Damn, this guy looks like that old Chinese dude from Gremlins. If he offers me a little box with a monster in it, I am gone.

I was giving that Nerd, Fatty, a wedgie and he had a slice of pizza in his underwear. Can you believe that?

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

This town is full of monsters! How can you sit there and eat pizza!?

Gerbits! Gerbits! Vooooo, Gerbits!

I am Bowser, businessman of legend! Fear my accounting!

Oh! It's Johnson. Only a mother could love that face!... And I'm not even sure about that.

I am Blockhead! I guard this place so that all shall pass! Er, wait… Make that, none shall pass!

Run you pigeons! It's Robert Frost!

Hey, you know, for a fat guy I don't sweat that much!