Outer wilds is a lot of peoples muse, a masterpiece, in that regard I can agree the game is incredible and its game design is tight and intiuative, its the ultimate space game! Only reason It is not higher is obviously the replayability, this can be said for almost every game but after you beat outer wilds the only way to truly enjoy it is to explore again, view the vistas that the developers created, or share it with any other outer wilds enjoyers out there. The first time playing the game it is a masterpiece, the dlc and some areas of the game are also genuinely terrifying. I chose this to be the first game I reviewed just because it made sense to me.

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Hd Featuring dante from the devil may cry series fucking sucks and I hate it. That was the opinion I had when I first played the game, the more you delve deep into shin megami tensei and use your grit the more its positives overshadow the flaws. The game has an incredible vibe and is unforgiving with its difficulty if you do not know how to play it well, the press turn system is also a masterpiece in turn based design. The best thing about this game is its unique demon models and FUCKING FUSION BABY. Endless replayability due to demon fusion and crazy builds, the music is also great as long as you are not hearing those compressed audio files. Not higher cause random encounters are bad, its lacking a lot in areas, empty rooms, bullshit one shots (on hard mode) and just some areas that need refining. Also fuck this game.

I love this game, its a great management sim with a really unique concept, I also loved the main character just like me fr, play this game at the same time with a friend and help eachother out and find stuff, its incredibly fun and incredibly deranged.

games awesome, genuinely great rpg, shame my data for it killed itself and now I gotta start all over and get back to chapter 6.

Darkwood is good, especially that big ass tree, in my opinion this game is a masterpiece and all horror fans should play it. The stress you'll feel playing this game and the night segments are literally chefs kiss.

when this game came out I was alone, completely alone, years of being depressed finally hit me and I stayed inside my room all day, but one bug was there for me, hollow knight was basically my dark souls (even though I already played bloodborne before) what i mean is that it helped me fight on, it helped me live, the music, the boss fights, combat and platforming and the sense of discovery and exploration in this big ass bug world made me so incredibly happy, in a world where I thought I was alone, there was the knight to save me.

when this game came out it was literally heavenly, fucking corona virus made the world go coo-coo and I got to play doom eternal on nightmare all week long. it was my favourite shooter for a while but now It doesn't hold that spot anymore due to a new favourite shooter. Most games don't make you feel powerful when killing or fighting an enemy, their health really just goes down and thats it, but in doom eternal you can actually tell, supershotgun blows off bits, plasma gun explodes them, chainsaw well, chainsaws them, the games combat is incredible, the movement, the music all blends in to create a fun as hell shooter, bosses fucking suck though. And yes I did originally play it on console, sorry.

game took over my life, i love all capcom games and this one is long and fun, always kept me wanting more but is obviously flawed and very very grindy, repeating content in most games is shitty but monster hunter makes it work somehow.

best souls game cause funny traps and the most unique fromsoftware world. Also I love clanking of armor

I love the dlc, genuinely better than the base game and a real contender whether or not its a best souls game, having said that I am on ng+3 no scaudtree fragments and just going in solo cause im a psychopath. The level design is more interesting, the legacy dungeons actually live up to their name and finding both entrances to shadow keep was also amazing, the entire dlc is like that, the bosses are also programmed to perfection, like maliketh the best elden ring boss in base game, they watch where the player is stepping and based all their attacks off it, all bosses so far are great, ive only fought 4 main bosses so far. All the new weapons are great and have way more potential than other weapons, I personally love Dragon Hunter sword and the fire and moon swords. Having said all this the dlc came in a horrible part of my life where depression was kicking my ass and the dlc just helped beat me into the ground and made me think of all the things that went wrong, the bosses in the dlc are amazing but they genuinely were harder once they became my demons, hard to love now but I love this dlc. I wouldve loved to talk about rellana with you

one of my favourite games of all time, dante is just so cool and all his moves are badass and fun to execute, no matter how many times i play dmc 3 its always fun, especially stupid fucking yellow orb mode but we dont need checkpoints