the visual effect for the proton cannon is so goddamn satisfying that it's an instant 10/10 for that alone

This is the only Street Fighter entry where I've genuinely loved playing 100% of the newcomers.

It's really too bad that the music kind of sucks. Everybody not named Jamie feels like they have theme songs that were entirely composed based off of what they looked like, not the relevance to their character. And that really blows!

I'm weird, and I like this game more than its sequel.
I just think it's really charming for what it is, and accomplished a lot of what it set out to relatively well. I find myself going back to it just to experiment with different weapons in different places, and try out unorthodox strategies on purpose like running through Cut Man's stage with nothing but Hyper Bomb.

It's weird for sure, but it's a very solid first entry in this series and probably the best NES game to come out that year, if not the best game in general.

I would really like if score balls weren't an enemy drop, though....

You could rip the kraken guy out of the background before he gets to stab you with his tentacles, and then take off 2/3rds of his health bar with 1 swift combo just for even daring to attack you


The most unfortunate localization name to ever grace an NES game.

Lovely soundtrack though. I think it's really cool how they have that little guitar-pluck sound in Stage 1's theme.

If this game let you keep weapons after beating one, it'd be my favorite in the entire series.

It doesn't though, and that's always gonna feel like a missed opportunity. Oh well.
Prefer this one for MM1, but I mostly stick to the NES originals otherwise.

I dunno I'm a weirdo who likes 2nd Impact more

Trouble Man is my favorite MUGEN character

As soon as I found out that P2 helpers can intentionally kill themselves by mashing the teleport button..... and that you can copy enemy abilities when you're blowing up, my 1 and ONLY issue with this game went from a complaint to a point of praise. It is EXTREMELY fun to turn into a flaming ball of death and charge into a guy just to copy its face. You can't do that in ANY other game in this series.

It's perfect. Super Star Ultra is better, of course, but harder to play locally with friends. So, they pretty much level out for me.

Ain't got nothin good to say about this game that nobody else already did. You already know why it's brilliant.

Alien Green is the hardest motherfucker Capcom ever designed and that's not up for debate.

They really said that its motives are unclear and it just wants to hurt people. I wouldn't fuck with Alien Green.

I still wish Vergil's story was... well, a story, but man whatever this game is a timeless masterpiece. Don't really have much to praise that hasn't already been praised.

Only one in the series I sat down to S rank the entirety of.

I made a Michael Jackson skin as a joke and it ended up in the final release??????

Every time I play a Mario Party title, I miraculously get fucked over in some of the most spectacular ways. Generally much past the point of recovery. Today, that almost happened again; in two turns I already landed a red space and a Bowser space back to back. I didn't have any expectations for it to get any better than that.

I played this game earlier today and won my first Mario Party session in over five years.


I played this game in co-op first, and now singleplayer feels naked.