Currently on GAA2 case 3

Pacing of GAA2 is definitely better than GAA1.

Well-written cyberpunk noir. Good atmosphere. Gameplay is basic but fun enough.

Just wish there were manual saves for easier access to other endings because I rarely start over just to get other endings.

The writing is so bad, I couldn't continue playing (No, it's not about the localization). Nowa and Seign meeting for the first time and spending one mission together and suddenly they're best friends is just one example.

The game feels so half-baked the sprites don't even have a proper running animation during cutscenes.

I respect and appreciate the devs for making this game and I think Suikoden 2 is one of the best RPGs in the 90s, but imho this isn't a worthy successor to Suikoden.

Hopefully the sequel they're making is much better than this one and I'm still willing to give the sequel a chance.

G'night, Vincent. Today was a good day.

Rebirth fixes every complaint I've had in the first game of the Remake trilogy (at least, gameplay-wise). I still don't like the multiverse thing, but every part of the story that has nothing to do with the multiverse has been exceptional. The minigames are fun and varied. The level and world design is actually amazing. Finally, FINALLY, a modern FF game that has the scope of golden era FF. I don't know how they did it, but they made the "Ubisoft" open world formula somehow fun, and if ever you're not into that, most of the open world fluff are optional.

This is the best Final Fantasy I've played in more than a decade. Square Enix finally did it, a game that actually feels like Final Fantasy. I hope this wins GOTY.

Ada Wong.
That's all I need to say.

Story is good but the gameplay is like super dumbed-down TLOU.

Much better than the 1st entry. Graphics are AAA quality. Story is outstanding. Glad I gave this series a chance.


Some parts were boring but the ending made up for it.

This review contains spoilers

I loved this game in my early teens, played this on the PSP way back around 2009 - 2011 and thought it was a 9-10/10. But now as I've played the remake I realized it's not as good as I remember.


- It has that retro charm coated in HD-2D which looks gorgeous. I love how the world map looks. I believe this is the first HD-2D game that has an overarching world map. (I could be wrong)
- Combat is fluid. Starts easy and dull but becomes better as you progress.
- Deep customization.
- Characters can be charming despite being bland even with their PAs, but this could be due to nostalgia.


- The writing is just plain bad, it's like a bad shounen anime. The Ten Wise Men have no compelling motive, they're just there to be villains. The characters, except for Claude and Rena, have absolutely nothing to do with the plot which can be jarring. Sure they have their character moments in their PAs but it's not good enough to make up for the lack of their contribution to the plot. It's immersion-breaking that your party just always seem to be stronger than anyone in the universe and they always find ways to defeat their adversaries without any real effort and without any believable reason. Like Claude, except for a few instances, just pulverizes anyone despite not having any prior sword training. Characters deaths feel meaningless because it doesn't seem to impact the characters in any way at all.
- The English dub can be really bad. Nall sounding like he's giving a speech every single time is annoying as hell.
- Why does the remake have an inferior opening? The song's alright, but what the hell is with the stiff animation?

Overall, I'd say that if you're just going in for the story, it's not gonna be worth it. But hey, it's a "classic", and if you're a fan of JRPGs, this is definitely a game that you should experience and have an opinion of.

This is a game that will be talked about years after its release.

This is what got me into soulsbornekiro

I found the game repetitive and boring, which could've been fine if it actually had a decent story.

This is what "Game of Thrones" Final Fantasy should be, not FFXVI.