Since recently I've taken a massive skill issue, which didn't let me to play the games I wanted to, I decided to play the game that doesn't require some special skills. And it was this game.

I've been familiar with VA-11 Hall-A for a long time, but something always prevent me from playng it. God bless the time has come, and this time was spent just amazingly.

I love analyzing characters and all that relationship stuff, so VA-11 Hall-a felt perfectly for me. It was very interesting and enjoyable: the characters writing is good, and they do feel alive. Not to mention the awesome setting this game has: it's a cyberpunk, but for some reason it feels... Kinda cozy? How strange.

The soundtrack is nice too, and that's great, 'cause, IMO, soundtrack is a very important element for a visual novel. It's, like, as important as a plot, I think.

It's also cool that there is a gameplay variety in the face of mixing drinks. It would be less fascinating if it wasn't here.

There's no much left to say, to be honest. Just try VA-11 Hall-A for yourself and enjoy it at maximum. It was an amazing thing.

I can forgive this game for the chaos system (which was drastically improved here, but anyway), I can forgive this game for the plot, which, imo, is worse than in the first game, and I forgive it all just because of the gameplay.

Just holy moly, it was so great to get back to Dishonored 2 while revisting the series. This game feels like a helluva improvement of Dishonored 1 — the game, which already plays great, and It took me so many years to finally understand that. It has more secrets and techniques than the first game, it has better gameplay than the first game, it's... Just way more cool than the first game. In every aspect, except the plot and atmosphere, I guess. Dishonored 1 is way too cool to be overpassed in such things.

After the current playtrough I've realised that I finally started to like the seuqel more than the original. And this love didn't come from nothing, no.

Dishonored 2 for me is one of these games which I want to play a lot, trying to find every damn secret it's got. It's a perfect immersive sim to me, on a par with Gloomwood and Thief: TBP.

I fucking love Arkane. Too sad this game has sold badly... It deserves more love and attention.

I've been trying to beat this game for almost 9 years, and, finally, this moment has come.

New Vegas stole my heart by its amazing diversity of choices, versatile build construction, amazing, yet so simple in its own base plot, big amount of content (and this is a game, which was approximately made in a year!), and that crazy creative space, which honestly shocked me.

However, the game suffers from awful optimization for modern machines, so you'd better be ready to spend some time installing mods for NV to make it work properly on your PC.

Now I finally understand, why people love this game so much, and now I'm one of these people too. It was an amazing adventure!

Dishonored is one of my so-called comfort games, which I know since its release.

When I was younger I absolutely loved this game and there was no cons in it. Anyone who was talking shit about this game automatically became a douchebag in my eyes, but this years are far away now, and I've become way more experienced in games and mature in general.

So, what can I say now?

Well, I do still love this game, but after playing it this time, I discovered how much I don't like the chaos system...

I mean, it works fine and it's actually an interesting mechanic, but why should I forbid myself to use the features the game provides me in order to get the good ending? Shouldn't an immersive sim let me use everything what I want to achieve my goals and doesn't punish me for my «bad» deeds using the bad ending? Don't you find it kind of a frustrating thing?

The next thing I'd like to complain about is the actual low variety of your methods in achieving the goal. Part two resolved this problem, but it stays actual in the first game. Dishonored becomes fully examined after a couple of walktroughs, and its replayability keeps strong more because of the amazing atmosphere, worldbuilding, lore, curious, but simple plot, and achievements than gameplay. It's just not as replayable as the other immersive sims, and now I feel disappointed 'cause of this...

However, as I said, I still love this game. My current experience with Dishonored is somewhat comparable to that moment, when your blind feelings for your lover are gone, and all of the problems of that lover of yours pops up suddenly, but even so they don't prevent you from loving them (lover, I mean)...

...Yeah, it could've been way less poetic... But it is what it is.

It's a fucking sin to drop such an amazing game in early access.

Love absolutely everything in this game except the early access and caves. It's been a while since I enjoyed games this much.

Immersive sims are dead (alas), but they can be revived by games like this.

Definitely looking forward to Gloomwood's release.

Just holy shit. I can't believe THIS is a mod. Not a game, not something else... a mod.

It plays with the Thief lore and gameplay so greatly, so you can't believe it's an unoffical thing.

Everything is done on the highest possible level, including the cut-scenes and levels itself. The devs really cooked, and the dish appeared to be SO FUCKING DELICIOUS.

Though some of the levels I personally didn't like, it doesn't bother me from giving this mod the highest grade I only can. It's just... So well done, and I wanted to play a good immersive sim game for a long time, and TBP gave me exactly what I've wished for.

I've also heard that there was an Arkane Lyon dev working on this, and this warms my heart really hard, 'cause technically speaking, The Black Parade was developed by one of the Dishonored devs, and Dishonored is one of my most favorite games ever made. Cool!

I'd sell this mod, if I were the devs and had that opportunity. The amount of work put into the mod is monstrous. Thank you, guys.

This game fixed almost every complaints I had for Y:LAD and made me cry so fucking hard in the end.

The gameplay feels godly, it's definitely a large step up comparing to what we had in Y:LAD. The amount of content in this game is also fucking crazy, prolly the biggest game in the series we've ever had.

I expected the plot being ridiculous and somewhat disappointing (you know, with that Kiryu's saga end and stuff), but thank God they managed to make it good, even epic and crazy (in a good way, of course).

It was such a satisfaction beating this game. RGG studios absolutely nailed it.

I do love FromSoftware's games, but definitely not this one.

I've completed Elden Ring ~6 times, took the platinum, and, to be honest, when the game only released, I liked it much more than now. Prolly because of the global hype, which was caused by the game's release...

Elden Ring has really big troubles with balance, awful bosses with infinite combos in their arsenal, repetitive bosses (which is not actually a big problem to me, but it looks at least really awkward), quickly annoying dungeons, and many different other problems, which importance vary from one to another.

I have no idea how this game has 94 on Metacritic. There's no way that ER can be better than Dark Souls III or Sekiro. Just how?..

It's been seven years since my last (and first) walktrough, and coming back to the game after the big update and that gap was honestly awesome.

It started from me deciding to do some mapping for HL1, and then it unexpectedly turned into a full playtrough.

It was a great experience, though I noticed a lot of texture bugs, which I don't remember to be before the update, and died a lot due to unexpected skill issue.
It's also cool how great maps designed are. Valve definitely knows game design and stuff well.

To be honest, I don't know what to tell about HL1, cause everything was already said, and all I wanted just to capture the moment of my second walktrough.

It was nice.

This game plays greatly with my personal feelings and fears, so that's why I prolly enjoyed it this much.

On the one hand, Knock-Knock is a bit buggy and confusing project, where the gameplay gets boring rather fast to make the player drop it.

On the other hand, this game has some real unusual atmosphere and attractivness, which may hold you till the very end, despite the mentioned boring gameplay.

Guess you need to be in some kind of special mood to enjoy this game fully. I dunno.

Putting Dante into this game was the biggest mistake.

Psychonauts has some wonderful atmosphere and it plays really great even throughout all of the years.

This game manages to talk about such hard themes as human's mind and mental illnesses so easily, so there's no way it can left you unfeeling.

it has a soul and some kind of courage in it, so that's why this game works and became classic nowadays.

Prolly my most favorite horror game of all time.

This game manages to be scary even now, after so many years. Guess the reason for this is how immersive this game is, and how greatly it makes you feel unsafe and trapped using so usual methods.

The monsters may look and behave kinda corny, but that's why they work! The game doesn't try to make anything unusual with genre (well, that was 2010, so why would devs even try?) and this is its main advantage.


It's hilarious how one game from 1997 can be better than the most of FPS games these days.

Absolutely loved it.

It's... Fine, I think? It's been my 4th time beating it, and the final verdict is always the same.

To be fair, there's nothing much to say about this game. It has Dishonored 2 gameplay in its core, and it plays great. The missions are cool too (especially the Bank Job), though one of them is a reuse of the one from the sequel, and that one was changed here, so I see nothing to complain about.

The most part of the complaints I've heard were about the plot, and yes, I'm agree with them. Not to mention how awkardly Daud was represeneted here.

Personally I don't like Billie's abilites (except the semblance. It's an amazing one, though the devs messed up with it narratively), but someone might like them.

If you enjoyed Dishonored 2 and want some more, play it. It won't hurt you.