecessor, sporting bizarre action-oriented gameplay and a lackluster narrative; this game is the kind that's best with a second player to laugh at it with you.

While its unique concept preempts player ingenuity, SUPERHOT doesn't do much with the slow-time mechanic itself.

The kind of multiplayer game that loathes amateurs. You're either highly skilled from the get-go, or you'll never make it off the ground.

While much of the gameplay loop has since become the epitome of slog, FarCry 3 deserves respect for how it pioneered an incredible open-ended experience in an engaging world.

I'm not the most skilled at it, but ULTRAKILL is an engaging kill-fest that supports the lowest denominator while still encouraging skilled play. A perfect experience for my transgender sentiments.

It's everything I've ever wanted from a jRPG, taking massive steps forward from both Final Fantasy and its prequel; a gameplay loop I can never get enough of. Plus Mickey Mouse is there for some reason.

A kind of horror immersive sim that I've never seen so well-executed. It's so close to perfect, but the rampant sexual imagery is just a touch too heavy-handed, invoking more fetish than discomfort.

Everything that made F&H1 so engaging, with more complex characters, an interesting open-ended narrative, and a setting that invites exploration. An immaculate experience essential to any horror fan.


Arkane Austin steps into the limelight from Lyon's immaculate legacy and knocks it out of the park. Prey is a uniquely special immersive sim experience that everyone should play.

After years of being restricted to the Dishonored IP, Arkane Lyon uses Deathloop to flex their muscles with a gorgeous artstyle and unexpected take on the first-person shooter genre. Above all, it's a fantastic immersive sim that fits nicely within the legacy of those that preceded it.


An immaculate gameplay loop is marred by a bizarre degree of Orientalism, and falls just short of perfection because of it.

The quintessential Assassin's Creed - the beginning of Ezio's story encompasses a great stealth-action experience.