absolute peak of rpg and a must play.

i played this after madness returns so i was a little spoiled by how polished it was compared to this which of course makes sense. also i played the original game on disc for pc which is a mess to set up for controller since it wasnt supposed to be played with one. once i was done with that tho (thx to xpadder still existing), this game was a huge journey. at some points i believe it was even a little bit more immersive than the sequel. its also nice having alice hang on to objects since that was always a point that bothered me when playing the platforming elements of madness returns.
it looks nice, has really cool voice acting and an amazing story. its worth looking into it and crying about the fact the 3rd game was canceled.

ive been obsessed with this for too long
all the quests and things you can do make my brain go brr


the sounds of this game are engraved into my brain

the legend of zelda phantom hourglass is a direct sequel to wind waker. it basically starts right where wind waker finishes.
and boy, i had so much fun with this game. i do not really understand whats so wrong with the touchpen controls. to me they seemed really smooth once you got the hang of it. the dungeons are short but really fun to play through. they use each dungeon item in really cool ways and the boomerang in this game is easily one of my favorite items in a zelda game ever. (the statisfaction when putting all switches with one shoot is... mhhh 🤌)
the characters introduced in this game grow on you and make the ending so bittersweet and touching.
linebeck is probably one of the greatest written characters in any zelda game. his development and growth is absolutely human and makes you love him while playing the game. ciela, while re using navis "hey" in this game for her, is charming and cute, not even once annoying in my opinion.
this game is one if not the best 2d zelda there is.
i enjoyed it a lot.

easily my personal game of the year. this is pure perfection. disc 1 felt a bit slow but everything after that is just amazing

best version of this game there is and an inofficial third game in the rush trilogy.
it has the ultimate boost gameplay rush invented just in the best way possible and adding a lot of features. it has amazing sidequests with cameos by everyone from sonic heroes and co and it has an amazing soundtrack. the story itself is still one of the worst i think a sonic game has, but other than that this game is absolute fun and makes me miss the rush sonic we had.

i miss these times man
this game was so cool to me as a kid and will forever be
i miss this so much

this soundtrack did not have the right to be this good

hardest game ever but with cute and edgy animuh
also i love how messy the menus are, all this over the top flair from the gba era is so nostalgic to me

absolutely cool zones, amazing characters and good soundtrack.
however i still dont get how to get to the special zones in this game but eh, its okay

4 words: cant get into it
idk if its me or the game, just whenever i try to give this another shot it just overwhelms me again with far too much stuff to discover or to do
but the fishing is great 👍😎