Undertale and its quirky sequels

A list of games which are, in one way or another, like Undertale.
It is honor to sit among the pantheon.

Although none are specifically necessary, here are some attributes to look out for :
- Stated Earthbound/Mother or Undertale/Deltarune inspiration from the developer
- Direct connection to Toby Fox
- Top down perspective
- RPG or Adventure game
- Turn-based combat, with a twist (typically bullet hell)
- Human child protagonist
- Underground setting (like Undertale), or Dreamscape/Alternate reality setting (like Deltarune)
- Cast of colorful, quirky characters
- Cast of non-human characters
- Main characters experiencing tragedy and hardship
- Humorous, silly, absurd, self-aware
- Avant-garde, meta-textual, light/unexpected horror elements
- Cartoon-ish (non-realistic) art style
- Pixel art style
- Limited color pallet

Comment suggestions!!

undertale 2
idk this one
temmie made this one :)
undertale 4 i think
this one might be undertale 5
this one scares me
this isnt even a game
undertale 3

1 Comment

1 year ago


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