Resident Evil Ranked

My fave survival horror series ranked by what I've played so far (and spinoffs included too).

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
This will probably always be my favorite Resident Evil title. I don't despise the remake like many but there's really nothing like the original game and Jill is so great here and even in the remake. Phenomenal climax of the original trilogy and the action is done so well and measured great around Nemesis, not to mention the few puzzles here are pretty memorable compared to a majority of the series' attempts going forward. The general opinion of this game being mindless is a bit shortsighted when playing on the harder difficulty and I'd argue the remake falls into that camp more. Still, I love this game and wish Capcom loved and respected it more too for how it influenced their later titles in the series and even their other titles going forward.


Resident Evil
Resident Evil
There's no other resident evil game or even survival horror game that's like Resident Evil remake and I hate that because I love the puzzle box design with exploration and how challenging this game gets, even though the bosses do suck.


Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
Hot take but I honestly like the remake a bit more than the original, even if it has its own issues of translating the unique gameplay to today's modern landscape. The remake feels less like a sick but tense shooting gallery, action movie extravaganza that the original made its whole personality. Additionally, this is a pretty safe remake that could have gone harder on the horror feel that it was teasing out atmospherically, or even make it the exact opposite of 4 by building on ideas of the original before the direction it went in. That said, most of these critiques do wash away when actually playing the main game and separate ways and it's just so good. Capcom still got it. High hopes for 9 shaking things up though.


Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
Even if I was a bit sick of the game's tone by the end, it is so mechanically satisfying that I can ignore this aspect of the game. Wish the castle and especially the island were as varied and sick as the village.


Resident Evil
Resident Evil
Same feelings to the remake but the remake just ups it by a very strong degree


Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
So I don't really like Resident Evil 2 that much, but this is more with the remake than the original. The zapping system is nice feature that I wish was more of a thing in the remake.


Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 3
Another hot take but I like this more than RE2 Remake even though RE3 nemesis got treated dirty here outside of this game somehow being the best of the new remakes in recapturing the vibes of the original game. Hopefully Capcom does a "Nemesis" like re-release or version of it like a final mix or something. My goat RE game deserves better but people ranking it as the worst RE game are sick in the head.


Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
Don't hate the remake but also not high on it like everyone else. The new score is a bit disappointing but at least the original can be played. Hate how much they butchered the differences between the A and B playthroughs and no zapper system? Mr. X is phenomenal though on the first and second play through, though I wish the sewers and labs got a bit more work to them since they're still as lacking here as before.


Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village
Now this one is weird because I used to think this was the best RE game lol. My opinion has decreased quite a bit since it released but I think it's the best later series entry that isn't a remake. Great feel of horror and action like RE4 but not as good as it did it and would do in RE4R. Also third person is janky asf and makes this game lose some of its identity by seeing how it was not made for this perspective change at all lmaooo. Hopefully Resident Evil 9 is better yes?


Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Allegedly as good as the first game. Still looking for evidence of those claims even if they are pretty unserious.


Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
What an ugly game both visually and thematically, Claire deserves so much better. Hopefully the rumors of a remake are true because this desperately needs a re-do.


Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
"It's pretty good with co-op" turns me into a boomer


Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 6
Unmitigated dogshit outside of some slight cooking they had with some new gameplay elements and mercenaries. The Sonic 06 of the series in how people want to say it's not bad actually because of those elements. By far the most curious I am about how Capcom will approach this in a remake since you'd probably have to make a completely different game with the mess that this is.


Resident Evil: Dead Aim
Resident Evil: Dead Aim
Another RE spinoff that is just so awful that it becomes weirdly good. The music and atmosphere are strong here but everything else kinda sucks. The gameplay is so awkward.


Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 0
Inessential. Don't even remake it either.


Resident Evil Outbreak File #2
Resident Evil Outbreak File #2
Capcom is too scared to remake this because it would aggressively embarrass their wretched re:verse and resistance efforts, even though they already are embarrassing by just existing.


Resident Evil Outbreak
Resident Evil Outbreak
Same as above but this is inferior.


Resident Evil Survivor
Resident Evil Survivor
This is absolute ass gameplay wise without the light gun feature but I had such a great time with this game's unhinged shit and I low key like Ark as the main character. Possibly the best game in terms of absurdly hilarious voice acting.



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