about ran

it's a meme!! https://imgur.com/uASzgz3 from clearin.

this is difficult because i'm terminally indecisive but idk here's how it is right now!

Favorite Game

honestly this is the most difficult category to answer for because if you ask me tomorrow it'll probably be something else. like, i don't know, ghost trick. but dqxi was such a fun and good experience! great cast, well executed story for the most part, fun battle system, just all around a great time that sent me on a quest to experience a really fun series that just kind of passed me by before. i'm really glad i decided to go for it with this game.
Favorite Series

this series has had its hits and misses over the years but it never fails to make me smile. i love the world, i love the fact that you can challenge yourself through all the choices you have, i love the quirky characters... i've always kind of loved weird animals so i like that pokemon goes for a bunch of weird choices to base their critters on. it's just a great time over all and i always get excited when a new game's coming out.
best soundtrack

this includes torna expansion which has the best standard encounter theme i've ever heard. seriously this game's soundtrack is absolutely incredible and i love it with all my heart, i don't think there's a single bad or even mediocre song on the soundtrack.
favorite protagonist

there might be a little bit of recency bias here but i rarely get invested in protagonists compared to antagonists and more secondary characters. however i was extremely invested in luke fon fabre's character arc from his bratty, barely tolerable start to the trauma that kicks off him working on actively becoming better to his existential nightmare to his self actualization and acceptance of his existence. they just did a really great job with him and i think he stands out as one of the best parts of a really solid cast.

honorable mention is the builder from dragon quest builders 1 because they managed to give a really compelling character arc and a really fun personality to a silent protagonist in a game that doesn't even have the relationship mechanics of a persona type of thing.
favorite villain

honestly this is also a difficult choice especially considering the antagonists tend to be my favorite parts of jrpgs and whatnot. but i thought lusamine was a really interesting and unexpected villain from a series like pokemon, and i found her compelling in a very real way. she's got that over the top quality that pokemon villains tend to have, but the impact she has on the people in her life and the problems she has feel surprisingly realistic. i'll never forgive usum for just kind of tossing that all out the window in favor of... shrugs???
best story

there are probably better stories out there in terms of actual Art Games, but ghost trick is just a classic? it's a great mystery with a bunch of really charming players and a really good heart to it, and everything comes together in a really satisfying way. it's also really fun to piece together even when you play through it again! there's always something new to notice or something that reads differently with the context of all the twists. also missile is the best boy.
game i have not played but want to

this is the dragon quest i'm most excited to get to. i've read a chunk of a let's play that let me know this game is definitely my shit, so i know i'm gonna love this!
you love everyone hates

birthright's standing in for all three routes because it's the one i played first. anyway i'm trying not to double this up with guilty pleasures but honestly... fates was fun. it had its problems with the story but i don't think the cast overall was as bad as people make it out to be and i thought actually playing it was a lot of fun. there are definitely better fire emblems but i enjoyed myself.
you hate everyone loves

this is probably the sort of game i should really revisit but i have really bad memories of trying the game and just finding it really unpleasant and hostile. it looked great, music was good, but it was really unforgiving to my sad baby self and i was just extremely turned off by it.
best art style

this game looks good as hell and will always look good as hell. the cel shading and aesthetic is just chef's kiss.
favorite ending

yeah i'm basic. but i really like the ideas present in the ending of this on a meta level and it just gave me the warm fuzzies. there's a lot to be said for games where you get to reach out to your enemies and help them change their minds for the better.
favorite boss fight

honestly this game is chock full of my favorite boss fights but i think i've gotta give marx props for just being something completely buckwild to put in a children's game. i'm so glad they put him in smash as a boss fight.
childhood game

dkc was the first game i ever owned so naturally i associate it strongly with being a kid and playing my super nintendo at my grandfather's. i never beat it because it's a rough game but i remember trying and getting a little better after leaving it to marinate for a while.
relaxing game

just a chill experience overall! except the cow and bear levels. but even at its most frustrating it's still great to put this game on and roll some things up to make a star.
stressful game

game you keep coming back to

can stand in for any pokemon honestly but there are so many fun ways you can replay pokemon games that i always love giving them another go. gen 1's just been around the longest so it's the one i've messed around with the most times.
guilty pleasure

stand in for literally any story-heavy gatcha. honestly i've cooled a lot on the gameplay and i hate the monetization but i love stuff with lots of fun characters and episodic stories that bring lots of anime weirdos together for shenanigans and heartbreak.
tons of hours played

there's a whole lot of this game. i'm sure there are games i've played more but this is the one i have the most immediate access to how much time i've pumped into this bad boy. (it's probably going to be ff14 before long though.)


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