I honestly forgot I played this, but I remember it being unironically great once DLCs started rolling out

God I do not fucking care I'm so bored

Pretty decent rogue-lite with quite a lot of build variety, but I found that it got repetitive much faster than some other rogue-lite titles, doesn't help that the first stage is always incredibly dull

Edit: my opinion on this game keeps going up the more times I finish it
I take back the whole "first stage dull" comment from 2BC onwards

As much as this game loves to piss me the fuck off, after finishing 5BC I honestly think it's a masterpiece. One of the greatest games ever created. I've never seen a game do difficulty so fucking well and still be almost entirely fair. An honest to god must-play

Fantastic main story, in fact probably one of the best RGG stories, but the side content left something to be desired imho, but the story was so fucking good that it still gets a high rating from me

Anyone who defends this deserves to have their Backloggd and any other social media account permanently suspended

I'm sorry, but the mission design in this game is too god damn bland for me to even bother finishing it

I stopped at mission 17 which, whilst near the end and I could've just finished it, I felt like I was wasting my time

Despite no prior Ace Combat experience, I REALLY enjoyed this game

My one main gripe really is that the game doesn't do a good job of teaching you how to play it, although I expect most are expected to have previous AC experience before hopping into this game. It's especially annoying that this is the case when the game is really punishing if you fuck up, setting you back 15 - 20 minutes of gameplay

Honestly, this game grew on me a lot during my playtime with it, even now I'm still not a huge fan of the over the shoulder perspective and a lot of the stat and power progression but the writing, set pieces, lore, and exploration are pretty fucking good

I dropped this because of a crashing problem at a specific point that I couldn't fix, but I'll give a few thoughts anyway:

Spiderman is the most annoying character known to man this game goes HARD on mute

The web-swinging and combat are actually decently cool, even if the latter is actually pretty mindless and you really don't need to use 99% of the tools the game gives you

The progression systems are largely, honestly, just mediocre. It's basically just generic AAA open world progression system stuff: an unneeded experience points system, upgrades that require you to complete Ubisoft-tier open world side content (of which open world is basically just a Ubisoft checklist of extra, mostly boring content)

Game is really pretty and the visual direction is... decent, the remaster did a lot for the graphics as a whole

I likely probably would've finished this if not for the aforementioned crashing issue (among some other PC port issues like having to turn off SMT to get maximum performance from the game) and I might end up finishing it later down the line if I can actually get my hands on the game and patches.

Pretty solid improvement over 2016 in a lot of ways gameplay wise, but I feel as though the story presentation is a step down as a bigger focus is placed on it this time round, whilst expecting you to read the codex entries to understand what's going on

pretty fun game, good OST, controls well, my main gripe honestly is just how arbritary getting some of the waddle dees is so I ain't gonna be replaying levels to get them lmao


Honestly extremely gas through and through

Neat idea, falls majorly short due to the lack of song selection, generally lackluster generic EDM music, lack of modding support and it doesn't commit very hard to being a rhythm game, not really punishing you for not shooting on rhythm

Story and music bang, but I'm not a big fan of SRPGs

For an SRPG fan though, this is probably an absolute must play