stinky girls play project diva in bed and grind for these perfect songs (i am stinky girls)

this one is my favorite diva game. probably mainly because it was my first one but also after having played every other mainline title except future tone.

i believe this one found just enough balance between the rythm game and the diva room. i would say its about 70% rythm game and 30% diva room which actually is really great to handle in terms of hunting down the platinum trophy. not like in x the maximum friendship level with the vocaloids here is only 6. you can increse that in a timespan of 10-15 minutes by petting their head or giving them gifts they love. unlike in x where they, for whatever reason increased that level to 10 and gave you way less options to build it up.
it steals the fun of it. immensely.

i also believe the song selection here is absolutely amazing. i even miss some of the songs here in recent games like megamix still (kagerou days my beloved)
some of my favorites in this game include: two sided lovers, envy cat walk, 2d dream fever, blackjack

also it has some neat features no other title has. you can customize the ui ingame for example with skins you unlock one by one. the unlocking items here is also not rng and can be viewed on each song seperately and what it demands to unlock.

call me crazy, but this was peak miku

100% for the third time baby!

this will be another nostalgic review so if you're here for absolute straight gaymer facts you may scroll past.

i have so many great memories with this game back in the ps2 era. i had so much fun falling in love with the characters, the different areas and all of its charme combined. i remember playing this game tons and tons when i was a child and always coming back to it, discovering new things, new hidden powercells i didnt know of and even gameplay mechanics i didnt know of.
this was my personal introduction to naughty dog, being born in the early 2000s, this probably was the best way to step into naughty dogs territory.
while this is indeed your regular "hero saves world"- collectathon, it has such an amazing feel to it no other game could ever deliver to me. characters arent being bland despite having their regular roles of these games given to them. a lot of the dialogue is a reason for that. its funny, its quirky - its the most early 2000s it can get. gameplay is pretty easy from the start yet has a, lets say rather surprising difficulty spike at the end where they really want you to set these jumps at the right time.
collecting everything in this world even rewards you with the true ending of jak 1, leading straight into its sequel, jak 2.

while the good aspects of this game scream early 2000s, the controlling does too. the double jump can be absolutely janky and a pain in the ass. the camera at times also does whatever it wants - the ps3/vita version of the trilogy even having several music bugs as i found out in my recent playthrough. kinda sad but nothing too much for me. the checkpoints are fairly well placed so i do think they were aware of some of this.

im happy this game is staying untouched to this degree tho. the charme and good qualities it delivers wouldnt hit as good as it did back then. the ps2 version is still the best way to play this so i cant recommend getting that one enough.

so yeah. not much of a ratchet and clank fan but rather staying on the jak and daxter side here. :D

they could give me a pooping simulator with persona 4 on it and i would still play it
the story is really boring and i skipped everything about halfway, the remixes are amazing, the gameplay itself fun to work with and hearing the familiar songs newly made in story mode while playing really is a nice callback

lil puzzlegame that eh i seem to be too dumb to play
but the sprites are really cute animuh gurls so 3 stars

this soundtrack is so outstanding to me
danny baranowsky my beloved
repentance all good but the charme of this one is unmatched, can't help it

english patch when
seriously im so in love with the designs of this game that i, as someone who seriously only plays tactic rpg games when the story is good and the game doesnt depend on me having a huge brain, just really wanna play it.
its a shame this really isnt known about much here, guess ill just have to wait or work my way through with google translate

makes me sad that people will now grow up with the phantasy reverie version of this game which is basically the absolute worst version to play this (seriously, even the "wii"make made this game look better than this soulless remake)
beautiful, dreamy worlds, gameplay that doesnt get boring even though you only have like one mechanic to use and a touchingly beautiful story.
still the best way to play the first game.

outstanding atmosphere and soundtrack for such a pretty basic shmup. took me some time to make the soundtrack work as im playing on emulator but without it this wouldnt hit as good. the setting is absolutely amazing.

dude, i wish this would have been localized. i would have played this endless hours. its kinda like the most basic action rpg in existence and the controls are absolutely weird to get into (especially talking about the camera here) but its all worth it for being able to customize my own character into this world (+ bonus points for me being able to live my own mech dream uwu I CAN WEAR BLUE, OVERSTYLIZED MECH, I AM HAPPY PERSON)

this actually was kinda challenging not gonna lie
the visuals are absolutely beautiful and the game really worked with everything the psp had to offer
its japan exclusive and it shows by having underaged loli girls pose in the most sexual poses possible (its kinda funny tho, these poses are getting more sexual the more you use the bombs you have)
but other than that this was a nice little something

main game lasted about 6 hours for me. the concept of the game is really cool actually and fits the pokemon theme well. i was confused at first that we only get one attack per pokemon but otherwise this wouldnt flow so well. postgame does not really speak to me so i am leaving it at that. its nice as something to ease your mind to and not too difficult in terms of tactic and such.

amazing remake, really.
this took everything it could work with, including the movies and put it into every character smoothly. we get to interact with each team mate a lot more, we get to see different sides of them - the original dialogues staying completely untouched. i can definitely see this game climbing up the ladders of persona 5 enjoyers.
what however bothers me is how easy this game has been made. theurgies werent a thing in the og, as well as some pretty op moves by fuuka on the tartarus floors. if you just happen to beat 20% of the shadows you're leveled enough for basically the rest of the game. the amount of ep you can get here is a joke. the hand holding is absolutely over the top. the game did not need that at all.
still a solid remake. i still prefer the old ost over this one and the default brightness of this game destroys the mood a little. i suggest turning it down a little and taking a glance at how fes or portable looked.


this ones the one on top of the rpgmaker games together with its just as beautiful sisters yume nikki and mad father.
i really enjoyed playing this again after a long time and forgot about a lot of stuff which made it a creepy and weird experience like i played the first time.
the worlds we go through are creative on another level, the storytelling is cute, soundtrack captures you. what else do you want? replayability is also granted as you can unlock several endings.
all my love goes out to garry. :*

i replayed this again and would like to change my review a little bit from someone who experienced this game just now again in its full form (played all stories)
i am taking away 1 star because shadows campaign plays like straight ass and really stretched this game a little because i did not get so many gameovers in the other stories. HOW-fucking-EVER.
my view of this game still has not changed one bit. this would have been the best 3d sonic game up to date if it did get the time it deserved. instead we have all of these cool what ifs i found myself sticking to a lot while playing. WHAT IF this abillity worked the way it should. WHAT IF this stage was designed properly and speed boosts wouldnt be the death of me. WHAT IF they actually had the time to put into soleanna, the overworld, and make it the lively world they obviously wanted it to be. it is a bummer this was so rushed in the end because in its core, this is the best 3d sonic, no doubt. the zones are filled with absolute neat ideas, amazing soundtrack and beautifully designed extras.
crisis city and kingdom valley being some of my favorites to mention here.
storywise i believe this game is one of the strongest of this franchise. compared to the crap we have gotten since colors this shines through even after almost 20 years of abandonment by sega and also the community. mephiles being a badass, characters being characters and not just soulless cameos for underaged fans so they can point at the screen and scream names. its a shame this game gets this poor treatment without looking at the what ifs. this game was not even close to finished but none the less has left an impact on me where this whole sonic universe was not just a joke.
so yeah. i like this game.

amazing journey and really, you can feel how much effort was put into this game. the spritework is absolutely beautiful, the areas are nicely worked out and all have their own feel to them. love the several color schemes too! momodora 5 aims to be like its prequel, just a lot more ambitious. we get sigils this time instead of passive items like in 4, some companions and our health and magic can be upgraded separately. loved these ideas and they worked very, very well. we have 3, i believe, abillities we learn throughout the game. i do howevet have to say that an air dash like in 4 would have given this game more speed to it and i really hoped for it to be in this game while playing to the very last minute but sadly, this one was scraped.
the boss fights are put into scene amazingly. seeing all of the old monsters from the very first game redesigned like this was also a really cool thing for my fan heart. we get to see some familiar faces, some mentions of familar faces - a lot of callbacks as you probably would expect from this last game in the series.
whats sad too though is that they completely removed the op items you get when finishing a boss damageless. thats a shame because with the moveset we get in this recent entry, this could have been neat to do.
other than my very few things i missed in this, i cant help but love this very much. if youre a fan you will love it. if not you still will. :P
solid short game with really amazing graphics and enviroments that really leave you in awe. (im talking fairy springs here, god that place is absolutely stunning)
play momodora pls
give rdein some money