crazy how i literally cant think of a single negative thing to say about this game

Prolly the most interest thing kirby has served since superstar, though still nothing super crazy. not a huge fan of the robot mechanic but its very cool that they gave the robot itself unique equivalents to each of kirby's copy abilities that make it way more interesting than most other super-modes in videogames

If you want a 3D kirby platformer, this is a 3D kirby platformer

kirby can use a flaming katana i think thats pretty cool

How did they make a game where you can't die so much fun

Having multiple mini-campaigns keeps this game feeling fun and fresh where most Kirby campaigns tend to drag a bit imo, lots of the most iconics moments in the franchise come from here (or rather the original snes version) as well.

Saved my marriage

Story was a little rushed to the end and there were plenty of bugs throughout my playthrough, but the gameplay and combat is definitely the most polished of the 3. Suffers from the same insane bloat of the first game but at least feels a little more manageable when split across two characters.

The shorter and more tightly packed campaign lends itself a lot better to the gameplay of the original imo, I'd prefer a game be 20 hours of action than 20 hours of action and 60 hours of busywork. Combat also has a very satisfying flow with Miles's venom abilities.

Super satisfying and snappy combat, lots of customisation, and a fairly tight story (coming from a non-marvel fan). Though the open world suffers a lot from quest bloat which makes a lot of the game feel like you're just doing busywork.

So much of this game is exactly what I'm looking for in a survival sandbox, but none of it really comes together to make a satisfying experience. You can run around aimlessly for a bit, have some fun with your custom character collecting loot, but what you're doing 50 hours in is gonna feel pretty similar to what you're doing 5 hours in, you're not really gonna feel like you're getting anywhere.

no matter how many times i replay this game it'll always be fun to progress through the bosses and collect loot, you'll still be finding new shit on your 20th playthrough

the greatest thing that mankind has done with the gift of sentience, its only downhill from here

do you want a simplistic first person real time farming game with cute slimes? i have a game to tell you about

although kirby's most recognisable trait nowadays is his copy ability, not enough people recognise how interesting the core concept of kirby is, i wish there could be a modern kirby game that leaves out the copy ability to have levels more tailored to his core succ and spit moveset

i jump back and forth between preferring this and the original, the voiced protagonist definitely takes away a lot from the atmosphere and overall the world feels smaller, but the environments feel tighter and more interesting and the overall gameplay feels a bit more polished, seatrucks were an amazing compromise between seamoths and cyclops that make exploring feel a lot more fun