A rudimentary Hulk game without the Hulk. A lot of emphasis on weapons and vehicles that play to its detriment.

Controls take some getting used to, and getting lost often feels like a regress in progress. Overall, a fun time and a good transition to 3D for Metroid.

An amazing mech action game. The over world and sub weapons are lackluster. A rather short game, but very enjoyable experience.

An improvement on every aspect from the first game. One of the best character action games ever made.

An excellent sequel that compliments your understanding of the first game's deeper mechanics.

A goregous game with fun metroidvania gameplay. Though the open world sections feel tact on, and would've appreciated a more though out world and level design.

If you changed the name from Final Fantasy to anything else, it would probably be a good game, but as a Final Fantasy title it's super lukewarm. The story is segmented in DLC that leaves the main story feeling incomplete. The open world is bare bones, and combat and magic is boring as watching paint dry. No matter how pretty this game is, it cannot excuse its short comings.

An interesting premise that is floundered by a lack of tone and janky gameplay. Feels undercooked in a lot of places. Leaves a lot to be desired after playing it.

Meh. The story leaves a lot to be desired, as this feels like busywork before the main finale for the light saga. The new subclass is fun, but not as fun as the 3.0 classes. As a returning player, it did nothing to motivate me to stay again.

A time piece action platformer that's good from a historical standpoint, but does not age as gracefully as some of its contemporaries.

A huge learning curve that, once taught, becomes the most satisfying combat system in any game I've ever played.

I'm just not good at platformers. I didn't like replaying every level twice to get the full experience. The 2D and 3D fusion is cute. The self checkpoint system could've been more user friendly.

This game is incredibly addicting. Trying to piece together the world and what happened in it is a tantalizing experience. One that I can, and have, been going back to over and over again through the years, but just now getting a shot at beating it.

I have too much to say for this small box. While there are a lot of the same issues that FF15 experienced present in this game, the story is compelling. Frey's journey is relatable. The magic and parkour takes a while to adjust to, but once you master it, the game opens up a lot. Does not deserve the reputation it has.