sweet, if a tad predictable at times. characters sometimes feel a tad...trite/cliche? but it had some really solid music+heartfelt moments. managed to get a tear out of me.

this one sadly fell flat for me. which is a shame bc i was expecting more from it.

its def a lot more amibitious than bear's resturant. more locations, a slink system, even decorations! but both the monotone gameplay + a really stiff translation holds it back alot.

(well, i assume its the translation moslty bc i got the feeling ALOT of characters personalities got lost with how always formal it felt, esp for characters i dont feel SHOULD be formal at all? could be wrong tho)

the music is neat tho. and i had fun decorating my place. but this one didnt really hit me emotionally as bears resturant.

def my fave out of all odencat games. feels more tighter, dialouge has more life to it than fishign paradiso (props to the localizer) and a neat little battle system where u focus on making ur human kid happy while fendign off enemies.

i admit that im just biased to huge monster+human buddy trope lol

i do wish we could have spent more time with the npcs tho. maybe some more side activities/optional scenes...?. oh well.

gotta give a shout out to the music. my fave ost of all odencat games.

really enjoyable gameplay loop and sick character designs. lots of varied runs u can make with different weapons and passive abilities.

the downside for me is the lacking narrative/character writing. what we get and see are all super intresting but not enough to leave me really satisfied. another is that the followes, while cute at first, kinda left me non attached as a whole (with the exception of my First). understandable bc you cant exactly craft several followers with unique personalities (esp since they have the risk of dying off) but alas.

i dig this game but as soon as the narrative quest where done i put it down without looking back. ill pick it up again mayhaps when the next update rolls around

i think this ones a solid. alot of the stuff from super metroid is here with some intresting new stuff (samus beign able to shoot from ladders/edges!), and a more in depth plot than ive seen from a metroid game so far

this one felt a tad mroe linear than im used to, and im not sure yet how i feel about it. made the adventrue easier in a way sure, but i do miss the sense of exploation i had in super metroid.

the plot wasnt amazing but im glad we got some characterization of samus and a glimpse to her past.

not as good as super metroid was for me but i likded it alot still.
not as high as super metroid was but def pretty good.

Probably the most persona spin off where im just kinda lukewarm on it.

Domt get me wrong, i think theres fun stuff here (fun music, cute character ineractions, solid new ones) but its all pretty ok. Tactica games arent usually my thing but the p5 flair is all over the place made me into it.

It's all...fine. just never really reaches good highs as strikers did for me. i would rec this if it goes on sale for p5 fans tbh bc at full price (as well as with that dlc lol) its a tad much

i can see why ppl were obsessed with this one lol. if i was a teenager and got my hands on it this wouldve stuck with me too.

anyways yeah this game does some really cool stuff, esp with how it "cinematic" it can be with the limits of ps1.

also the amount of "mini games" incoperated into the story was kind of a delight? idk made me feel like a kid again in all the best ways.

i love the main cast (not so much the optional side characters) and how they devolp. the battle system took a bit to get used to (not used to acting quickly in a turn based system haha) but once i got into it it was pretty fun! the music is solid as well

even if i got spoiled on some pretty big things (impossible not to be with these old iconic games) there was still momets that made go WOAH in the story in a lot of ways.

i think im gonna be a ff guy now and check out other games in the series. i also REALLY want to play remake/rebirth but i think crisis core is going to be next

"finished" meaning having completed the latest version. im looking froward to the next build.

short and fun. not much else to say. wish the text was more readable tho

same as before, short and cute but wish the etxt was more easier on the eyes. dig the companion system

Crash 1: stupidly hard. Never thought i would rage at a game but here we are. Otherwise its cool that we can play as coco. Wish we could in all stages. Squinting real hard at the racist carcitures also lol.

Crash 2: def alot easier. Could actually get 100% this time! So that was nice. Not really much to comment on.

Crash 3: probably my favorite of the bunch. More variety in levels, both in gameplay and looks. Bosses have actual personalities now! Pretty nice


The sense of ohh and ahh in this game was pretty damn solid. Really cool idea of grabbing instruction pages and see how your perspective shifts on certain things so you can explore new paths.

Was hard for me combat wise so im thankful for the god mode. Puzzles really upped at the end which kinda threw me off.

Pretty fun tho overall!

the original characters from this game (gensisi or angeal) didnt do it for as much as i hoped it did. alot of the highlights for me was zack's realtionship with the few characters from the original ff7 (aerith espcially).

the combat took a bit to get used to but once you get the hang of things it can be fun to mix and match different materia/skills. having characters/story being mixed into the dmw system was quite fun, even if cutscenes can be kinda repetive after a while (thank god you can skip them).

speaking of repetive, most the side missions you can take on can be pretty dull. only a few i found to have some sort of meat to them but they moslty consistof defeat this thing and not much else.

still, this game made me care alot about zack which was probably the primary goal here lol so mission accomplished. shout out to the really sick summon animations as well.

played the game on switch and didnt have any hickups. a few stutters here and there but nothing that bothered me.

REALLY good. reminded me why i love visuals novels in the first place. uminako/higurashi are still my top vns but this one is up there.

Just amazing production values, voice acting, music and so on. Solid characters, amazing chemstry and just all around really funny at times. Hugely recommend it. Really hope we get a sequel somehow bc there were stuff i woudlnt mind be expanded on.

This one was edned up pretty lukewarm for me. I had fun but not really something that resonated with me.

Everything is pretty ok. I dug the characters, even if i think tsuaba makes for a more compelling protag than itsuki (i like him, but the lack of a clea goal at the start+the protag worshipping made things a tad mixed.). i dig the overall cast tho and enjoyed their sidestories.

the sidequest arent exaclty anything to write home about. its ok. really wish there was a menu for all the request you had gathered up tho.

the music is fine, but no heavy hitters beyond reicarnation for me. The session system is fun, but once you get a hang of things you can just go take a drink due to how long it can take to finish up lmao.

the story is also just...fine. still. i cannot deny i cheered on when those super cheesy moments happened at the finale lol.

not really on the same level as a persona game but i dont think it needs to be. maybe if they ever contnue this series it could be more of its own thing? woudlnt mind seeing what they cook up in the future.