if ffxiv gets to have every patch it releases in here why cant genshin its so hard to actually score the game because of every different archon quest arc but ill try:
mondstadt - 5
liyue - 6
inazuma - 7
sumeru - 9
that equals to 27/4 = ~7 as a score and ill take one point away for the game making me its slave by forcing me to open it everyday

okay, finished the Jarilo-VI arc (ar 24 main quest) and i think i have more opinions about this game now.

first off: turn-based combat allows the game to be more creative with their battles, that is specially true in the final boss battle of this quest also hoyo-mix can peg me and i wouldn't mind, this game is far more advanced, faster, cleaner and better optimized than genshin, everytime i have to open that game now i feel like i'm crawling an ancient dungeon.

also, this game's world design is far more smart than genshin, in genshin you could see the BIG difference between mondstadt and sumeru, to the point where it's weird to even think those two are basically on the same map, the game power-crept itself in it's world design. that doesn't happen here, for the exchange of having more linear spaces, the world design and building truly shines (also, having how many treasures are left in an area on the map is a feature genshin should've had for ages now).

about it's story, i think that it has a really big potential, specifically because of what i've already said. take genshin for example: scaramouche's fight. while it is a cool fight the first time you play it, the more you do it as a weekly boss, the more you notice it's flaws, like, you're really telling me the guy that is basically a god right now can only throw a couple of missiles and step on the ground? it's that sort of thing i think star rail can correct and innovate upon, since you can put a lot of stuff into turn-based combat that doesn't require extreme skill from the player. i also think that it's a really smart idea to separate your story arcs in worlds, that way, supporting characters from different arcs don't have to acknowledge each other if the story writers don't want to. let's take genshin again for example, don't you think it's weird you NEVER see the archons having any interaction between themselves whatsoever?

anyways, i think this is a step forward for hoyoverse and i will continue playing the game, 8/10 for now, let's see when the game stops having content and it becomes a grinding mess again.

95 hours. that's how long it took for the game to hook me.

before this patch, i was only playing ffxiv because, well, it's a final fantasy title, and, a lot of people saying it's peak fiction, including my friends. otherwise i probably would've never picked it up knowing that it would take 95 hours for me to start actually liking the game. do i regret it spending this long in it? not at all.

looking back, i can now see why the worldbuilding was so important, and how those meaningless quests would've added stuff to the plot later on (not all of them tho), i can see now why coerthas had such a big part in the base game's story even though you're only running around 3 towns in each corner of the map.

does this mean it makes those quests less boring? no, they're still boring as fuck and should be cut down even more than they've already been. i shouldn't have to feel the game's stopping me at every second it can to throw filler at my face to extend it's duration (and trust me, that happens A LOT), and the game proved it can do quests that don't have that much meaning in the grand scheme of things without that sentiment of stopping you.

if you've played this patch, you'll remember the tataru quest (which i'll not go in detail), and that quest was the perfect example on how to do this, it didn't have all that meaning in the grand scheme of things, but i was still interested because i actually cared about tataru, hell, i even cared a lot about moenbryda, which got introduced in the patch before this one, so it BEGS the question as to why ffxiv tries so hard to make players quit before reaching heavensward.

but with all that said, if you power through it like i did, you'll not regret it, this patch is by far a realm reborn's redemption.

i literally slept 3 times on my keyboard while reading and that's all you need to know about this patch

i would let y'shtola do unspeakable things to me

i love everything artistically about this, ost is great, artwork is fantastic and a overall very smooth experience from start to finish, about the actual case, just don't go in expecting your mind to be blown away and you should be fine, it's a pretty standard murder mystery (though it does break one of knox's rules). and this made me realize how much i actually miss danganronpa

it sure is one of the resident evil games of all time

this game has it all: bad and outdated mechanics to try and "refresh" the formula, bad enemy design and a bad story
the best parts of this game is when you can just control one character and don't have to worry about the other one

coralina é a prova concreta que você não precisa de muito pra fazer algo impactante. com gigantes inspirações de undertale, omori e sonny boy, esse joguinho de rpg maker conseguiu me deixar com mais medo e ansiedade do que muito jogo por aí, e esse nem é o intuito de coralina, é incrível o que o dev >BRASILEIRO< desse jogo conseguiu fazer. e tudo isso por 5 reais, é um roubo. ansioso pro segundo capítulo.

coop makes this game 100 times more bearable but it still sucks
in the beginning the game is fine, then it decides it wants to be tomb raider, then it wants to be portal, then wesker decides he wants to be in matrix and then the game decides it wants to be star wars episode 3.
this is so fucking dumb

having to read a guide all of the time to know where to go is not fun.

imagine all of doom 1's worst parts but cranked up to max

but also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kxGLUszLhY"

was really excited for this one, following the dev on twitter for a long time, "wow, a liminal spaces game with cool soundtrack! what could go wrong?" -- not much to do besides walking (which is fine if you do it the right way, this is not it) and procedural generated environments also don't help much.

it's like id software said "let's grab all of our worst maps and do an episode of it!" (score and review only for the "expanded" episode 4)


how is this almost 30-year-old game better than most of what's available out there for this genre?

after playing through so many bland and uninspiring shooters/action games, i kinda started to despite the genre. DOOM was a breath of fresh air for me with it's intense combat, moody atmospheres, exploration system and map design. my only complaints is that sometimes, there are some bullshit enemy placements and e3m5 is the most annoying level ever.

not having played any other suda51's games, i think i made a major mistake by playing this one first

but with that aside, what the fuck did i just play?